We Found The Best Use For A Rocket-Propelled Tesla: COTD


Earlier today, we learned that getting a Tesla Roadster to 60 mph in under a second might be possible. As it is, hitting 60 mph in 3-ish seconds is fast enough that it’s sometimes hard to wrap your head around. Under a second sounds mindblowing. But, assuming Tesla is able to achieve this, Jason Torchinsky questions what you’ll even be able to do with a car that accelerates that fast.

We found the answer to Jason’s question. What would you do with a rocket-powered Tesla? Canopysaurus has an idea:

What am I gonna do with it? Man, I’m finally gonna catch that fucking Roadrunner! As soon as I unpack it from that big ACME box, I’m gonna light the fires, burn some tires and rundown that prairie chicken. Hopefully, no one will paint a tunnel entrance on a canyon wall …

Wile E. Coyote

Next, let’s move to Lewin’s story about Ex-UFC fighter and comedian Brendan Schaub. He experienced a bad day when his Ram TRX failed to start spinning and instead rolled over. If you want to do circles in some sand, contributor Mark Tucker has some advice with this COTD winner:

He should have consulted Belinda Carlisle. If anyone knows how to do a circle in the sand, it’s her.

If you have no idea what Mark’s talking about, don’t worry, I’ll give you a quick rundown. Belinda Jo Carlisle was the lead singer for the all-female rock band the Go-Go’s. After the Go-Go’s broke up in 1985, Carlisle shifted to a solo career. You might know her for the song Heaven Is A Place On Earth. Mark is making a reference to the hit song Circle in the Sand:

Earlier today, David showed us a deep dive into the factory service manuals for the legendary General Motors EV1. In typical nerdy David fashion, this article was ridiculously long and detailed, which makes for some fantastic reading. The readers agree, with Totally not a robot saying:

“OK, since this article is on the verge of being a 5,000 word nerdfest”

But I would read 5,000 words, and I would read 5,000 more, if they were on the EV-1….

We thank all of you for reading all of the words we put on these pages. It’s pretty awesome to see and it warms our hearts. Have a great evening.

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18 thoughts on “We Found The Best Use For A Rocket-Propelled Tesla: COTD

  1. This is your reminder that Warner Brothers made a Wile E. Coyote movie and you’ll never see it because they shelved it for a tax writeoff.

  2. I beg to differ. References to the bangles isn’t near as on topic or as humorous as my comment going from donuts to donut holes. Really we need a criteria and a poll for COTD.

    1. That’s adorable! I thought that too, way back when I got my first one 😉

      *I don’t know how to do the stick out your tongue emoji, so, close enough 🙂

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