Detroit-Area Autopians: Have Breakfast With Mercedes, Jason And Me Tomorrow Morning! [EDIT: Jason Is Out]

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Mercedes and I are having dinner with Autopian contributor and NVH engineer Steve B right now at Metro Detroit’s legendary “Vinsetta Garage.” I feel weird typing on my laptop at the dinner table, so I’ll make this brief: We’re having a breakfast meetup tomorrow, and Jason Torchinsky is joining us! Oh, yeah, Jason: He’s currently got the weirdest “press car” in history.

There’s Mercedes and me right now, hanging out with Steve [points up]. And here’s Jason right now. He’s borrowing my friend Jamie’s 330,000 mile Mazda MPV and not a press car from a manufacturer. Why? Because why not? This thing rules!:

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He’s heading towards Detroit from Ann Arbor after Ubering there from the airport. We’re going to a cool car designer sketch battle tonight (probably; Jason hasn’t agreed to it yet, but I plan to go. And you should, too!).

Due to timing constraints (I have to run a bachelor party tomorrow), our only time for a reader meetup is tomorrow at 8:30 AM. So be at Monty’s Grill (28300 Woodward Ave, Royal Oak, MI 48067) on Woodward avenue at 8:30!

UPDATE: Jason cannot come. He has an early obligation! Mercedes and I will attend, though!

Update 2: we are now at a Jersey bagel place just south of Birmingham.

Update 3: ok now we’re at the original pancake house.

39 thoughts on “Detroit-Area Autopians: Have Breakfast With Mercedes, Jason And Me Tomorrow Morning! [EDIT: Jason Is Out]

  1. David, I’m so sad I got starstruck and didn’t say hi at Concourse d’Lemons. I saw you, looking very German in your hat and backpack and on a mission, and didn’t want to interrupt. I hope you come up to central Cal again sometime soon.

      1. The Journalist Formerly Known As Steve Balistreri?
        Sorry. This is now your lot in life Not Actually Jason.

        Once a nickname sticks it’s extremely difficult to shake off.
        Just ask my friend Booger.

        1. “I hope you’re eating something local! Pescatarian on the coast is one thing, but fish in the Midwest on a Thursday might be dicey!”

          You can get all kinds of fresh seafood around here if you go to the right place. It’s pricey, but never-frozen Alaskan king salmon and Mediterranean swordfish are on the menu. David’s a local boy so he knows it’s all about freshwater fish in most of our restaurants. I’ll take fresh lake perch or walleye over frozen farmed Atlantic salmon any day of the week.

    1. CFS FTW.

      (I’m stuck at the opposite end of the country, but dammit if I don’t want a chicken fried steak now. Good thing that’s a widespread thing here.)

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