What Are Your Favorite Movie, TV, and Anime Cars That Aren’t The Usual Suspects?

Movie Cars Aa Ts

Make no mistake, we absolutely love Back to the Future‘s DeLorean time machine, KITT from Knight Rider, The Munsters‘ Koach and Dragula, and all the Batmobiles minus the Joel Schumacher ones. But for this round of cool-cars from the screens both small and silver, we want to hear about your favorites that aren’t the all-time greats. Not the usual suspects, as beloved as they may be. Give us your deep pulls. You know, stuff like this:

Hollywood Cars Collage

From the top, that’s the AMC Hornet James Bond corkscrew-jumps in To Live and Let Die, the Porsche 911 from Death Race (2008), Jim Rockford’s Firebird (performer of TV’s finest J-turns), and the hot-rod Fiat 500 from Lupin III–the directorial debut of Hayao Miyazaki. He’s done a few things.

So watcha got? Whether your picks are over the top (like the Damnation Alley Landmaster included in the top shot), super obscure (like the Italdesign Aztec from Frankenstein Unbound, also in the top shot) or just regular cars that are well-cast, we want to hear about ’em. And throw in some stinkers too, why not. There’s no rules.

See you in the comments!

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312 thoughts on “What Are Your Favorite Movie, TV, and Anime Cars That Aren’t The Usual Suspects?

  1. Jim Halpert’s Saab 9-2
    Micheal’s Sebring and PT convertibles.
    Jan and Creed’s Porsches
    Meredith’s Aerostar
    Dwight’s Trans am
    Stanley’s 300
    Packer’s Vette
    Darryl’s truck
    Pam’s Yaris
    And since it seems like we’re also counting non-cars, The Maid of the Mist

  2. There is only one answer.

    Smokey’s Pontiac Firebird.

    Distant second is Speed Racer’s Mach V.

    Even more distant third is the white Countach from Cannonball Run.

    Final Word. :))

  3. Deep pull? The 1970 Honda Z getaway 1986 Australian cult classic “Malcolm”. The car splits into 2 motorcycles to evade the cops.

  4. It think this has officially gone from “Favorite Obscure Cars” to “What weird ass deep cut vehicle can I think of that nobody else has”

    Good times

  5. Aaand because I looked through the comments and didn’t see these:

    The EM50 Urban Assault Vehicle (AKA B.G.A.M.D.) from Stripes

    Dennis Weaver’s 1971 Valiant in Duel
    and whatever that big ass truck was.

  6. The Citroën DS from the Goddess of 1967 or the one from Cold Fever.
    Today I learned there are at least two movies about Japanese men road tripping across foreign countries in vintage Citroën DS’s!

  7. I love all the Dacia 1300s that appear in early seasons of Archer (Cyril Figgis drives one!). Actually, I love all cars in Archer, that show goes to amazing lenghts to make the cars interesting (almost always real models). The abundance of nonsensical european cars in their alternative New York in early seasons is a detail I just love. But as they started to make the cars more realistic to the american setting, the attention to detail actually improved a lot, and it’s clear that the showrunners are into cars. Just the other day I was rewatching an episode that has a 70s american station wagon, and in some shots the tailgate is down and the detail goes all the way to the tailgate lock. I think that’s just beautiful.

    1. Actually, the cars in the Archer universe are very much deserving of an article, and they’re very often central to the plot of the episodes: Archer’s birthday Charger, the El Camino, Krieger’s vans, Pam’s RHD Mazda Capella RX-2, Ron Cadillac’s… Cadillacs. The list goes on and on.

      1. Oh man, how could I not mention Lana’s purple Vantage. That show is just chock-full of interesting cars. Gillette briefly appears driving a Triumph TR6, if I remember correctly.

        The show’s IMCDb page is just nuts.

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