Can You Guess Who On Our Staff Is Basically Nelson Muntz?

Slack Tales Nelson

It’s me. I’m going to go ahead and cut to the chase. I’m slightly self-aware, so I knew that I had this particular non-verbal tic that I will write out “haha” all the time in Slack, text messages, Discord, et cetera.

Often, this is a reaction to something funny, but not always. Sometimes it’s just conversational filler. Sometimes what I mean by “haha” is that I’m relieved. Sometimes it’s a “haha” of resignation as in “Haha, we’re all screwed.”

That last “haha” is sort of inspired by this great tweet by our old pal Chris Persons:

For David: Nelson Muntz is a character on The Simpsons and his schtick is that he laughs “ha ha” at the misfortunate of other people:

This should probably be written “haw haw” but I just write it “haha” like everything else.

So, I was aware I had this tick. I wasn’t aware that everyone else noticed this until it came up in Slack this week. I had a post ready to go but I wanted to look at it one more time before it was published. I wasn’t clear about this to Peter, though I did respond “haha” to his topshot:

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That was when it dawned on me that, yes, I do say “haha” so often and in so many situations that “haha” could reasonably be perceived as “yes” in this case.

Don’t believe me? Haha.

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There’s more.

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Thomas sometimes does it, so I’m not entirely alone.

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That “haha, that’s so badass” is a “haha” of immense celebration and I was celebrating a video from our editor Erica Lourd, who was showing off pics of her dad’s Caprice PPV:

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Note, these are all from within the last week, but it’s nice to see I’m rubbing off on other people.

The Hotcars one was definitely a Nelson Muntz “haha” and was in response to this Tweet about how certain sites that were doing a bunch of spammy, crummy SEO nonsense and using AI to write their stories ended up losing a bunch of Google traffic:

That’s a little mean, but…

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That “hah, so we’re not that far behind” was an apology “haha” because we’d forgotten to put up one of SWG’s reels from January! Sorry SWG.

I may be the main “haha” person in our Slack, but I’m not the only one with a similar habit. Mercedes is a “lol” person:

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That was from within a 90-minute period!

Here’s all-timer from today:

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We also love references to The Simpsons…

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36 thoughts on “Can You Guess Who On Our Staff Is Basically Nelson Muntz?

  1. Matt’s even done it to me. I have a text from him that starts out with a Haha when he probably meant Okay.

    I am guilty of many, many lols and emoticons myself so I share some shame.

  2. Custom reaction emojis are my favorite part of Slack. Sometimes I’ll spend a few minutes just searching for the perfect *chef’s kiss* emoji.

    1. I do contract work for various tech companies and I have found that the number and quality of custom Slack emoji is 100% predictive of how much I’ll enjoy my stint there. My main contract is a joyless company almost entirely made up of people from cultures outside the US, which there’s really nothing wrong with, but man, that place is such a drag, and they don’t have *any* custom emoji. Nobody talks to each other or works together.

      The previous engagement was a mess, but the staff was awesome to work with and they had buttloads of emoji like a Janus-like :lolsob: and :doge: and lots of fast parrots.

      1. Pretty sure I added :malort:, :lump: and :parsh: when I got Slack access at work. (We’re based in Chicago — SOMEONE had to add :malort:!)

  3. Nelson was haw haw before the internet. I thought the reference was due to your physical similarities. HAWHAW. Did DT actually use internet abbreviations and did he do it correctly or was it a typo?

    1. Well I wonder you attacked me and say I shouldn’t comment if I don’t know the information. And yet you comment here while admittedly ignorant? Please explain why you can comment and you attacked me for comment?

      1. What?! I have no idea what you are talking about. I don’t recall attacking you ever unless I was entirely jesting and it got misunderstood. I’ve always liked you.

          1. Okay, but I doubt I do disagree. Again, always liked you. Ask Matt if you doubt that at all. It’s not fun to have people dislike you and I don’t want you to think I ever once did. And I hope you don’t dislike me. That would make me sad.

            1. I know you covered me. I have no issue you are good here. I never get offended by any posts. But I do at the end of the day just decide to quit. I like your posts but hey if I think something is funny I’m posting it. I appreciate you crank shaft.dont worries

  4. I use haha almost as frequently as you. It is generally an acknowledgement, more then actual laughter. Friends had pointed out that when I actually laugh at something funny I usually say Ha HAA, so when trying to relay actual laughing in text with friends I will type Ha HAA. Never been a big user of lol. I don’t know if this is a generational thing, as we are of similar ages, or what, but having grown up with instant messenger , and using the internet for communication, it seems like everyone has a simple catch all “humor response”. ha/haha/lol/rofl/lolz/iaohdl/etc….

  5. We also love references to The Simpsons…

    *tents fingers*


    non-verbal tick

    That sort of thing is more properly called a tic.

    In Slack, perhaps you could use ‘nelson’ when you mean his distinctive utterance and ‘haha’ to express regular laughter.

  6. I’m totally a lol’er, in that I end probably half of the messages I send through Gchat with “lol”. I compulsively use lol, mostly (I think) to imply a somewhat joking tone?

    These are the last 3 messages I sent to a group…

    “everything right off the bridge is brand new concrete lol”
    “there’s no way they did all that work only to close the bridge forever lol”
    “fascinating that they had already done some repairs like, 5 years ago lol”

    Those lols are 100% unnecessary soooo, yeah, I might want to improve on that…


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