The Autopian Makes Some Predictions About 2024 And Jason Shows Up – The Autopian Podcast

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December was always going to be a busy month, but the fun curveball of Jason’s aorta ripping open like an extra small tube-top on Terry Crews added a fun wrinkle. One thing I was looking forward to was a celebration of the end of Season 2 of The Autopian Podcast. The plan was to have a big crew show to talk about our favorite stories and make predictions for the future. At some point, I secretly reached out to Sally and invited Jason to surprise us if he was feeling better. Thankfully, he’s recovering well and was able to join us for about half the podcast.

Actually, if you watch the video or listen to the podcast you can see me realize in real-time that I couldn’t remember if the point of the surprise was that I was going to surprise the whole Autopian crew or if the point was to surprise Jason. Honestly, I’m still not sure what it was supposed to be.

The most important thing is that Jason’s better and he got to join Beau, David, Thomas, Peter, Adrian, SWG, Mercedes, and Moi for a car conversation. As always, this final podcast and the whole season was presented by our friends at Marble,

This was all done on Zoom because we’re based all over the place and it’s rare that we all get a chance to be together, but you’d think we’ve all lived together for years, which is the curiosity of a fully remote workplace where we all talk to one another every day.

Oh, here’s a thing I want to point out and it’s very important to me. Mercedes just got a Scion iQ and she does the entire podcast from the passenger seat. Later in the podcast she points out that the map light is nipple-like. She ends up slandering the contraption and I will not stand for it. I think it’s genius, just look at this:

Map Light
Photo: eBay

It moves!

This whole thing is an hour and we talk a lot, but here are some of our predictions.

  • Beau: This will be the year of the consumer and cars out there will be cheaper
  • Mercedes: Faraday Future will be Faraday Past
  • Thomas: We’ll end up with more Autopian car pairs (currently we have two E39s and two Scion iQs)

You’ll have to watch the rest of the video for all the other predictions for the year.

Also, as a reminder, we have a sponsor! If you want to support the podcast please sign up for Marble, which is a useful tool that allows you to track your insurance policies and rewards you for doing so. It’s free and helps us keep doing this. You can read more about Marble here.

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12 thoughts on “The Autopian Makes Some Predictions About 2024 And Jason Shows Up – The Autopian Podcast

  1. I enjoy how during gallery view, Adrian kinda looks like he’s sitting in a half-collapsed building with the outside visible. It’s like a deleted scene from Pink Floyd’s The Wall.

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