Cold Start: This Reads Like An Advertisement For An Android

Cs Stanard

If you read this headline and instead focus on that outline drawing of the guy and the dog, “New Standard Companion” sounds like it could be advertising an android friend. Or even a robot dog. None of it sounds like they’re selling a car, which they are, specifically a 1959 Standard Companion, a little 948cc British Estate Car.

These were such pleasingly homely little cars, unassuming and humble-seeming. I guess “Companion” isn’t too bad a name for them, even if it sounds a bit strange now. I could see that little putty-colored lump becoming a trusted companion, right?

17 thoughts on “Cold Start: This Reads Like An Advertisement For An Android

  1. Also sold in the US as the Triumph 10. Just saw one in the flesh at the Cars of England show held at Hope Lodge in southeastern PA this past weekend parked right next to a Triumph Herald.

    1. Triumph for the US because nobody would buy a Standard anything.
      Maybe Triumph 10 Buddy instead of a Standard Ten Companion.

      On the Android front, I was hoping that a Cherry 2000 wasn’t really a Datsun.

  2. I could see this car’s name causing lots of confusion back in 1959.

    Imagine if a typical bloke shows up at the front entrance of The Ritz in downtown London. He returns from a walk and asks the doorman for the concierge to provide him with his “Standard Companion” since he is ready to go.

    The doorman responds “Pardon me sir, but we do not provide that type of service here. Regardless, looking at you and that putty-colored lump on wheels you arrived in, you could not possibly afford ‘a standard companion’ at the rate she requires.

    The bloke walks away confused.

    1. In the same way that the British place a lot of emphasis on coupe, sedan, saloon, etc for a 2-door, 4-door, or upscale 4-door, an estate car is a station wagon

      1. One can, of course use ones estate car to collect guests from the station. The lower orders will have to make use of the station wagon although I believe many of these have been replaced by an omnibus service.

      2. Brits don’t say sedan. There’s no difference between a saloon and sedan other than what part of the world it’s used. Also, this side of the Atlantic, we use coupé rather than coupe.

    2. Estate car and station wagon are the same thing, the same body style evolved simultaneously in both countries, but from different sources. In the US, station wagons claim descent from horse drawn open wagons used to haul luggage between hotels and train stations in the 19th century, while, in the UK, they tended to evolve out of horse drawn carriages used by wealthy people for transporting their dogs, picnic supplies, hunting rifles, etc around their country estates. Shooting brakes, as luxurious, sporty, coupe-based wagons are probably the purest modern incarnation of that history

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