Cars That Guarantee You’ll Never Leave Your City: COTD


For the most part, cars provide a level of freedom that you might not find with other forms of transportation. If someone tells you “get out of town” and for some odd reason, it isn’t an expression of disbelief, you can hop into your motor vehicle and drive off into the sunset. Well, I did say “for the most part.” Somehow, it is possible to pick between two cars that have a high chance of not getting you very far outside of your current zip code.

Today, Mark Tucker presented two of these choices with Shitbox Showdown. Do you attempt to get out of dodge with a 2011 Th!nk City EV or a Bricklin SV-1 that hasn’t run in a very long time?

When new, the Th!nk City EV had enough juice for roughly 100 miles of range. Some examples, like the one from Shitbox Showdown, came with just two seats, allowing for a larger cargo area that would have otherwise been taken up with the back seat. All of this is fine and dandy, but from my own research on these cars, the batteries don’t seem to age well. I recently saw a Th!nk City for sale with twice the mileage, but claiming only 50 miles of range. This poor car probably couldn’t escape Indiana on a single charge.

Ok, what about the Bricklin? Well, ask Derek from Vice Grip Garage how well rescuing one of those can go.

This brings us to today’s COTD winner, Canopysaurus, who delivers such a sweet joke:

One can’t get you out of town, the other won’t.

For a second, third, and fourth nomination, we have clever comments from Thomas’ post about Manumatic transmissions:

Andy Individual:

Any vacuum actuated system is eventually going to suck.


Any vacuum actuated system is eventually going to not suck. FIFY.


So it sucks when it doesn’t suck but doesn’t suck when it sucks. Got it.

I love the humor of our readers! Have a great evening, everyone.

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10 thoughts on “Cars That Guarantee You’ll Never Leave Your City: COTD

  1. I was taught in physics class when learning about vacuums, that there is technically no such thing as sucking. Or as Mrs. Phillips put it, “Science doesn’t suck.”

    1. “Science is that body of knowledge that observes and records to predict a future event with some percent of accuracy.” -Mr Carson, 8th Grade

      He also taught us such gems as, “Water isn’t wet, but it makes other objects wet.” and “There is no such thing as cold, just the absence of heat.”

        1. That was a groundbreaking revelation when I was 13 but it made sense once it was explained. Now we’ve got flat earthers out here that can’t grasp that concept.

  2. Look at background of Th!nk car’s image – there is a cool styled little pickup, whith neat little detail of very clever side-step disguised as an air intake! Why more trucks doesn’t have it like that? At first i thought it was Dacia, but it is Opel Corsa Utility. Until this day I was’t aware of it’s existence, but after little research I found it, and it seem to be offered in South Africa, Brazil and Australia, so it is surprizing to see in Norway, as plates on Th!nk suggest.

  3. Well, today’s Th!nk COULD get you out of Indiana, because it’s just a few miles from Kentucky. But getting to a blue state might be another matter.

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