A Firefighter Weighs In On That Smashing Windows For Hydrant Access Story: COTD

Cotd Smash

Car stereotypes are fun to think about and hilarious when they sometimes turn out to be true. German cars are hilariously complex, American cars are cheaply built and gigantic, and Italian cars are the best drive you’ll ever have for the 30 minutes they work. This is all silly, of course, but there’s nothing wrong with a good laugh on a Friday evening.

Today, Matt wrote about a report coming out of Italy detailing how China wants a couple of defunct Italian brands and how the Italian government could facilitate that. While this is seen as a threat to Stellantis, is it really a win for China? From V10omous:

Italy Is Reportedly Threatening To Give Stellantis Brands To Chinese Automakers

It’s about time a Western government finally decided to strike back at China.

China is a pretty contentious topic, so I don’t really need to explain further. I’m just laughing at the thought of fighting trade wars by giving countries products they may not actually want.

V10omous actually takes two COTD wins today. David wrote about how Red Bull now has a hypercar. Admittedly, I’m saddened that the first production vehicle from Red Bull is not a plane, but maybe I shouldn’t be so sad:

Disappointed at first to see that it doesn’t give you wings.

There’s active aero, too, incorporated into the front and rear wings

Ah, never mind.

So congratulations my fellow V10-loving friend. Next, let’s pay a visit to Lewin’s update on Jeep’s corrosion problems. I think Hotdoughnutsnow is onto something:

Wasn’t David Tracy an engineer on this product? I think this might be part of his devious pro-rust agenda; I think he might be in the pocket of Big Rust. Up until now I only thought of him as a rust influencer.

Finally, let’s stop at the hot topic of firefighters busting out the windows of cars parked too close to hydrants. The internet is abuzz with debate over whether the team needed to go through the specific Honda in question. One reader claims to be in the FDNY and offers their take:

Finally, something I’m almost qualified to answer.

1st- been on FDNY for 25 years
2nd -Engine Chauffeur (FDNY term for guy who drives the rig)for 10 years
3rd- I was at this job.

So, we have two things going on here

1st and foremost is hooking up to a hydrant. Usually if your first due, it needs to be as fast and efficient as possible, if I was the boss and I came out of a building and saw this, I would lose my mind. As far as operationally, this was a shit show. You could’ve hooked up faster by laying the hose right over the hood and you would’ve been fine, it also would’ve taken half the time. Chauffeur and crew went far out of their way to break the windows. Lets not even talk about a disgruntled owner coming in and fucking with your supply line because you destroyed his car.

2nd is that New York City is full of these assholes who park right on the hydrant. Its an issue and we dont seem to have enough resources to tow cars that deserve this. (Hell, it took two hours to get cars towed that were right in front of the fire building) So do I agree with this owners car getting busted up….no. Am I upset that some firemen got to live out some masturbatory Backdraft fantasy….Once again no.

Have a great evening, everyone!

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