Comment Of The Day, Everyone’s A Winner Edition

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“Everyone’s a winner baby, that’s the truth.” So said Hot Chocolate with their 1978 hit “Every 1’s A Winner,” and it’s the theme for today’s Comment of the Day as I see no reason not to share every pun and gag that made me ROTFLMAO (or more accurately, chuckle sensibly) as I perused the many comments you wonderful people grace our stories with. Also, it is crazy cold for a lot of us right now with all the wild weather going on, so a little hot chocolate – be it the drink or the soul-funk act – is extra nice. Here’s a little more, if you’d like some.

On to the comments. We’ll begin with Cold Start, which saw Jason take a voyage to the bottom of a pair of Volkswagens. Fittingly for that aquatic pop-culture reference (Voyage To The Bottom of the Sea, hello), Torch also included a great shot of a Squareback-supported family fishing trip and this wonderful line: “Look at those people fish! they’re fishing the crap out of that lake! Maybe carp.”

I do love a spelling gag, almost as much as I love a good (as in terrible) pun of Dad Joke caliber – especially if it’s slightly tortured, as this riff from day-seizer Jesus Chrysler certainly is:

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No no Mr. Chrysler, do not see yourself out. This is exactly the sort of high-level commentary we appreciate here at The Autopian. Stay put, sir. And keep ’em coming.

Meanwhile, Toecutter was inspired to opine on the finer points of fish consumption and offered an erudite illumination of just how pesce-prescient JT unwittingly was regarding the tastiness (or not) of carp:

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What I really like here is the way Toe and Thereisatimetocomment keep it civil. Had this gone down on any other site, it would have been a full-on fish fight. “Never discuss religion, politics, or fish tastiness” they say, as it’s just an invitation to trouble. But not at The Autopian, we’re cultured. Also, Theresatime has more carp-prepping tips in the comment thread that sound delightful, if you’d like to go check those out.

Thomas shared news of Hyundai’s Ioniq 5 Disney100 Platinum Edition later in the morning, enabling some premium bons mots (yes, that’s the correct pluralization) at the expense of the Magic Kingdom:

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That twist into Warner Brothers territory? Wonderful. That’s good comedy writing right there. Well done.

Sklooner kept it going, evoking a skinned Mickey (I’m fine with it) and what I thought was a reference to infamous pants-eschewer Porky Pig. Before I could reply haughtily with, “Porky is not a Disney character” (as anyone would), I recalled Winnie The Pooh – who is Team Disney – also favors the no-trousers lifestyle and keeps it simple with a red cropped shirt and only a red cropped shirt. It’s not a look for everyone, but the silly bear absolutely crushes it.

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Snaps too for MATTinMKE and Tybalt, for adding additional levels to the bit. Nicely done.

Now back to Torch. Jason capped the day by announcing the latest Autopian Meet-Up (he’ll be there!), and a few of you couldn’t resist riffing on his near-death experience – which, of course, was not funny at all when death was indeed near, but now that JT is on the mend, sure, laugh it up. He almost died! What a rascal, that Jason.

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We’re bringing Carly Simon into this now? If the yacht is-a rockin,’ don’t come a-knockin. Here’s Canopysaurus, Mechjaz (I’m picturing a Gundam playing a three-story saxophone), Crank Shaft, and Andy keeping it going:

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And that’s a wrap on Comment of the Day! Or Comment of the Yesterday, as it’s 2:30 a.m. where I am. I should probably go to bed!

Ahhh, I’ll just stay up.






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24 thoughts on “Comment Of The Day, Everyone’s A Winner Edition

  1. Hilarious! You might as well call it comments of the day now…not complaining at all! It would be great just to show off all the good comedy…doesn’t have to be just 1 comment…Win-Win situation

  2. Rear end’ll never dance again
    Heel-toe feet have got no rhythm
    Though it’s easy to pretend
    I know you’re automanual

    I should’ve known better than moneyshift a friend
    And waste the gates that I’d been given
    So I’m never gonna dance again
    The way I danced with you, oh

  3. what I thought was a reference to infamous pants-eschewer Porky Pig. […] I recalled Winnie The Pooh – who is Team Disney – also favors the no-trousers lifestyle

    Are we sure we’re not forgetting anybody? Any other, very famous Disney character who likes going commando? Ah duck it I can’t think of anybody.

  4. But not at The Autopian, we’re cultured a cult.

    There, fixed that for ya.

    The fish conversation reminded me of how we used to prepare carp, similar to salmon:

    Place filleted carp on plank.

    Coat with butter or olive oil as preferred.

    Season to taste with salt, pepper, and spices/herbs/seasoning

    Bake for 20 minutes at 350

    Discard fish, eat plank.

    I actually kid, though, as Theresatimetocomment is correct that carp can be perfectly good eating if caught in the right place and done up right. But I do have hillbilly origins and think squirrel pot pie is pretty tasty so your mileage may vary.

    1. As my name would imply, I do cook for a living, and have made a decent amount of carp over the years. It gets it’s bad reputation as a trash fish because, well honestly, it’s kind of a trash fish. It’s a bottom feeder, and as a result has a pretty muddy flavour to it. We do eat other bottom feeders, but generally not carp.

      Why do we eat catfish and not carp, since catfish can also have the same muddy taste? Three reasons I would guess. One is that carp tends to have a far muddier taste than something like catfish, at least when it’s treated the same way as most catfish is treated. Most of the catfish we eat (in the US especially) is generally farm raised Sway, which comes from Vietnam and usually lived in cleanish water that prevents the mud taste from being particularly noticeable, which makes it seem like a cleaner fish, or it comes from southern states where it’s treated the same way (though likely cleaner and therefore more expensive). It’s dirt cheap and plentiful, holds a great fry and is decent enough over all. Carp is not. Mostly it’s wild caught, and as a result it tends to be super muddy. If you were to catch it yourself, you could alleviate that taste by keeping it alive in clean water for a few days, which would help clean out the mud vein that effects the flavour. Or you just kill it quickly and keep it on ice. It’s an oily fish, and it can be fantastic for frying, but it you don’t care for it properly it tastes terrible.

      The second reason is that it tends to pick up a lot of things that aren’t the healthiest for human consumption during it’s lifespan. Heavy metal is great to listen to, but not to eat. If it comes from nice water, it won’t have picked a lot of these contaminants up, but since it feeds on the heavier vegetation that sinks to the bottom, it also tends to pick up heavier contaminants that have sunk down there as well.

      The other reason is that it has scales. While that might make it Kosher, it also makes it much more of a pain to clean to eat, and why do that when you don’t have to? So we generally tend to avoid the extra work.

      Sorry for the deep dive on Carp, but it’s a pretty interesting subject. Lots of the world loves it, but in the US it seems to have a terrible reputation

  5. Congrats all. It was a very productive day online, as many people in the central US were forced to work from home due to the ice and snow. Rock on.

  6. Maybe it’s just me, but the COTD is my favorite post every morning. You guys are doing a good thing with it as it reinforces the positive vibes in the comments while quietly dismissing the occasional troll. An entertaining bit of positive reinforcement will keep the site positive for a long time, and that’s why I love it here. Before Autopian, I wasn’t really a car guy, but I love the commenting atmosphere and the focus on the really old stuff from different parts of the world.

    Please keep it up. I’m disgusted with most of the rest of the internet but you keep me sane.

    1. I enjoy COTD too. The Autopian and The Verge are the only news sites I keep up with, for the sake of my mental health. Most others risk me worrying about things outside my control or otherwise distressing me.

      1. Stay in the happy lane with us, fellow car lover. You’re not alone, if it helps.

        I deal with anxiety as well every day. So far I’m winning the battle, but like filling up at the gas station, I am very careful about what I put in the tank, or I can’t function well at all.

        We can do this!

      2. I used to read the Verge daily, until they rolled out that typographical and color Hiroshima of a redesign. I literally can’t read their home page fast enough anymore to pick out categories and articles of interest. I don’t usually care about visual design on content site, but that redesign is catastrophic.

    2. Right on, Balloondoggle! Autopia is my happy lane as well. With very few exceptions, the commenteriat here is made up of the best people and reading the comments sections is often my favorite part of each post. And as others have stated, COTD is doubly delightful – thanks Mercedes!

      P.S. – I stole Schrödinger’s Catbox’s allusion to the “happy lane” from their comment below. And I also love the concept of Schrödinger’s Catbox – you only have to empty it if you look inside!

    3. Totally agree. If I missed an article, a great comment is motivation to go back and see what I missed. I think mostly I just really like the engagement

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