I’m At A Lemons Race So If You’re Here Come Say Hello!: Cold Start

Pao Track1

Last night I drove three hours through the dark, under wildly starry skies, over backroads in my little 52 hp monster and now find myself at Carolina Motorsports Park, where I’ll be helping to judge the Lemons Race going on here today. Should be fun! Well, hot and long today especially , as we’re doing tech and cheater/bullshit inspections, but it’s still always fun. So, if you or someone you care about, deeply, is out here for the race, come by the judges’ shtetl and say hello!

Paotrack 2

Last night was dark enough that I really got to appreciate these big yellow foglamps. They even helped me spot a line of foolhardy deer that crossed in front of me, making me stand on my brakes and have many awful flashbacks of my last encounter with nature’s biggest, furriest idiots.

Anyway, if you don’t hear much from me today on the site, this is why: I’m here, at Lemons, pretending like I know what I’m doing.

26 thoughts on “I’m At A Lemons Race So If You’re Here Come Say Hello!: Cold Start

  1. Cool to get to shake hands with the one and only Torch, somehow I was not surprised in the slightest to see you rocking a mechanical typewriter next to a race track. Never change. 🙂

  2. Deer are indeed nature’s biggest, furriest idiots. They are overgrown rodents with half the brain and I hate them. Did not feel this way quite so powerfully until I nailed one doing 70 in the wife’s minivan. Van actually did really well, and bambi briefly learned to fly.

    1. Driving through Des Moines New Mexico in my van towing our cargo trailer just after sunrise I glanced left as an actual Phone Booth caught my eye when BAM. Holy shit! Sure enough..a deer. It was lying in the road. I was able to drive up to a gas station and ultimately was able to get a replacement radiator installed and continue on home to Denver. I walked back to the impact spot and the deer was gone.

    1. One of the first times I saw a moose in the wild was driving in Maine in the middle of the night. There seemed to be two people carrying a canoe above their heads in the lane ahead of me. I was young and not experienced with the actual size of mooses. I waited paitiently until Mr. Moose decided to vacate the lane.

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