Come See The Changli And That I’m Still Alive At Our NC Reader Meetup!

Chapelhillmeetup Top

You know what I haven’t done since my aorta explosion and surgery and recovery and all this mess? Seen readers, in person! That’s what I’ve been needing! No more fistfuls of Dilaudid and podcasts about erotic utopian communities of the 1800s, what I really need is some intense, quality time with Autopians! That’s where the healing happens! With that in mind, and with the knowledge that David Tracy should be in town with is $500 minivan and our own Stephen Walter Gossin will be here with some rescued heap, it only makes sense that we have our first North Carolina Autopian Reader Meetup! I’ll bring the Changli!

Like all Autopian reader meetups, we’re doing hardly any planning and not exactly getting permission from, well, anyone, but I’m pretty sure this location will work. I hope it does, because it’s the only one I can think of that’s in easy Changli-driving distance. It’s a gravel parking lot just across from a Chapel Hill, NC icon, Merrit’s Grill, which makes sublime BLTs. But we’re doing it this coming Sunday, so Merrit’s will be closed, which is why I’m hopeful that parking lot will be free. Let’s say be there at noon!


This will also be the first Autopian Meetup with the legendary Changli, and I think if we want to let readers take it for some laps around the lot, have at it! Life is for the living! Yes, the wires are still too small a diameter, so by reading this you’re waiving your right to complain if they get a little hot. You’ll be fine!

Changli Dorks

This is going to be great! After everything I’ve been through the past month or so, I feel like I have a lot of thanks to give to our readers, so, please, come out, say hello, see the Changli and maybe the Pao, maybe the $500 steaming pile of a Toyota minivan David is bringing, and maybe Stephen’s $220 Dodge Stratus. That’s a dazzling collection of heaps!

So, if you’re anywhere near Chapel Hill, NC this coming Sunday at noon, stop by and say hello! I’ll even show you my gross scar!

114 thoughts on “Come See The Changli And That I’m Still Alive At Our NC Reader Meetup!

  1. That was super fun. I couldn’t help looking around at the collection of cars and thinking – “we’re all insane”, but in a good, mostly harmless kind of way. In no particular order, I was digging the right drive Prado, the 300ZX, the Subaru swapped Westy, the MGB, and the dude who rode in on the BMW XR in 22 degree weather. The most Autopian moment? eating pizza off the Stratus.

    1. Thank you a ton for being there! It was great meeting the fellow inhabitants of The Great Land of Autopia.

      “Can we use your car as a pizza buffet?” -JT

  2. That was a good time. Did a slow circle (surprisingly bad turning radius) in the Changli, and I defy anyone to drive it with a straight face. I pretty much laughed the whole time. The Notorious SWG turned his $220 Stratus into an impromptu pizza buffet. Kids & dogs & car stories—what more could you ask for? 🙂

    1. My dude, you driving me to pick it up from Torch’s place was wicked clutch! Thanks again and it was a great pleasure finally meeting in person.

  3. I’ll be there. I have alot of very thick gauge starting wire from a semi I will bring if it would help. We removed the engine from one at the shop after a wreck and it was headed to the crusher, so I scavenged all the large diameter wire.

  4. Damnit, I can’t get away without more notice! Someone please get me the specs of the Changli controller and motor so I can build Torch a lithium battery and better cables.

  5. Would love to visit, but it’s a 12-14 hour drive for me. And at this time of year, driving from Toronto to NC can involve some tricky weather. I’ll have to pass… but I hope you have a good time!

  6. i.. i might be able to make this. living in raleigh and have pentastar oil cooler job lined up the morning of the meet but i may just be able to bring the deleted x5 diesel out!

      1. the design itself is subpar, sure, but really its the choice of materials. any kind of plastic that’s going to spend its entire life in the valley and also occasionally be subject to overtorqued cap forces? come on stellantis, really?

        at least the job itself was relatively painless. cleaning up the pool of oil in the valley was the worst part

  7. My family is in town this weekend, but, if I can get them gone in time, I’ll bring one of the racecars out. Would love to meet people, although that’s a cold drive with no windows.

  8. Knowing the commentariat here, someone’s going to show up with some welding wire, ends and crimpers and take care of that awful wiring for you…

    1. I literally have a tote of 2/0 welding and battery cable, a whole bunch of solid copper compression lug ends, and solid brass terminal clamps. And a large portable hydraulic crimper. We will hot rod that SOB in an hour.

  9. Not gonna lie… I immediately went to google maps to plot the trip out from Tulsa, but I don’t think it’s in the cards. Too bad, since it’s exactly the sort of vehicular meet I can stomach these days.

  10. If it wasn’t for the fact that we’re celebrating one of my kids’ 18th birthday on that day, I’d otherwise load up the cadenza and make the trek from northern indiana… i love NC – I’ve got family that lives in Earnhardtville there (Kannapolis).

  11. Unfortunately too short notice for me to arrange an impromptu trip to Raleigh to see my wife’s family, to only mysteriously disappear to Chapel Hill for the day.

    Sounds like a grand ol’ time though. Hopefully everyone leaves their chainsaws at home.

  12. If my wife didn’t already have me scheduled in the afternoon, I would so be there! Instead I’ll be wrenching on my own Sienna Sunday morning.

  13. Normally it would be impossible for me to make it, since going to a meetup at noon on a Sunday and then driving 11 hours home before work at 6am Monday morning is essentially impossible/very ill advised… But I’m on second shift next week, so I don’t need to be on a normal sleep schedule, or be at work until like 3pm?

    Of course, 2 of my cars are on collectors insurance, and I wouldn’t drive them in the winter, my truck has oil pressure issues and would be prohibitively expensive to drive that far (and isn’t currently insured), my BMW lost a transmission cooler line, so it can’t move and it’s too cold to fix, and the Saabaru hasn’t been on a trip that long in years, the battery is dead (at least until this afternoon), and it gets horrendous gas mileage for reasons unknown, AND the check engine light is on for INSTALLING a gas cap, so no cruise control, which would be unfortunate for a trip of such a distance.

    I still have the Prius though? It’s lowered and on all-seasons, but it did ok this week. 22 hour round trip in my only remaining reliable car for a few hour meetup? Sounds like something I would do. Guess we’ll see.

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