Ask Autopian Writers Whatever You Want (Within Reason) Right Here, Right Now

Ask Ta Final2

It’s been a while since we’ve had a chat — one between just you, dear Autopian member, and us Autopian writers. We can talk about whatever you like. You can ask questions about not-cars if you can think of any (I cannot), and you can of course give us feedback on the site. Or you can just say”what’s up”! It’s all up for grabs!

It’s October. The Autopian has been around for 1.5 years now. How are we doing in your eyes? How are YOU doing? What does your car-world look like these days? Wrenching? Visiting car museums? Photographing cool machines you see on the streets? Racing? Gaming? Reading? Cruising (like Huibert below)?


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Car culture is so multifaceted, and there are so many ways to be a car-person. How are you doing it today?

OK, I need to stop asking all these questions — it’s your turn! Hit us in the comments!

Topshot Credit: Bring a Trailer

258 thoughts on “Ask Autopian Writers Whatever You Want (Within Reason) Right Here, Right Now

  1. Question #1: What do you want the automotive industry of the future to do?

    Question #2: What do you think the future of the automotive industry will end up being?

    Answers can be as broad or specific as you want. I’m curious to hear thoughts from all the Autopian staff.

  2. David, did you get my pitch about a 70+ years history of American dinosaurs racing in South America? 😉
    Adrian, what’s your take on the design of the Ford Sierra?
    Jason, have you ever considered EV-ing your motorhome?
    All staff: home made baklava, anyone?

      1. Italian and Spanish descent here, but there was an Italian-Lebanese grocery store close to home when I was a kid. It was heaven.
        Then pandemics came when I lived in Kosovo, and I self-taught a couple regional dishes. Magic.

      2. I gotta be in the mood for baklava, because I generally find it very sweet. But those little guys wrapped in the leaves? PUT THEM STRAIGHT IN MY SNACK HOLE.

  3. I’m now the caretaker for my family’s ’66 Mustang. My dad was the mechanic, and I’d like to do him proud and tackle as much of the work on it as possible myself. What would recommend as places to start learning engine workings, transmission workings, and stuff like that. I can do some things… I have changed brakes and some interior stuff in the past, but I’m totally lost on so much of the real nitty-gritty stuff. Any advice would be tremendously appreciated!!

  4. Has David held off on doing a mega write up on his move to LA out of fear that an extradition request from Michigan might still be a possibility related to whatever environmental hazards might be found at his old place and the article might be incriminating?

  5. Thanks to all of you at The Autopian for creating something really special. This site is the only one I read every single day (multiple times a day, really), thanks to an amazing mix of interesting content, fun writers and super-cool and chill members. I can’t imagine how much work goes into this, but I hope you all are able to take a moment occasionally and appreciate what you’ve built (even though “appreciation” doesn’t pay the bills).

    Now, then: what’s your favorite car owned by one of your fellow Autopians?

      1. I was not expecting the UNO Reverse!

        The Autopian team members have such great and individual taste in cars … it’s difficult to pick. Is a Changli better than an MGB? Does a car count if it’s not running? However, here’s my list.

        Win: Adrian’s Mondial. Gorgeous when new, iconic now.
        Place: Mercedes’ RTS. I love that she owns an actual city bus.
        Show: David’s Golden Eagle. The thought of him (or Huibert, for that matter) driving that thing around LA gives me such “Rockford’s dad” vibes (iykyk).

        Honorable mention to Stevie’s Stratus. Just on a value-for-money scale, the thing is off the charts. Plus, the hood pins add 2 hp each.

  6. Is it OK to ask for more motorbike content? I only got into riding when I discovered how expensive car racing is. Now I’m hooked. I want to hear more opinions from Ms. Streeter!
    — Rob S. (W123, 4Runner, DRZ400SM custom, Niken, WR250R ADV)

    1. Deal!!! As David says, we’re also bringing on a second person with more experience than me. It’s hard to cover motorcycles, cars, planes, trains, and campers all at once! 🙂

    1. It’s not been published yet, but this weeks Damn Good Design I’m pretty pleased with, because it’s exactly the sort of thing I like bringing to the site, even if it did turn out a bit longer than I wanted (there’s a lot of history/context/background in there).

      1. I’m gonna go the “unpublished yet” route too. I’ve worked my ass off to get you guys a great article on some pretty serious piece of engineering and the science behind it.

      1. All of your articles are awesome!
        -Favorite on The Autopian:
        Project Cactus saga=amazing!

        Favorite on [old site]:
        -Soaking oil in shirts to make them match=funniest car article ever!

  7. Everyone decides now is the time to live a quarter mile at a time. Meeting at an undisclosed location on the streets of Los Angeles. Winner is new boss. You can only bring a vehicle that is currently titled in your name. Who among you will be the new fearless leader?

      1. Yeah, Huibert would smash us all

        It would probably be a close race between Thomas’ Boxster and my Valiant Charger for second-quickest in the stable with my WRX not far behind them.

        On the other end, my girlfriend’s Suzuki Mighty Boy would take the trophy for slowest car. It can’t even manage 60mph on level ground!

        1. *Huibert

          My apologies to The Man Himself for quick typin’ and multitaskin’.

          Also, I think my XK would give your Charger and TH’s Boxster a good run, mate!

          1. Sorry Mark, I forgot about the 300C!

            It seems the race for second-place car would be tight after the bikes leave us in the dust and Huibert flys past with sunglasses on and A/C cranked up, we have a mass of cars with listed 1/4 miles in the low 14-second range.

            My Charger has a a 265ci ‘Hemi’ six with better than the vaunted E49 specifications and the oft-quoted 14.4 was done back in ’72 so if all goes right I could see a better time with better tyres and a bit more power over the original.

            My WRX isn’t stock, either and makes more at the wheels than it was quoted at the crank in 2006. The trouble here is I still have the 5-speed gearbox and would rather not scatter that across the bitumen so in reality it’s probably not in the race.

            The Jag and the 300C would be much easier to get consistent times from, and the Boxster might have a traction advantage on the street.

            Maybe we should all hit our local tracks and compare notes?

            1. Honestly, I think races between the slower cars would be more fun. Can my truck outrun Jason’s Pao? Maybe, if I don’t screw up the 1-2 shift. Can a J10 outrun a Smart? Inquiring minds want to know!

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