Not All Heroes Wear Capes: COTD

Mechanic, Technician Man Holding Clipboard And Check The Car Eng

Earlier today [Ed note: Yesterday, my bad you guys – MH] , Thomas Hundal reported on image-hosting site Imgur’s recent announcement that it will be deleting a bunch of old photos starting May 15, and that could make wrenching at home more difficult–you know, because a picture is worth a thousand words etc., which is why DIY articles are full of ’em.
Imgur Grab

Well, there’s some good news on the DIY-with-photos front from reader stevegolf, who dipped into the comments to shamelessly plug his website, DIY Auto. Let me tell you something Steve: there is absolutely no shame in that! In fact, we’ll put a link to DIY Auto right here: DIY Auto, The Ultimate Gearhead Encyclopedia.Steve Golf

We’ll take a look around the site and encourage everyone reading to do the same, and we wish you all the best in your new endeavor. Give our regards to the rest of the DIY Auto gang–and keep goin’!

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6 thoughts on “Not All Heroes Wear Capes: COTD

  1. Woah! Thanks so much guys! We are a tiny 2 man operation so we really appreciate the shoutout! I’d recommend visitors check out our build page, you can filter build threads by make and model. It was so much fun back in the forum days to read and follow fellow gearheads build threads and we are trying to bring that back, as well as make sure these awesome threads aren’t lost to time.

  2. I’d much rather see advertisements for this kind of thing than some product i’m never going to buy. I get that these wouldn’t pay the bills, but maybe you could slip in a free banner ad here and there for community projects.

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