Let’s Give The Artists Behind Our Topshots Some Applause: COTD

Cotd Mission Accomplished

There is a whole process to the articles that you read every day on this site. Yes, a lot of it is exactly as you’d expect with the full-time writers and contributors submitting work to the editors before publishing. But that is not where the process ends. The editors and writers discuss headlines and the garnish on top is the topshot. Peter, Jason, and sometimes Matt make the bulk of the topshots around here and their work remains just incredible. We’ve even noticed that some other sites are now attempting to do their own custom topshots, but they aren’t quite like ours.


So, let’s appreciate our talented editors who also punch out great art. Yesterday, we revealed that David will be living in a Pontiac Aztek, but for some of you, the top that Matt made is what really nails it.

David Mission Accomplished

From Luxobarge:

Excellent use of W.’s “Mission Accomplished” banner. Right time period, right “worst is yet to come” vibe, no notes.

Seriously, thank you so much Matt, Pete, and Jason! While we’re in that article, I have to give a nod to Dave:

Can’t wait for move in day!

And our apologies to David’s girlfriend.

Has David discussed this with his girlfriend? Word on the street is that David recently went to a party where the lead actress from a hit television show was present. How does that even happen? Nothing exciting like that happens where I live unless you find cornfields particularly thrilling!

Over the weekend, I sold the diesel Volkswagen that I fell out of love with. The sale went sideways when the car immediately broke on the buyer. I didn’t know it was going to break so I felt guilty. The Autopian community is really awesome with good advice. Pisco Sour makes a great point:

The way you feel is valid, and I am not telling you that you “should” feel differently, but in my mind you can’t “unintentionally scam” someone. A “scam” is a purposeful act of deceit, and it’s clear you didn’t do that.

Just my $.02

Otter was quick to notice the little jab against my Passats that I noted in a picture:

There are three Passats in this picture.

At first I thought you might meant the brick house was the third, but it’s now clear you meant the dumpster.

And Data drove it home:

Gul Mercedes: How many Passats do you see?
Picard: There are two Passats.
Gul Mercedes: No, there are three Passats. How many Passats do you see?

Have a great evening, everyone!

Top graphic: Fulton Sylphon/Ebay seller

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16 thoughts on “Let’s Give The Artists Behind Our Topshots Some Applause: COTD

  1. I have absolutely noticed 2 or 3, to remain unnamed, auto outlets that have been *trying* and failing to do topshots like here. I’ll see them when scrolling thru Google News.. stop, notice it’s a sad ripoff and keep scrolling. It cracks me up.

  2. David is going to have to write a post, if not a book, about his Hollywood life glow-up.

    “How I Went From a Grease-Caked Detroit Rust Goblin To Rubbing Elbows With Hollywood TV Stars”

      1. We’ll just look for the next Hollywood actress to be photo’d in the tabloids, getting out of an i3, and we’ll know who it was, and that the infection is spreading.

    1. Just wait til he hooks up with Sydney Sweeney. Tongues will wag…
      And it will make The Enquirer or Entertainment Tonight.

      OK, another commenter has already stolen my star of choice.
      I will now sub in Roseanne Barr?

    2. I would love to be a fly on the wall for a conversation between “lead actress from a hit television show” and “Grease-Caked Detroit Rust Goblin”.
      I feel like it could go two very different ways. First, the 5 second realization that the other person is a complete alien to them, then they either 1) just move on, or, 2) they talk to each other for quite a while, neither really understanding what the other is talking about, but still completely fascinated, each of them feeling like they’ve just met the most bizarre zoo animal.

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