Oh, Hello Up There: Cold Start

Cs Lookup1

I need to hop on an airship to head back home after the Great Autopian Business Synod here in New York, and since I’ll be aloft, strapped into the security harness on the wall of the airship, I figured now is a good time to show you one of my favorite car brochure conceits that involves looking up. Well, specifically, it’s almost always women looking up, through a sunroof or T-top. Not exactly sure why this was A Thing once, but it was.

Cs Lookup2

Chrysler seemed to be an especially big fan of this, though you see it from other marques as well. If they want to show some kind of opening hole in a roof, they’d take a picture from above, revealing a woman in the car, either with an “oh, hello, I didn’t see you there, hovering over my car” look or sometimes an “oh, you, floating over the car again!” look like the woman right above there.

Very rarely you’d see a different sort of look up type opening roof approach, where instead of the model looking up at us, floating above, we’re the ones looking up, from below, through the roof hole:

Cs Lookup3

Anyway, if you look up in a bit, wave, because maybe I’ll be there.

35 thoughts on “Oh, Hello Up There: Cold Start

  1. Generally, the looking down through the sunroof shot will provide a somewhat more flattering result vs those of the low angle up-from-the-footwell variety (i.e.: “the upskirt”). Also, a down angle POV will have the potential for cleavage, which I imagine has helped sell more than a few cars over the years (abundant décolletage in a print ad or commercial, thus implying that the purchase of said vehicle might cause the owner to have more similar encounters (or at least the potential for it) in his daily routine).

  2. It is a sexist thing. Guy likes pretty girl looking up at him. Of course she is thinking why is this guy 10 feet ocer my head, thank god i am being paid for this.

  3. As someone who “was there” at the time it was pretty well known that a hole in the roof actually eliminated the issue of a small interior. Especially for various non parent approved activities. Some of my happiest memories are related to the roofs of cars. “Ate more chicken than any man ever seen” Jim Morrison. I miss those days.
    Thankfully we never had any kids…Enough said.

  4. I thought of heading to Gray’s Papaya on 72nd Street for lunch yesterday in the hopes of spotting Torch in the wild, but my tummy got the better of me and I chose to east delightful Uighur food rather than doing celebrity stalking.

      1. Hey the sixties were buxom wide body brunettes. The younger generation went skim and trim blondes. It has been going on for centuries in the art world. SURPRISE.

    1. Is she an actress? She looks familiar, but I can’t come up with a name. Marketing might’ve bucked the status quo if they were going for some name recognition.

  5. “Moonglow” another euphemism for untanned ass-cheeks at night. And why does that lady look like she is being held captive by the Aqua Velva man.

  6. The last woman has you bound and gagged and stuffed in the passenger footwell, and she’s about to take away your final view of the sky…ever.

      1. Yeah, agreed it’s probably the best of them – I had that one in poster version in my college dorm room! Bought it at Tower Records!

      1. I looked up through my Chrysler Crossfire’s sunroof pane
        Cause as I drive round I look up now and then
        A blimp fell down in a big fiery flash of flames

        I was lookin’ through my sunroof as I pass, pass, passed
        Jumpin’ Jack Flash that was some real flammable gas!

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