A Man Spent Decades Becoming A World Expert On Nash Metropolitans. Then He Put All His Parts Inside His Car And Gave It To Me. Here’s A Look Inside

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I just took ownership of a free Nash Metropolitan filled with decades worth of parts and memorabilia amassed by one of the world’s foremost Nash Metropolitan experts, Nate. The car is an absolute treasure trove, and I’d like to show it all to you, because it’s simply incredible. Check it out.

I’m here at The Autopian’s booth in the Galpin Hall of Customs at the Los Angeles Auto Show. Around me are some fantastic cars, many new ones for sale at Galpin dealerships, and some older sports cars and microcars. Check them out:

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Among these gorgeous machines sits a junker Nash Metropolitan, which I received for free from Nate:

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Nate is my business partner Jason Torchinsky’s friend Tom’s friend (so this car comes from a friend of a friend of a friend). Nate had owned this Nash (which, as a 1959 model, is technically branded as just a “Metropolitan” even though I recently registered it as a Nash because DMVs have no clue) for many decades, becoming a world expert on these small unibody cars imported from Britain. I knew Nate was a big Nash Metropolitan fan, as Jason’s friend Tom had sent me a link to a website that included this photo:

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That’s Nate blasting the Met up LA’s fabled Mulholland drive at 60 mph, like an absolute boss. The photos, as well as stories about Nate driving that Metropolitan hard around LA for years, even breaking multiple wheels as a result of some hard cornering, made it clear to me that my new LA-car’s previous owner was a Metropolitan guru. What I didn’t expect, though, was to find Nate in the comments of seemingly every Nash Metropolitan article on the internet, and also on nearly every Metropolitan-related message board. The degree to which this man loves Metropolitans is palpable with every word he’s pressed into his keyboard.

For example, when Curbside Classic wrote in 2015 an article about a mint-condition Metropolitan convertible for sale, Nate — whose avatar shows him in my pinkish-reddish Met — chimed in to write about what it’s like driving his car:

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Here Nate adds some historical geekiness to the comments section:

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When someone criticized Nate’s beloved machine, how did he respond? With pure class:

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When The Truth About Cars wrote about the Nash Metropolitan in 2014, Nate was in the comments spreading the Metropolitan gospel:

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Again, he also brings a bit of Nash history to the discussion:

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In the early Bring A Trailer days, back when it was just a blog, Nate was in the comments. Here he is in 2016:

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Even more recently, he’s chimed in on Bring A Trailer Nash Metropolitan auctions, like this one from last year:

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When Barn Finds wrote in 2017 about a beat-up little Metropolitan convertible for sale on Craigslist for $3,750, Nate was at the ready to inform:

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When Hooniverse wrote an article in 2014 encouraging someone to save a Craigslist Nash Metropolitan from the crusher, who did they thank for the inspiration? Nate of course — protector of America’s Mets:

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But as I mentioned before, Nate hasn’t just been commenting on articles, he’s been active on the message boards. Here’s someone looking for the part number for a fan belt; folks are giving the poster a hard time, but Nate is sticking up for him:

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Here’s Nate helping someone decide which brake fluid to use in their Nash:

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And here he is helping people understand how to maintain their steering column:

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Nate’s posts go way back. Here’s one from 2005 discussing Metropolitan windshields:

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It’s clear that my new Nash Metropolitan is more than just a little free pink car; it represented someone’s way of life. It’s not just about the Nash owners Nate interacted with day in and day out on the internet. I can imagine Nate at swap meets, making lifelong friends with other Nash fans. I can see him taking treks to Nash junkyards around the country and to LA’s famous “Metropolitan Pit Stop.” I can visualize him checking out Nash books from the library and online, pouring himself into these publications over the span of decades. I envision him wearing a Nash T-shirt and baseball cap, leaning up against the car at gas stations chatting with curious folks, letting kids sit in the car — inspiring them. I can see Nate wrenching on this Nash, dialing in every little mechanical detail. Just check out his signature in the post two photos up:

1959 FHC Automatic 1500 , custom MGA 1622 Cyl. head , Weber 34ICH Carby W/ hand massaged jets & 3.72 final drive .overhauled engine 2/18/2010 , std. bore , crankshaft .030″/.030″ .now ready for overhaul

He swapped in a Borg Warner “BW35” automatic, threw in a custom MGA head, installed a beautifully tuned carburetor, and put in a new taller rear differential. This is a world expert on Nash Metropolitans perfecting the apple of his eye until it’s just right.

I’ve been writing about cars for seven years now, but I’ve been what I’d call deep in the car world for over a decade. Particularly, I’ve jumped head first into the “Jeep life,” so I know how much owning and investing in a single type of car can affect (and enrich) one’s life. My closest friends are Jeep friends. My memory bank is filled with off-road trips. My wardrobe is Jeep-themed. So many of my life experiences owe themselves to being part of that community. Remember that time I met the 4×4 king of the world, Victor Ma, in Hong Kong? What about that time I spoke with some guys in Vietnam about their customized old Wagoneer? Remember the time I took my Opa on his first ride in a Jeep since World War II? These moments owe themselves to the Grand Cherokee I learned to drive in high school (this is the machine that inspired me to pursue becoming an engineer at Chrysler), but especially to my very first Jeep — this XJ I bought in college:

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Owning that XJ taught me how to wrench, which helped me get the job at Chrysler and my next job at Jalopnik. Devoting myself to Jeeps affected so many aspects of my life, from my career to my relationships to my skill sets to my travel memories. And after interviewing scores of people who have devoted themselves to a type of car (Detroit-area reader Nick comes to mind; many of his friends are folks he met through the Pontiac Vibe community he helped build; he’s traveled around the U.S. meeting Vibe owners, swapping parts, etc.), I understand how much a car can mean to someone who truly invests themselves into it, and I could tell what this little Nash meant when Jason’s friend Tom told me about it. “He really loved that car,” I recall Tom telling me. I could sense the emotion in his voice.

Nate has used this little pink car to enrich car culture, not just extolling the virtues of his favorite little unibody British-American car whenever and wherever he could, but helping others keep their Nashes on the road. I am honored that Nate gave me his baby. And though I am saddened by the circumstances that would lead someone to let go of a vehicle that has meant so much to them over the course of decades, I also understand that life happens, and that sometimes even our favorite cars can become burdens if the timing/situation isn’t right.

I’m going to cherish this machine, because just knowing that it belonged to a man for whom it meant so much gives the car soul. What also gives the car soul is the way it’s been set up — the beautiful red houndstooth cloth interior fabric, the “Mr. Horsepower” stickers everywhere, the big “Dan Gurney for President” sticker on the back lid, the fading paint job, the key with a little toy Nash hanging off it, and of course, the big pile of parts that Nate spent decades amassing. Check it out:

In the cabin is a spare windshield, front bumper, and sill plate in the cabin:

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Just behind that front bench is a bunch of chrome exterior trim:

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But the real treasure trove is under that trunk lid, which was only offered starting in 1959 (prior to that, you had to load everything through the front doors; Nash were some cheap bastards, weren’t they?!):

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Okay, now let’s look through some boxes. Here are what appear to be some engine mounts in a box that came from Israel:

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Check out these fresh new front control arms:

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These red seat belts are beautiful:

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Here’s a box of door handles:

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Here’s an extra bolt of interior fabric:

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Behold two rebuilt generators and a new starter motor:

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Here are some spring compressor tools:

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Here’s a window regulator and some kind of lock mechanism:

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Here’s a pair of v-belts:

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These two boxes contain brake shoes — one set is used but in decent shape, while the other is new:

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This is the crankshaft that I’ll have to install, as the current one is apparently toast:

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Here are a couple of distributor caps, rotors, and sets of points:

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Here’s an ammo-box of random fasteners:

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Here are some badges; there’s a Royal Automobile Club (that’s like England’s AAA), one’s a factory front Nash badge, and one’s a Nash Metropolitan Club badge:

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The boxes included a spare speedometer/fuel gauge:

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And look at this little green box, which contains some pins, a Nash Metropolitan necklace, and some Nash Metropolitan coins!:

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Here are two perfect-condition door-cards:

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Check out this complete gasket set:

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This box contains a few spare ignition parts, among other things (including a nail polish that may or may not have been used as touch-up paint):

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These ziploc bags contain fuel caps and what looks like a New Old Stock accelerator pedal:

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I have no clue what this is:

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I found a fuel filter and some thermostats in some of the boxes:

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And I can’t wait to install these hubcaps (there’s a spare, plus a spare hubcap for the rear spare):

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Again, I’m honored to own a car that meant so much to someone. I will carefully rebuild the engine, refresh whatever needs to be refreshed, and drive this fuel efficient economy car around as-is. I’m excited to stop by Nate’s place once I’m done and give him a ride in his old friend, which is ushering me in a new era in my life as I move from Detroit after nine years. Expect to see some wrenching stories soon.

57 thoughts on “A Man Spent Decades Becoming A World Expert On Nash Metropolitans. Then He Put All His Parts Inside His Car And Gave It To Me. Here’s A Look Inside

  1. I’m only slightly disappointed that Jason didn’t jump in to say the unrecognized lettering is Hebrew, which was later confirmed when David read that the parts are from Israel.

    Really looking forward to the day the car is back on the road. Will be looking out for it in the rare case it is driven up to northern CA.

    Good luck and happy wrenching!

  2. I totally remember that Nate guy from the TruthAboutCars, him and Crab Spirits always seemed to have the most insightful and/or entertaining comments. Part of what helped was the consistency of his online image over many, many years – same avatar photo, same signature, same name, made him easy to identity in a long comment thread

  3. This strikes me almost like a father handing his daughter to her very soon-to-be husband at her wedding and saying “take good care of her.” Nate loves this little car. There is no room for jankiness or half-assery here. Make it better than right.

  4. Can we have more info on that Aston Martin Virage Estate? It’s listed as a Shooting Brake, but it’s a 4 door wagon, which makes it an estate in Olde English.

  5. This is a wonderful tribute to Nate and by extension, all other true gearheads.

    Do yourself a favor as soon as you get to California. Buy a bunch of freestanding shelves, as many as you can afford and have space for.

    Also buy a gallon of lanolin, like Woolwax, so you’ll have a nice neutral, easily removable rustproofing solution to brush onto all these parts. A light coat of lanolin also preserves leather.

    Then research and catalog those parts, and put them on the shelves you just bought until you or someone else needs them.

    Too many people keep their spares in the back seat, the trunk, or in miscellaneous boxes and coffee cans around the shop. Eventually their true purpose is forgotten, and they end up being discarded instead of being put to use.

  6. Nate’s love for this Met is something else.. reminds me of my own decades-long affair with rear-transaxle’d Alfas when I still lived in Europe.

    One other thing to mention, if Nate can let go of his beloved Nash, then David can definitely get rid of his rusty “first car” XJ so he doesn’t have to trailer a non-registerable shitbox all the way to Cali only to park it behind a house to let it slowly return to earth over the next century.

    1. “… though I am saddened by the circumstances that would lead someone to let go of a vehicle that has meant so much to them …”

      O.K. — I’m not yet privy to the whole story.

  7. Look at all those cool parts! You lucky son of a gun. Did you do a Scrooge McDuck dive into them? That no clue part looks like a tool to me. Maybe a puller?

  8. I am still pushing the idea of swapping in an 1.8 MG-B block and supercharging it. The idea is not so much for more power (but yeah, more power!!) as for increasing torque. Ideally, you’d find room to stuff a Vintage Air unit in there somewhere.

    After reading about Nate’s mod’s, I don’t think he’d have a problem with it, and it sounds like he knows how to set up the suspension to deal with the power.

    Seriously, if you’re starting out with only a crankshaft that needs to be turned, and nothing else under the hood, it makes sense to me to get a little more power for handling LA traffic.

  9. Nate’s love found a great home.
    And, here’s to the enthusiasts who helped us become bloody-knuckled enthusiasts ourselves: from the gearhead neighbor to the make-obsessed guy at a car meet to the greasy-keyboard antipodean wrenchers helping a clueless guy in Appalachia get his head around a BMC product: I pour out a generous libation of sewing machine oil*

    Who helped you become obsessed/refine or manage that obsession?

    * different grades of oil are how you tune the responsiveness of old sliding SU carburettors

  10. Fun video – that car has impressive cargo capacity for its size. The better video will be the one where you try and get it all back in there.

    Also interesting that NO ONE in the crowd is stopping to look. What kind of auto “enthusiasts” are these people who wouldn’t stop and check this out?

    1. A few people stopped and took pictures, and once we were done excavating the Nash, a few more had chats with David about the car. But yeah, most people sort of just passed by what’s certainly the only display at the whole show with a Harbor Freight tarp on the floor. lol

      I still giggle at how many people called the Nash a clown car.

  11. Seeing all those spare parts makes this look like a true hoarder’s car. Perfect for you.

    At least you now know what will be your “LA car” and you can get rid of the rest of them.

    Except the Mustang. Hang on to that.

  12. I expect to see in the future ‘the expert on ‘holy grail’ jeeps gave me his favorite car and only asked that when the time comes his ashes be mixed with bondo to fill the rust holes

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