Oh Deer, Not These Puns Again! COTD

Paolaser Eyes Top

Jason and his cars seem to have a strenuous relationship with deer. Back in 2015, Jason rearranged a Scion xB’s face via deer. Another deer (or maybe the same one, I don’t know) decided to enact revenge by getting into a boxing match with Jason’s Nissan Pao. Now, the Pao’s punched a deer again!

The damage doesn’t look too bad this time, but the poor Pao is probably frustrated with these animal encounters. Oh, and don’t forget that time its poor wheel basically fell off thanks to a part failure. Don’t worry, Jason’s Pao is not alone. Remember that Toyota Prius my wife had? My friend was driving it down a dark country road when a deer tried playing Frogger. Unfortunately, she broadsided the creature, which meant quite a lot of damage. The deer took out the left side including the headlight, a part of the hood, the fender, and both doors. It was bad enough that the driver door no longer opened from the outside. Progressive has since written the poor car off. Oof.

I think this image from years ago is very appropriate:

Jason Torchinsky

Anyway, the deer should obviously be absolved of all wrongdoing. I mean, Jason was driving on the wrong side of the car:

Library of Context

Look at it from the deer’s perspective: it looks at the Pao, sees no one in the driver’s seat (on the correct left side) and therefore assumes the car must not be moving. Perfectly safe to cross in front of.

Of course, Autopians love any opportunity to drop some puns:


Oh deer.


I bet you expect us to fawn all over you for this pun.


Doe-n’t start a big chain of puns, please. Can’t we buck that trend for once?


It can sometimes be fun, doe.


I’ve herd people who make too many puns end up perpetually going stag to parties.


That’s bucked up.

Perfection, have a great evening, everyone!

(Top Photo: Jason Torchinsky/North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission.)

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9 thoughts on “Oh Deer, Not These Puns Again! COTD

  1. I think if a deer kills your car twice, there is something more than chance involved.

    That Pao was cursed. I am, at this time, going with the theory that Jason has somehow offended the Hindu goddess Saraswati, and she therefore descended to Earth in her deer form Rohit, to visit her righteous wrath upon him.

    He may need to perform some ritual ablutions, and offer a sacrifice at her temple.

    At least, it would be a good excuse to go to the Subcontient, and drive some cars.

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