Car Advertising That Gets More Funny The Longer You Look At It: COTD

Dodge Blindfolded

Most car advertisements today are pretty tame. Maybe some well-spoken narrator will tell you about the vehicle’s off-roading capabilities, fuel economy, or price. During a Super Bowl, you might see longer ads with a story, some humor, and even a short plot. Some commercials are just plain fun. I mean, the George Washington Dodge commercial is still a good watch. It won’t embed, so just click here.

See, it’s so silly! The ad in the topshot looks totally silly, but makes more sense as a full spread. Still, I find myself laughing. “Where are we going?” “Wouldn’t you like to know!”

S L1600 (51)
Dodge via eBay

Vintage car ads arguably do it better. This morning, the Bishop published a Cold Start showing what appears to be a manufacturer photo of an Opel GT. Upon first glance, the theme of the photo seems to be clear enough. Drive an Opel GT and the women will stare at you while some random dude fails to get out of the pool because darn it, a distracted lady is in his way.

But wait, hold on. Study this photo more and you see that the driver of the Opel is holding a Playboy as he looks at the women. Did he just park his car next to the pool and strip down there? What’s even going on here?


It doesn’t matter, because you had a field day with it. Boulevard_Yachtsman takes one COTD win for this hilarious line:

Hey look – it’s the seldom talked about Werther’s Original porn promo.

And the famous Toecutter somehow does one that makes you cringe while you laugh:

♫So creamy golden, just plain good. Werthers, and that feeling that you never will forget…♫

Finally, we have Mike Harrell with a witty comment about transparent fuel doors:

“Transparent fuel doors. Have you ever seen these?”

Well, no, at least not the successful ones.

I’ll leave you with one of my favorite modern ad series:

I wish more automakers embraced normal cars like this. Have a great weekend, everyone!

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26 thoughts on “Car Advertising That Gets More Funny The Longer You Look At It: COTD

  1. I’ve never figured out where Madison Avenue found all of the 5/8 scale people in ’50s car ads. Look at all the room in that tiny (by today’s standards) Dodge convertible!

    1. They might have intentionally hired the smallest people they could find to make the car look big, but interior space in pre-crash-standards cars is surprisingly large for the most part.

  2. I didn’t mention it in the original story on the Opel, but under close inspection, the chick on the cover of the playboy is the same as the one in the leopard print bikini. Had to open in a new window in order to zoom in enough for details.

  3. The only blindfolding I’ve seen happen in a car was on a ski trip with some buddies. Ahh, minivans. Good for cramming in 6 still normal size late teens and their ski gear. Shenanigans happened, all in good fun and everyone still talks to each other many years later.

  4. First thought on seeing the lede pic was the joke about how I’d like to die peacefully in my sleep like grampaw did—not screaming & crying like his passengers.

    I’ve never seen the Yaris commercials before—but perversely enjoyed them. I do wonder if anyone on the team remembered the old lying Joe Isuzu spots. These aren’t directly related, but they do seem to twist 90° from normal advertising as the Isuzu ones did

  5. Many people thought the cult of people blindly going into Dodges with grins on their faces had gone away. Unfortunately, recent Hornet purchases prove otherwise.

  6. Thanks Mercedes! Toecutter’s reply got a spit-take from me earlier, and now I can’t quit giggling at your Werther’s-production photoshop.

    I imagine those models are old enough to be handing out the famous creamy golden treats these days. And ya-know, grandmas need love too, so perhaps the movie version of the poster is still in the works.

  7. This reminds me of that Buick commercial in the ’90s where the premise was they went to Germany and kidnapped a German engineer and asked him to tell what car he was riding in while driving around blindfolded in the back seat. He feels the GM partsbin black plastic switchgear on the door and remarks quality workmanship, so it must be an Accord, and it keeps going from there. They played the hell out of that one.

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