The Galpin Car Show Was Massive And Amazing And So Was Our Little Corner Except For The Massive Part

Cs Galpinshow 23

Oy, am I tired. Like, deep-fried double-oak-barreled tired, the tired you can only get from waking up at 4 am and pushing a bunch of microcars across a busy intersection then bring out in the hot sun for hours and hours and drinking two gins and tonics and then more sun and ending it with pushing those same microcars back across the busy intersection. But it was all worth it, because it was all done in service of the Ninth Annual Galpin Car show, and holy hams, was it huge and amazing.

Even better, The Autopian had our own little corner, complete with four microcars (Messerschmitt KR250, Peel P50, Berkeley Sports SE328, and Bantam delivery van) and David’s Jeep, precariously perched on a rock.

There was an astounding turnout of cars, all kinds of cars, from Edsels to Citroëns to Zagatos to Maseratis to Jaguars to Volkswagens to Lotuses to everything else in between, and plenty of things that defied easy categorization. We’ll have more content and videos and magic lantern shows about the show to come, but until then, why not enjoy this little overview video starring David and myself? What could it hurt?

Did I mention I was tired? I am. deeply. So I’m going to let that video do the talking, because I need to catch a flight tomorrow morning.

Oh, and to the Autopian readers we saw out at the show, thank you so much for coming out! That means a lot to us!


17 thoughts on “The Galpin Car Show Was Massive And Amazing And So Was Our Little Corner Except For The Massive Part

  1. Holy $h!t, what a great show. We were going to hang for 30 minutes and leave, took us over 2 hours to get through the whole show. I was blown away by the sheer scale and size of the Galpin footprint. I wanted to say hi to Torch, but some dude just wouldn’t stop bending his ear. Show highlights were the James Hetfield cars and 2 (!!) Lagondas. I’ve never seen one in person, 2 was AWESOME. Thanks to Galpin and Autopian, just an incredible show.

  2. Saw the video.

    Damn is that Evija massive in size. I suspect it takes as much space in the road as the even heavier Eletre. And it weighs as much as my old Mercedes 300 SDL. I don’t get the appeal. I like the 2,000 horsepower part, but that’s about it, and I’d rather have less power in exchange for less size and less mass if given a choice. Lotus could make a sub 2,500 lb EV hypercar if it really wanted to.

    That short wheelbase VW van has a shorter wheelbase than my custom trike. Given its mass and center of gravity, no way is it stable after 40 mph or so. I bet it’s terrifying to drive over 40 mph.

    The Peel P50 is indeed small. In terms of mass, smaller is possible, but for more speed, you’ll want a longer wheelbase, and for aero drag, less height/width and more attention to airflow. Building a modern equivalent out of lighter materials, lower, longer, slimmer, more streamlined, could yield potentially 4-digit MPGs with a small 1-cylinder ICE of under 49cc.

  3. This looks like it was a blast and glad y’all could put it on. Any chance we can get an actual picture gallery? I watch approximately zero video content on the internet.

  4. Looking forward to watching this video later tonight when I get the time.

    I hope I get to see a grin of microcars being driven by a dipshit of Autopians at some point as well.

  5. Oh man that bit with trying to put the bumper sticker on the Evija, that was hilarious. The guy was a good sport but you know he wanted to slap all of you haha. Should have tried to get one on the underside of the spoiler though, you may have gotten away with it for a couple hours.

  6. You aren’t supposed to push the cars from the front! You get tired!

    You are supposed to push from the back. You get exhausted!

    I’ll see myself out.

    1. In the alternate universe where Jason never moved back to North Carolina and is still LA-based, he’d have been excused from daily in-person editorial meetings months ago anyway.

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