David Has Abandoned Me To Go Jump Raptors, But I Will Tough It Our For The Rest Of You

Matt Working Hard Members

Press trips are not a necessity for this site, but if you want to know what’s going on with cars and keep a relationship with manufacturers (and other journalists) it’s extremely helpful. Plus, it allows us to bring great stories to readers, which is why it’s always nice when a brand invites us on a trip. We try to be diligent in which launches we send people to and you’ll notice a lot of press trips are done by freelancers, the reason being that it’s a burden to lose one person when our staff is so small.

Last month I knew a trip to Los Angeles was overdue and it just so happened that Ford had a launch for the new F-150 planned in Palm Springs across the street from a launch for the new Mazda CX-70. If we timed it right, David and I could do the trip together. I’d be at his hotel working while he drives cars, and vice-versa. Plus, I could fly into Los Angeles on Mazda’s dime and get some meetings done.

Everything we do here revolves around thrift as we want to spend every cent we can on content. And I want you to understand how miserable the life of a journalist on the road is. I’m making this a Member Post because I’ll be sharing some secrets of the trade (and also a random person might take me seriously).

LA To Palm Springs

David Jeep

Initially, the goal was to take the Pontiac Aztek to Palm Springs but David’s been busy and hasn’t purchased an Aztek yet. I’d get on his case, but I have about 900 other things I need him to do so I can only push so far. Then it was going to be the i3, because both of us love the i3, but he’d agreed to loan it to a friend.

This left the trusty Jeep YJ, looking resplendent in its white XPEL PPF wrap. Seriously, it looks almost like a new rig. It doesn’t smell like one, though, as a fuel bypass is non-functioning and so it reeks of unspent gasoline every time you let off the accelerator. That’s less than ideal. It’s also loud as hell with the top on, but taking off the top means baking yourself in the sun.

Thankfully, Beau intervened and suggested we try out the new Lincoln Nautilus, which has the cool big screen I’ve been wanting to try:


The ride was so smooth and easy I barely remember doing the drive at all. However, I do remember getting a cherry limeade slush from Sonic, as well as their wannabe Chik-fil-a sandwich. Slush was great, the sandwich was fine, and the tots were as greasy and delicious as ever.

David Abandons Me To Go Drive The F-150 Part One

Press Trip Pool 1

We’re barely in the hotel for 10 minutes before David’s off to do Day 1 of the launch, which involves highway driving with the latest iteration of BlueCruise 1.2. Matt Hardigree, forever alone. I do my best to take advantage of the time I have to get some work done.

Unfortunately, the wifi in this otherwise nice hotel (booked by Ford, obviously, since David refuses to stay anywhere with more than two stars) was mediocre. Alas, I am not one to complain. The work must be done and so I set out to find a place to work.

Computer work is best done inside, everyone knows this, but the strength of the wifi signal outside the building seemed so much stronger than within its sun-bleached walls. Coincidentally, the strongest signal happened to be in this poolside cabana. I’d much prefer a desk, but the work has to get done.

Dinner And A Show

Press Trip Hotel 1

I ended up taking some time to drive the new F-150 and also shoot a reel for David, because the work never stops. Back at the hotel David has to help talk his girlfriend through a serious plumbing emergency while I edit posts for the next day, knowing we’ll be short one Jason (due to an ill-timed surgery).

Legit, the worst part of being on these trips is the worry that something will go wrong at home. This is a luxury experience in a nice location, but it’s also actual work. When anything does go awry back in reality it’s hard to explain to a loved one that you’d love to help talk them through how to stop the garbage disposal from smoking but… your private yoga lesson is about to start and it would be rude to leave Simi waiting.

I’m not on the Ford press trip but I’m crashing at the hotel because my hotel across town isn’t ready for me yet, which means I have no dinner plans. The nice Ford press guy (who is also an old friend) takes pity on me and allows me to sample from their outdoor buffet.

Press Trip Faygo

Because I was an uninvited guest I did my best to only take one fillet and I even split one of the chocolate peanut butter cookies. It always pays to be a good guest.

David Snores And Abandons Me Again

Press Trip Hotel Pool 1

As should be obvious at this point, my commitment to this site is as strong as the frame on the F-150. I woke up at 4:00 AM to get started on The Morning Dump and get posts ready to go. David hastily dressed, showered, and ran out the door at 6:00 AM to grab a shuttle to go jump Ford F-150 Raptors in the desert, leaving me to work alone yet again.

Rather than try to snag a breakfast from Ford, or expense an overpriced buffet, I trudged down to the coffee shop and grabbed a yogurt, a banana, and some iced tea. This room doesn’t have a real desk, so I had to make do with what I could find.

David snored through most of the night, so I refreshed myself with a quick swim:

Press Trip Hotel Pool Slide 1

One has to enjoy the little luxuries when one can.

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48 thoughts on “David Has Abandoned Me To Go Jump Raptors, But I Will Tough It Our For The Rest Of You

  1. Please tell me you or someone else on the trip took the Faygo, shook it up and sprayed it all around the event, yelling WHOOP WHOOP JUGGALO HOMIESSSSSS at the top of their lungs.

    Good to see that Ferd is down with the clown.

  2. So,please explain why David got dressed before going in the shower? Is it because he doesn’t like to eat spaghetti naked or something?

  3. Maybe in your down time you can get the site working again, the full screen ads for facial cleanser and such are locking up, and sometimes the ad window shows absolutely nothing while doing so.

    1. “Great condition” in the DT dictionary means no rust holes you can put a hand through, all glass is present and intact, and the engine starts when you turn the key. Oh, and it has all 4 wheels.

  4. Hoping your Significant Other, is not a subscriber, so when you get home and talk about the “Grueling” Business trip you were on, doesn’t see this

  5. I have some notes:

    As someone who appears to be just as pale as you, I support your fully covered cabana choice.”David hastily dressed, showered, and ran out the door at 6:00 AM”. I hope he didn’t do these things in that order, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he did. Given the rush, it sounds like he didn’t even have time for his morning shower spaghetti breakfast. Side note: when he travels, does room service deliver the meal directly to the shower?I think there should be an additional membership level where you’re automatically entered into a raffle to join the crew for a press event. I would pay extra for that.

      1. Plumbing emergency, Torch surgery. Based on more recent articles perhaps these were related? (Garbage disposal could be located anywhere in that domicile!)

      1. I travel with a CPAP, but it’s pretty quiet. CPAPs vary a lot from model to model, and also what condition their in. I’ve had one long enough to have had multiple in various states of repair.

        You’d DEFINITELY rather hear the CPAP than the sound of me snoring like a bear.

    1. Honestly, even if you’re not sharing a room ear plugs are great. Most hotel rooms are not that well soundproofed and I’ve found I sleep so much better with ear plugs. I’ve even taken to wearing them at home because the neighbor on the bedroom side of my house likes to do loud activities early in the morning and I’m a night owl.

          1. Same here, side sleeper. Earbuds aren’t great when you’re trying to side sleep, so I do carry soft plugs if needed. After a thousand nights in hotels, it’s a routine.

  6. I think this trip is healthy for you, Matt. Judging by your skin tone, you are in SEVERE need of sunshine-provided vitamin d. You’re more pale than I am, and I’m literally one of those people who wear all black and avoid the sun like it will kill us.

    1. It used to be *exclusively* in the fancy grocery store near me, in cane sugar form. (That would make The Gathering far more dangerous, I’d think.)

    1. THIS



      That just looks…uncomfortable????? I’m vicariously uncomfortable on David’s behalf.

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