Quantum Leap Is Tearing This Blog Apart – The Autopian Podcast


It’s Wednesday, so that means it’s time for another The Autopian Podcast and today’s podcast sees our resident designer Adrian Clarke discussing the 2024 Ford Mustang and his feelings about the design. But perhaps more importantly, we get to bring you into a debate that’s been weighing on all of us here: Do people know what Quantum Leap is?

NBC is relaunching Quantum Leap, the sci-fi show about a time-traveling scientist dude who tries to correct historical wrongs. It was a show from the 1980s and it was alright, I think? I’m not sure I’ve watched an entire episode all the way through but I do know what the show is.

The NBC reboot may be good or it may be bad, but the prop department royally screwed up when it designed the worst shifter imaginable. Jason wanted to write about it, but our own David Tracy took issue with the concept that people know what Quantum Leap is.

Here’s Slack:


This debate raged for some time with Jason and I trying to convince David that he’s a crazy person and his very limited perspective is less applicable than our perspective. To make this interesting, David, Jason, and I are almost each exactly ten years apart in age from one another.

David, who has 900 brothers, asked them if they knew. He assumed this was scientific somehow:

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I’m under 40, for the record, and I’m aware of what it is. I said: Let’s poll this. Let’s just do a Twitter poll. More than 600 of you answered and these were the results.


Is that good enough? Not for David. David then insisted that only people at a Walmart would be the right people to ask. We were a little busy with the Detroit Auto Show but our wonderful video crew and editor, Tiziano, went and did it for us. You can hear the results in the podcast or watch it in the video above (worth it to watch that part of it).

To listen to the podcasts episodes you can go to Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Podcasts, or you can use the RSS feed and point your favorite Podcast player at it.

I’m embedding the three most recent episodes below if you want to listen to it from your browser. Please like, subscribe, rate, et cetera.

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