Craigslist Listings You Just Know Will Deliver You A Swarm Of Bees: COTD


Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace are wonderful, terrible places. If you’ve sold anything online before, you’re aware of how many people will message you and then disappear, give you offers that aren’t even realistic, and ghost you after you set time out of your day for a sale. As a buyer, both Facebook and Craigslist are a minefield of incomprehensible listings, useless photos, unresponsive sellers, and descriptions that don’t match reality.

Then there are the listings where you just know you’re going to have a bad time. Maybe that Chevy has some concerning warning lights, that BMW is missing too many parts, or that Subaru is smoking white. Then there’s this Geo Storm from Shitbox Showdown. If you read our Holy Grails then you’d know we’re a fan of these little guys.

Craigslist seller

This one? Eh, maybe not. I think D-dub is onto something, here:

It’s 50/50 whether rodents or bees would swarm out of the Geo’s dash upon starting it. Or rodents with bees in their mouths, and when they squeak they shoot bees at you.

I’ll take the Honda.

Craigslist seller

Something a bit silly about our site is that we’re willing to do a dive on the kinds of stories others may ignore. We’ve written about a pilot who crapped themselves, motorhomes that used to burn poop, and now, car sensors that know when you’ve poofed out some emissions. DadBod asks an important question:

How precise are these sensors? Could we identify who dealt it no matter who smelt it?

That’s a future I want to live in. Have a great evening, everyone! [Ed note: Morning, we’re a little behind – MH]

(Top Photo: Craigslist Seller/Warner Bros.)

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10 thoughts on “Craigslist Listings You Just Know Will Deliver You A Swarm Of Bees: COTD

  1. Something about growing up as a feral child in the American Southwest, next door to a junk yard gave me super human abilities.

    Bees, hornets, wasps, whatever…

    -opens glovebox, sees a nest of paper wasps, a few fly out into the cabin-

    -closes glovebox with an insouciant shrug-

    “I’ll take it.”

    – hands over $250 cash, loads MX6 on trailer-

    “Thank you.”

      1. I tried to tell them that, wanted to believe it myself as I removed their hive from the glove box…
        Turns out they have as much of a temper as any other living creature being forcibly displaced from their home though…

  2. If a car sits for a while, one place wasps love making nests is inside of side mirror housings. The sneak behind the mirror itself and just go nuts back there. You don’t notice it until you try to open up the car door.

    This has happened to me more than once, on more than one car.

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