I May Have Trapped Jason In An Incidental ‘Cask of Amontillado’ Type Deal – Tales From The Slack

Sorry Jason Image

In Edgar Allen Poe’s haunting short story “The Cask of Amontillado” (read it in full here), the narrator, Montresor, is pretty steamed at his frenemy Fortunato. Rather than hug it out, Montresor decides to lure the oenophilic Fortunato into a wine cellar to enjoy the eponymous rare cask of Italian wine. Once Furtunato is drunk, Montresor literally builds a wall to entomb his buddy. It’s pretty dark.

It’s a pretty shitty way to go and I feel kinda bad that I may have accidentally done this to Jason. See, we made a media partnership with a company that involved Jason speaking at a conference and listening in on some interesting panels. Unfortunately, and for reasons we don’t entirely understand, the panel was cancelled. This wouldn’t have been a huge deal as Jason was already going to be in town for the Detroit Auto Show and, at the very least, he could go hang out for a day.

Then Goodwood happened and, at the last minute, Jason went flying across the ocean to England and then had to fly back for this conference. In theory, Jason could have just rolled in late, but our partner (and we do our best to be a good partner) informed us he was going to introduce Jason to everyone in the morning during the keynote. It would be rude not to be there. Which meant that Jason would have to skip all the fun The Autopian staff was having and go to a conference very early in the morning.

Let’s see how that went:

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Allegedly, one of our members used our free/discounted code to go. I hope you said hi to Jason and had a great time!

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The Internet seems to have eaten all records of this, but Spinelli can confirm that in around 2008 two journalists got into a fight in the New York Auto Show press room and one threw a chair and yelled “I’m from the streets.” I would be very grateful if someone could locate that video.

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Again, my bad you guys. Please don’t share this with the nice folks at the conference. We are trying to be nice.

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Then, for the rest of the day, Jason just dropped in occasionally with bits of wisdom.

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See, it’s fun!

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Well, that’s nice. Maybe it was worth it.

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This is important.

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I think this presentation is: Can You Imagine Heating Each Interior Surface? We Can!

I love the “We Can!” at the end of that title.

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Things were starting to look up when…

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Fuck. I forgot everyone was going on an adventure without Jason.

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I actually want to read about the movable knob. I’m sure it’ll be great. Right? Right…

And this is how I got fired.

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39 thoughts on “I May Have Trapped Jason In An Incidental ‘Cask of Amontillado’ Type Deal – Tales From The Slack

  1. Did Jason arrive late enough so that all that was left were cinnamon bagels, or is that ALL they ordered?

    If the latter, that borders on a human rights violation. The panel/conference hosts ought to be taken before the ICC.

  2. Why do I feel like ya’ll just pack up Jason in a box with a couple cans of potted meat and a cocktail napkin with vaguely-phrased instructions and then ship him off to his next location? And why does Jason let you do that?

  3. Before you get fired, some of us (just me, really) are trying to get Jason to pose next to a brown and black bear for a size comparison. Can you make that happen?

    1. It was a good literary reference. I hadn’t read CoA for a long time.

      Not an English major, but I was a little disappointed by the lack of the subjunctive on the HMI slide.

      1. My iPhone autocorrects “were” to “we’re,” presumably assuming that most people don’t know how to use apostrophes, but that those who do also double-check spellings before sending. But even still, “if branded HMI were love” still needs a colon (or at least an ellipsis).

  4. Two things.
    One, I LOLed enough at this article that my wife came from her office to investigate.
    Two, I thought Furtunato was already drunk when they went down the stairs? Maybe that’s just how I remember the story, it’s been a while since I’ve read it.

    1. Yeah that’s what I remember too.
      It is going back to high school English for me, half a century ago, I thought instead of a cellar it was in catacombs and remember the unFortunato complaining of nitre and dampness. I think the cask was merely a lure to get him down there, I’m not sure it existed. Now I’ve got to read it again I guess, ’cause those memories were in my hazy days.

    2. He was drunk. Even so, I don’t think I could be persuaded to go into the catacombs with a man carrying a trowel. Fortunato deserved his end, even if only by this lack of simple perceptiveness.

  5. Re the Detroit Historical Society, do they have the Mustang II concept on display, or is it in that storage area? I understand it drives even. It’s on my bucket list to see someday.

    And I’ll be the first….please refrain from tasting the knob!

          1. I’ve been seeing this car since I was a kid, and at first was confused why a Mustang II didn’t look like a Pinto… Would love to hear more about this one.

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