Season Two Of The Autopian Podcast Is Coming With A New Sponsor. What Do You Want To See?

Podcast S2 Top Marble

Based on the emails, tweets, and one disturbing piece of mail made up of letters exclusively from the October 1993 issue of Cat Fancy we’ve received, it seems like y’all have been hankering for the return of The Autopian Podcacst with Beau, Jason, and David. Great news! It’s coming back and it’ll be even better than ever. Plus, we’ve added Marble as an Autopian partner and sponsor. Details and questions below.

We’ll be recording new episodes of the podcast shortly, and will begin to publish them on Wednesdays like we did in season one. We’re not planning on significantly overhauling what’s worked, but we do want to hear what we can do to improve it. Specifically:

  • Are there any guests you’d like to see on the show?
  • Are there any topics you’d like to have us address?
  • Are there any recurring segments you’d like us to do?
  • How did you like the Q&A episode, should we do more?

We’ve Got A Great Sponsor


This season of the show will be sponsored by Marble, which is the first (and only) all-in-one insurance management and rewards platform. Many of us have signed up and started using it and it works really well. Basically, this free service allows users to quickly and easily monitor all of their different insurance policies by keeping them in one place [Ed Note: Good, because I’m planning on getting classic car insurance from a different provider than my regular insurance, so this will be clutch. -DT]. Plus, Marble will alert you to any changes or expirations to your policy, including potential rate increases. You can download the app or just use the website.

Why is it called Marble? Because, if you use it, you’ll get rewarded with “marbles” you can redeem for things like Starbucks or Target gift cards. I’m pretty sure David’s already spent all his marbles on spaghetti.

If you want to support us and support the podcast please sign up here.

Not only will Marble be sponsoring the podcast, we’ll also get some posts from them explaining how insurance works, including at least one from their CEO, who is a licensed insurance agent. Let us know below if you have any questions you’d like him to answer.

Here Were Last Seasons Most Popular Episodes

If you want to catch up, you can go to Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Podcasts, or you can use the RSS feed and point your favorite Podcast player at it. I’m also embedding the five most popular podcasts below:

Look for our first new podcast to drop soon, and we’d love some recommendations on guests you’d like to hear from!

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31 thoughts on “Season Two Of The Autopian Podcast Is Coming With A New Sponsor. What Do You Want To See?

  1. I would love it if you folks looked into the consistent rumors that BMW, through MINI, explored reintroducing the Triumph sports car brand into the US right around 2004. What I always hear is that many MINI dealers did not want the complexity of a second brand, and we eventually got the MINI Roadster instead. Is it true?

  2. A more even sound quality, maybe I just remember the Australia ones a bit lacking in sound quality because of Davids headphones.

    But if the content is good it’s not a dealbreaker for me, just a plus.

  3. Loved season 1, my ideas:

    1. Eastern Bloc cars: especially trabants, tatras, the Maluch, and the bukhanka
    2. episodes where you guys talk with eachother about whatever–you all have awesome chemistry.
    3. David Tracy roadtrips with shitbox cars
    4. the foreign and obscure cars
    5. microcars

    stoked for the next season, please make as many episodes as possible

  4. Topics I would like to see dicussed & goes with guests I would like to hear on the podcasts:
    History of Cars – Brand, Obscure, Exclusive cars for one part of the world
    Experts for those.
    I know that is pretty wide and sweeping but I really love learning the history behind cars from different parts of the world. I know it wouldn’t be a weekly thing for this cause it would take time to plan and get people for it.

    Going with the history of Cars – How did the US get the 25 year import Ban?
    I do know the story behind this but a lot of people don’t. I think this would be something you guys could talk about.

    Besides that I have really enjoyed the topics and guest you guys have had.

  5. I’m pretty sure David’s already spent all his marbles on spaghetti.”

    So Shower Spaghetti has finally made David lose his marbles?

    I’ll see myself out.

  6. I like keeping what works and adding more.

    More Q/A works.

    The beyond the slack/peek into the inner workings was awesome.

    For guests, first I am thinking of different writers come on and tell their story. Also open this up to Members. That in addition to insiders and youtube stars (Hoovie, Car Wizard, SamCrac, etc.) would be a good addition.

    A recurring segment could be user emails. Much like Q/A but more of a targeted question would like the panel of “experts” to answer.

  7. Random thoughts:

    • More Torch and David “Spill the Tea” segments. Good pros/cons discussions are usually informative as well as entertaining.
    • Interviewing or profiling unsung heroes of car culture. The Brubaker interview last year was great. He is a really accomplished designer that I doubt many people knew about.
    • Maybe some car history segments. I just listened to a “Stuff You Should Know” podcast about the first cross-country road trip in 1903.
    • Tech talks/future of cars type discussions. “StarTalk” with Neil DeGrasse Tyson had Jason Fenske from Engineering Explained on to discuss performance limits of cars and how 0-60 times can exceed what NDT calculated would be the limit based on a max coefficient of friction of 1.
    • If one of you is unavailable in a given week, rather than skip, why not let one of the other Autopian staff guest host?
  8. October 1993 issue of Cat Fancy

    It was actually the September 1993 issue! I mean… Nothing!!!

    I enjoyed the first season greatly. Just keep doing more of that

  9. For each episode, David and Jason drive in a vehicle provided by Mercedes (the blogger), wearing clothes provided by Adrian, to a location chosen by Patrick, where they record the episode at 3 am in a motel chosen by David, while Jason wears a heart rate monitor to measure his rage and Beau chuckles at them remotely.

  10. What I want to see? Im okay with audio only podcasts. Since you guys for the most part are California based, Id like you to check out the ReCycle Garage in Sunny Santa Cruz. Its a Community based motorcycle repair shop. They also do a podcast (Motorycles and Misfits), I’m hoping for a cross over episode.

    1. Seconded on the audio only since I’m listening in my car. It is kind of annoying when they put up a picture and then belatedly acknowledge that some of us are driving at the time. I’m not saying don’t include visuals, just plan for describing what’s going on before discussing the visual amongst yourselves.

      1. The podcast about the Japanese car book was especially difficult to listen to. I had to pull up the youtube edition when I got home and fast forward to all the pictures. I don’t really know how to fix that though. Maybe more reference pics in the blog post?

      2. Other podcasts (our bmx unclicked podcast) I listen to warns in the description when there is a higly visual episode so can wait with that episode if you want the full experience.

  11. First off, we need this shower spaghetti recipe.

    Secondly, why spaghetti?! Have you not discovered better pastas that include cheese? Noodles can be such a marvelous cheese delivery system! I know lasagna is probably a bit messy for shower consumption, but tortellini is all but designed to keep shower water out of the cheese!

    (Otherwise, IDK. Bring on some real weirdos. Maybe make Patrick talk.)

  12. Guest interviews are my favorites – I’d love to see you use your reach and influence to nab luminaries throughout the automotive spectrum. My #1 wish would be Georg Kacher, an international auto journalist I’ve been following since the 80s.

    1. This sounds good to me. Journalists, celebrities who love cars, car designers/engineers – pretty much anyone who might have interesting insights, thoughts, or hot takes on the automotive world. Much like how I find the discussions about a how a particular TV show is made more interesting than the show itself, getting a bit more behind the curtain of the automotive industry would be my jam.

  13. Loved the first season, you guys really got into the groove quick. Excited for second season. If possible, it would be cool to get some more takes on car-news and new car tests/reviews. Other than that, the guests have been phenomenal and the vibes are immaculate.

  14. Since David has gone fully Hollywood, how about segments with famous people and what cars they like and drive. You know like the old top gear segment, stars in slow cars or what ever it was called. Just don’t do the track portion lol

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