You Did What With Your Gearshift? COTD


Typefaces are important in the automotive world. A good typeface and kerning can make the difference between you driving a KIA and hitting Google to figure out what the heck a “KN” car is. As Jason demonstrated this morning in his Cold Start, this also applies to advertising materials and brochures. Do you want to write something out in all caps? Be sure to view your work at a distance so you can ensure your FINGER-FLICK transmission doesn’t suddenly become a FINGER-FUCK transmission. I suppose this brings a whole new meaning to going on a pleasurable drive.

Naturally, our readers brought the laughs, and we have too many funny comments to highlight. From Mark Tucker:

So what I’m seeing is that this car can’t get you all the way home. It always stops at third base.

Next is A. Barth with:

Ages ago I did a similar double-take with a video store poster for one of Mr. Eastwood’s movies: it said CLINT.

Frankencamry dredged up an old piece of Internet lore:

I wonder if you could rent it at the MEGAFLICKS video store?

DriveSheSaid offers solid advice:

The solution is proper KERNING! USE IT!

And Ron had the best reply:


Believe it or not, Megaflicks was a real thing. Years ago, it was a video rental store located in New Port Richey, Florida. The video rental store is long gone but the Internet remembers.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

(Topshot: Kia, Hillman, Jeff Miller)

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15 thoughts on “You Did What With Your Gearshift? COTD

  1. Many years ago, I worked at a company that employed a diverse workforce. If a call for one particular person (Phuc Nguyen) came in at night, the guard did not know how to pronounce the name. Over the loudspeaker would come the request for “Fuck You’n” to call the front desk. Under my breath, I would always mumble, “… the horse you rode in on.”

    1. There is also a few smaller town gas stations around the midwest with variations on the name ” Master Bait and Liquor”, though none have taken off quite so much as Kum and GO

    1. I walked by a cafe called Long Phuk in Ho Chi Minh city the other week. Not sure anybody understood why I was giggling. Sadly I didn’t manage to snap a pic.

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