The Autopian’s Legendary Wheelbarrow Full Of Shrimp Is Back And It Asked For YOU Specifically

Shrimpbarrow2 Top

Remember at last year’s Los Angeles Pan-Galactic Automobiles Show, when Autopian researchers conclusively proved you could cram a metric nutsload of delicious, pinktabulous, chewy shrimp into a huge wheelbarrow? Remember how scores of people came by to indulge in the shrimpy glory, and had their lives changed for the vastly better with every juicy, shrimptabulous mouthful? If you couldn’t make it, remember how the yawning emptiness felt? Remember that chasm inside you that you knew could only be filled with the one-two punch of shrimp and the companionship of fellow Autopians? Sure you do.

Well, fantastic news: it’s happening again, for the first time! This Thursday, at 1:30 pm in the dazzling Autopian Oasis at the LA Auto show, the Shrimpbarrow will return, and it’ll be joined by sliders and mac and cheese orbs and chicken skewers and fruit cups other delights, including the boundless love of your favorite Autopians, who will be there, just for you!

There may also be a special pastry-related surprise I’m not certain will actually happen, so I can’t tell you about it, but if it does, boy will I be thrilled.

Now, this is the Media event, open just to those trapped in the cruel grip of the Fourth Estate and, of course, a few select Autopian Members that have been hand-selected to infiltrate the press days. Of course, if you had a good childhood and your parents loved you and you didn’t end up as an automotive journalist, there’s still a way for you to join in some special LA Auto Show Magic!


That way is to come by the Autopian Oasis Friday and meet us and play a few rounds of Autopian Car Trivia and win a t-shirt or perhaps a hug or maybe a stern talking-to from David or an energetic wave from Mercedes, or an eye-roll from Thomas, or a sales pitch from Matt, or a creepy, lingering stare from me! The possibilities are endless!

The important thing is that right now, with all the horror and chaos and misery in the world, there’s still hope. And maybe that hope is a bold, powerful, life-affirming wheelbarrow full of shrimp.

61 thoughts on “The Autopian’s Legendary Wheelbarrow Full Of Shrimp Is Back And It Asked For YOU Specifically

  1. It’s Friday, November 17th and I’m seeing the Shrimp-Barrow will be back at the LA Auto Show! …yesterday.

    I’m devastated I missed this article and ask that it reappear in 2024. It’s truly one of the Great Bits of our time.

  2. For those of you who have not met any of the staff before you’re in for a treat. Sadly work and personal obligations prevented me from applying to be an infiltrator.

    Enjoy the show!

  3. I was tardy last year & missed the camarones, but as an infiltrating “select member” I will at least witness, if not eat from, the Barrow of Wheel on Thursday!

  4. I’m allergic to shellfish and would go into anaphylactic shock. Should I take the title of this article as a death threat, or kind of a royal “you”? I thought Torch was a good guy.

    1. Oh don’t worry. Any shrimp not eaten by humans will become cat food. Whatever the cats don’t eat will become opossum food. Whatever the opossum don’t eat will be left to molder
      in the back of a derelict Jeep until it’s fragrant and sketchy enough for a pack of stray dogs.

      Nature’s vacuum cleaners.

  5. Once not so long ago the guy with the creepy lingering stare had a white van filled with with free candy, now its a wheelbarrow filled with free shrimp.

        1. Egads, that sounds like the part of the internet that absolutely has to exist but I am not going to check where Rule 34-poisoned brains imagine the little Reddit mascot guy in completely unwholesome situations.

          So, probably Tumblr.

          1. Yea it’s gotta be Tumblr. Either that or Twitter. I remember years ago when the furries came for Tony the Tiger on Twitter. Pun absolutely intended. It was so damn weird.

      1. Oh my gosh, this is the biggest missed opportunity of all time.

        …unless one of you commandeers one of those truck-side overlanding camp showers at the show.

        I’m just stating hypotheticals and do not have bail money for you if you get caught.

  6. Even if I was hand selected to attend this event I live 5.5 hours away. Do you have any idea how conflicted I would be knowing there was a shrimp-barrow?

    Please sprinkle these shrimp-barrow events around so people not living in the LA area can more easily attend. It kills me every time I read about an event at Galpin as I used to live 10 minutes away.

  7. What else was the shrimpbarrow used for between its debut & this appearance? Hopefully David put it to good use at a few junkyards.

    I hate shrimp.

    1. I’m not a big shrimp fan, either. It’s fine and I’m glad the shrimpbarrow has returned to its adoring fans, but…is this what got me ejected from the ranks of the automotive press? I know of other seafoods. Lovely water-meats, like lobster, salmon and goshdarnit, even clams! Beautiful clams! That’s knowing too much. They don’t like that.

        1. Oh, gosh. The badge thing. Most of the Big Mad About 992 folks are annoyed at some flimsier-feeling bits, the model bloat and the fact that everything’s a widebody (thus, the base model looks like the Turbo and so on), so…I don’t think cute new badges really address those. Sorry.

          To be fair on the last one, like, I like narrowbody 911s, too, but I’ve only heard that brought up as a *main* concern from snobs who are afraid the general public won’t be able to tell how much they spent on one car, sooooo…lol 404 empathy not found. Log off and actually drive your cars. The other concerns are real, though, but those can’t be half-addressed with slick new monochrome badging.

          tl;dr—Bring back manual RS cars, nerds.

          1. IMPORTANT ADDENDUM: Bring back the Cayenne Transsyberia and take the Macan Baja racing or you’re all dead to me. You’re all still dead to me for not buying me a Paris-Dakar 959, so then you’d be like…turbodead to me.

            (This has been Parsh News Takes With Stef.)


    Any chance that could be added to the merch page? 🙂

    Hope you guys have fun – I’m looking forward to reading the individual accounts of the event.

    * For non-shrimp-related things like yardwork, naturally.

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