Detroit-Area Autopians: Come Hang Out With Mercedes In A Parking Garage On Saturday!

Detroit Meetup June 8 2023 Topshot

Great news! Our very own Mercedes is currently in Detroit on super secret business, so what better way to cap off a trip than a meet-up with the lovely members of our community? It’s a bit last-minute, but last-minute plans beat no plans at all, so let’s roll the info.

What: A get-together to talk cars and stuff

Where: Parking structure behind Liberty Center/Mariott. Nearby address is 100 W Big Beaver Rd, Troy, Mich. 48084

When: Saturday, July 8 at 6:30 p.m.

Why: Mercedes is in town and wants to hang out!

Our merry band of wrench-happy scallywags will likely congregate in the far end of the parking structure near Livernois Road, but the entrance leading into the structure is to the west, so here’s a handy diagram so you can get a better picture of where to go.

Detroit Meetup June 8 2023

As an added bonus, there are plenty of places to eat in the area, so you can grab some grub to avoid attending a social event on an empty stomach. Unfortunately, I’ll be in Toronto tending to some minor 3-Series items, but Mercedes will be there along with Nick, our ever-excellent Detroit-area ambassador. If you’re a member of our Discord, updates will be posted there as well as on our local area Facebook group. We hope to see you out there.

(Photo credits: Nick Hernandez, Google Maps)

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18 thoughts on “Detroit-Area Autopians: Come Hang Out With Mercedes In A Parking Garage On Saturday!

  1. Someday, hopefully, y’all are going to do a meetup in the New England area.

    Of course if that actually happens I’ll probably be out of the country or something.

  2. Woohoo! I just moved from South Bend back to mid-Michigan for a new job so I sadly missed the Chicago meetup. This should be a fun way to spend Saturday night.

          1. im not saying where he lived, all i know is I found it by driving down a random street. I saw a golden eagle and destroyed kia, I go yup thats David’s house

        1. I think the Twin Peaks on 14 Mile Rd and Stephenson Hwy (2 miles south of the old Hooters location) put it out of business, so the area still isn’t shy of “breastaurants” (Troy, MI was one of the few cities with two open Hooters where corporate was trying to get the Troy’s permission to move into its last location at Big Beaver and Stephenson from John R and 15 Mile Roads).

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