A Fair Warning To The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Tales From The Slack

Uk Slack Tales Brighter Gremlin

As previously noted, we’re going to the Goodwood Revival. Or more specifically, Jason and Beau will be going to Goodwood along with Jeff, Adrian, and our camera guy extraordinaire Carlo. I’d be jealous if I wasn’t just a little tired from being on the road so much the last couple of months.

This was thrown together a little at the last minute and most of my responsibility was in gathering press credentials for everyone. So far, Goodwood’s press office has been quite helpful and I’m hopeful that, when the inevitable problems arise, all can be smoothed over without much fuss so I don’t have to explain why I screwed up my one job.


The fun thing about the Goodwood Revival is that it’s the only historical motoring event to be done completely “be staged entirely in a period theme.” This means that not only are the cars throwback, but everyone has to dress up in character.

Goodwood Part Two

We spent a good deal of time chatting about how this might be accomplished before getting instructions from Jeff to get Jason’s measurements taken at the nearest Men’s Warehouse. I cannot wait to see the outfits. Beau/Jeff/Carlo left from LA yesterday midday and Jason left in the afternoon from North Carolina but, owing to how much closer it is, Jason just beat him there.

Whilst everyone was in the air, our own Adrian inquired if he was, in fact, his brother’s keeper.

Gremlin 1a

A deep cut for those of you who don’t live in England or watch The Diplomat, “Hansard” is what the Brits call the official record of all parliamentary debates. We call this the Congressional Record in The United States because we’re not as obsessed with just naming shit after the first person who did something related to it like Europeans are.

Gremlin 2

Oh, yeah, when I was in Stratford-Upon-Avon I had a lovely dinner with Adrian and my family and then, afterwards, we saw the Royal Shakespeare Company’s version of “As You Like It,” done as a rehearsal for a play done older actors playing younger roles (I didn’t love the conceit, but there’s nothing like hearing an actual Shakespearean actor doing the “All the world’s a stage” speech). It was an interesting twist and starred Geraldine James as Rosalind (you might also recognize her as the pilot Jaldine Gerams in Rogue One). Here’s a hilarious picture of the height difference between Adrian and my daughter, which includes a very sweet stuffed toy that Adrian gave as a gift alongside some candy and art supplies.

Adrian Shakespeare

The rest of that is a reference to the film Gremlins:

Never get a gremlin wet. Also, Phoebe Cates was just impossibly cute.

Gremlin 3

Great advice from Laurence, as always. Please send Adrian your best taillight pictures. Actually, Jason has landed in England. Let’s see how that’s going:

Hey, look, Big Ben again!

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37 thoughts on “A Fair Warning To The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Tales From The Slack

  1. Dang it, I’ve always thought Goodwood was cool because cars (duh) but now I’m wondering what the hell my goth ass would wear if I got to go? I guess I can take attendance off my list of dream car events, they wouldn’t let me in the door

  2. Poor Dalek. Who would be so cruel as to force an extremely xenophobic mutant to work in an airport
    cleaning up after miserable humans?!
    (Probably other Daleks)

    The way JT chases that little guy around the airport like an intrigued toddler gives me an idea though…

    Maybe get a remote control car with fascinating tail lights, attach it to Jason via a harness and lead him around or out of the way to a corner somewhere when he gets too excited.

    Adrian, Take The Joystick.

    1. Get a 1/10 scale crawler. Or a lowrider. Those have the option of fully functional lighting systems. Turn signals, brake lights, rock lights, light bars, you name it. They go slow enough to keep up with and the crawler can get over a lot of obstacles.

  3. Taillight articles and finding out the smallest car to climb the hill? Sure!

    It’s rumored they both like prawns. Especially on ice in a wheelbarrow. Get a self propelled remote control one and keep it stocked. They’ll follow right along.

  4. I like that Goodwood requires period costumes. I’m still a little concerned about what our ambassadors will end up wearing, but AFAICT the people who attend GFS generally have a sense of fun.

    My Halloween outfit is Rocker-ish: black leather (of course) motorcycle riding jacket, jeans, black boots, Ace Cafe t-shirt, and a half-helmet with retro goggles. If I ever make it to Goodwood, that will be my attire. 🙂

  5. A non-member stumbles into the members only area. Looks around, shrugs, and reads Tales from the Slack.

    Sufficiently amused, he wonders if all members only content is this entertaining?

    1. Guards! Intruders…

      We’re all sprawled out on our big thrones in here. “Bring me the head of a pig! And a goblet of something cool and refreshing! Anyone have a fiddle? Amuse me.”

  6. Someone better give Torch a heads up on the knife laws over there, I don’t think bringing his saw will have customs too happy.

    Looking at Adrians shoes, those tips seem to be made to kick some ass, so maybe he will keep everyone in line.

    Good luck, looking forward to the reports from the field.

  7. I’m just gonna say it…

    Is there a weird filter or something being used in that pic of Adrian and your daughter? There’s no way his head is that big.

    Is he, like, leaning waaaaaaay forward and the perspective is all skewed?

  8. Adrian is “still in Fance”? I hope that’s a Britishism for waltzing about in a black wiggle dress.

    After seeing that photo of him with your daughter, I desperately want to hear Adrian sing a rendition of “Christmas is all around us” from Love Actually.

    1. Nope, I was in France having just bombed back across from Italy in the Ferrari for a visit to the Italian GP. Landed back at Dover Friday morning just as this motley bunch of tea throwers was landing at Heathrow.

      1. I was just making a snarky comment about a minor typo, mostly to amuse myself (Mission Accomplished!) Glad you’ll be able to join the Gang at Goodwood. Looking forward to the stories and photos from that and from your trip to Italy.

      1. Can confirm there was an Autopian version of Smoky and the Bandit. Me and Jason doing a late night beer run in the Ferrari, and getting lost on the way back from the village shop.

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