Plumbing New Depths: Comment Of The Day

Bathroom Musings Cotd 3

We’re back from the City of Angels, and Jason may have gained new insight into why I consider Minneapolis-St. Paul to be the best airport in America. Not only is the terminal layout extremely logical, it has excellent, award-winning toilets.

Unsurprisingly, Jason appreciates a fine urinal, describing the ones at MSP as “the best urinal stalls.” That’s it, full-stop. Look, it’s transportation-adjacent, so it makes some sense having them on our site. Plus, a word on those stalls made Canopysaurus chime in with:

Reporting on airport restroom urinals is the epitome of yellow journalism.

For those unfamiliar with yellow journalism, it’s a term from the late 19th century for publications that value sensationalism over factual reporting. The term itself may feel unusual, but it actually comes from comic strips. As PBS explains:

The term yellow journalism came from a popular New York World comic called “Hogan’s Alley,” which featured a yellow-dressed character named the “the yellow kid.” Determined to compete with Pulitzer’s World in every way, rival New York Journal owner William Randolph Hearst copied Pulitzer’s sensationalist style and even hired “Hogan’s Alley” artist R.F. Outcault away from the World. In response, Pulitzer commissioned another cartoonist to create a second yellow kid. Soon, the sensationalist press of the 1890s became a competition between the “yellow kids,” and the journalistic style was coined “yellow journalism.”

Look, we’re all mentally twelve, otherwise we wouldn’t be playing with cars for a living. Marrying gross humor with a clever inside baseball double entendre drills into our hearts. Anyway, if you’re booking a cross-continental trip that requires a layover and one of the options is MSP, do it. You won’t regret it.

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28 thoughts on “Plumbing New Depths: Comment Of The Day

  1. “Security? Yeah, I want to report a guy on drugs in the bathroom.”

    “How do you know he’s on drugs, sir?”

    “Well, he’s been standing in the urinal for ten minutes staring at the wall and muttering about taillights!”

    PS: Hangars in the urinal? Man, those must be BIG!

  2. Noone gets paid to report news they get paid for clicks. Even before newspapers went on a political bent and falsified news so yeah bloggers aren’t journalists but journalists caused the fall.

  3. Not sure where that COTD comes from. Didn’t see a good comment, it isn’t a daily feature, and there is no specs to measure what qualified as COTD.

  4. Sadly, it feels like “yellow journalism” is now just “journalism”. Since it’s all about the clicks it’s hard to find something that isn’t sensationalized.

  5. Has anyone contacted the Minneapolis-St Paul tourism people? I can just imagine that call: “Just wanted to let you know that we’ve voted your area the best place to stop over!”
    ”Well, mainly cause you’ve got the best urinals we’ve seen!”

    ‘M-St P: The Best Place to Piss (away your time)’

      1. 61 categories of Loo of the Year: they’re serious about this. Or, maybe just feeling flush?

        and, while I would never make fun of someone’s name, the surname does fit the subject here. You seem to have a handle on it

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