Wait, What Does That Say In This Old Honda Vamos Ad?: Cold Start

Cs Vamos Top

So, full disclosure, I stayed up waaaayyy too late writing another story, because I didn’t really get going on it until I was coming back from dropping David off at the airport after coming out here to drop off That Van and join me for the First Autopian North Carolina Meetup and all that. Anyway, this will be a short Cold Start, but I think I can make up for that by insuring you it’ll be a silly one.

Oh, and if you don’t want to see profanity this early in the morning, my apologies, but you best click back to the Autopian home page for wholesome car goodness.

It started when I saw this tweet from the Japanese Honda History account. It showed this old ad for the amazing Honda Vamos:

Cs Vamos 1

The Honda Vamos is one of my all-time favorite Hondas. It’s a strange little kei-class utility/fun vehicle, sort of like Honda’s Volkswagen Thing version of their early 360cc Kei cars and trucks. I did a whole video about it when I was at the Old Site:

Anyway, it’s fantastic. But something about that ad caught my vulgar eye, something strange. Look at the background of that ad again, behind the farmhands collecting milk in their Vamos, among the cows:

Cs Vamos 1

What does it say back there? MOTHER F? Could that possibly be? Is it possible if we zoom out, we’ll see something like this? Look:

Cs Vamos Mf

I mean, maybe? Maybe this is Samuel L. Jackson’s dairy farm in Japan? I guess it could be something else, but I doubt it! Severely doubt it!

Also, do you like our new sophisticated biological AI that extrapolated out the rest of that image? What an astounding age we live in.

48 thoughts on “Wait, What Does That Say In This Old Honda Vamos Ad?: Cold Start

  1. They say this Honda is a bad Mother F–
    (Shut your mouth!)
    But I’m talkin’ ’bout the Honda Vamos!
    (Then we can dig it!)
    [’70s music intensifies]

  2. Definitely can’t be an ‘R’ since we would see the leg. Perhaps it’s “Mother Plucker’s,” and that building is where they process the chickens.

  3. Mother Farm is a well known asylum for 3-legged cows (the only one in the world, btw). Your new AI seems to know this, since it drew the missing half of that cow correctly.

  4. Clearly this snapshot caught the cows mid-coup. They’ve escaped their cruel milking contraptions, and are demanding what is to become of their mother flicking milk!

  5. I don’t know why, but I get a hint of the truck loading scenes from Sorcerer from this pic and now I want to see the bridge scene from Sorcerer reenacted but with a Honda Vamos.

    1. Jason, next time you put your biological AI into action, it/he/you should be dressed in a tux and have a cocktail glass (it can be full of shrimp). Really strive to be the most sophisticated biological AI possible.

    1. Or maybe b/c in that process of turning eloquent Japanese turned into basic if humorous English, Mother Farm.

      Japan: There are smaller farms around it. It is the mother farm and so it would have a sign saying that. USA: “why would there be a sign?!”

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