Detroit-Area Autopians: Let’s Cruise Woodward Saturday Night


The weather has changed from borderline-unlivable to beautiful, as it does every late-April in Michigan, so now it’s time to take care of your mind. I, for one, could use a nice, sunny cruise down Michigan’s fabled Woodward Avenue, so I’ll be taking one on Saturday night. And I’d like if you joined me.

Last year, when I still worked for the ol’ German lighting company, I held regular car meetups for Detroit-area Jenoptik customers. Now that I’m here at The Autopian, those meetups won’t be stopping.

As always, Saturday’s will be completely unsanctioned. Here are the details:

  • Where: Walmart Parking Lot in Troy, MI (2001 W Maple Rd, Troy, MI 48084)
  • When: 7 P.M.

We’ll meet in the parking lot, hang out there for an hour, and then cruise Woodward before breaking off for the night.

The weather is predicted to be sublime, so let’s enjoy 80 degrees and sun, shall we?

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29 thoughts on “Detroit-Area Autopians: Let’s Cruise Woodward Saturday Night

  1. I had plans already for that day but next time I will bring my 1973 Super Beetle. Last time I went there I was driving a red Honda Insight Gen 1

  2. Well, I can’t make it to MI from sunny southeast Kansas but I will be breaking out Virgil, my 1932 Chevy Confederate, for a tour of the tri-city complex’s main streets (Independence, Coffeyville, and bustling Caney). Always a good time and worth a stop at Toot’s drive-in!

  3. I love that so many people showed up, parked in the lot, and stood around talking cars and Jeeps for over two hours and never even made it to Woodward. Good times.

  4. “ Join the Detroit-Area Autopian Readers Facebook page to potentially make actual, physical, non-digital friends.”

    Join a digital group to make non-digital friends; (sigh) I guess this is the world now.

  5. Going to try and make it but first 80 degree day in Michigan makes for a busy day. My Mustang is still on the battery tender dammit. Oh well. Thanks for doing this and keep em coming.

  6. The short notice doesn’t usually work for me, but I think I might actually be able to make it to this one! Probably won’t stick around for the Woodward cruise, though. We’ll see how the day goes.

  7. Wish I could join you.
    I miss cruising Woodward from back in the day, long long ago I worked at the Redcoat Tavern between 13 Mile and Normandy. Hope the weather is Great, spring in Detroit can be fickle! 🙂

  8. Too bad I’m not a couple thousand miles closer… oh well, have fun! We’re supposed to get a good break in the rain this weekend around here; I should take the MG out for a spin tomorrow and give ‘er some much-needed exercise.

      1. I still own my first car and arguably the worst Wrangler ever…an ’89 YJ 4.2 with a BA10 transmission. It’s hilariously rust free and still runs the factory carb with it’s glorious mess of vacuum lines. I also have a ’91 BMW 325iX 5-speed sedan that I spent about half of my life searching for and an ’88 BMW M3 that’s been in my family for close to 25 years.

        Some how these all get stored in a normal looking “2 car garage” along with my wife’s ’03 Mercedes SLK and my ’74 Vespa 125 Primavera.

  9. Meanwhile, in ND, we’re recovering from a 4 day blizzard that dropped 2.5-5′ of snow depending on where you’re at. Which was followed by straight-ass-February temps of 8-22°F for a week. But that’s okay, we have another system coming through, ready to deposit another 12-18″.

      1. It hasn’t let me down yet.

        You have no idea how badly I wanted to hoon it out in the many feet of snow, but they issued a no travel advisory and that’d be pretty irresponsible of me to possibly get stuck.

        No sour grapes here, I hope you guys have fun and post some sweet coverage. I’d love to see who/what shows up. It reminds me of the “nicer” winter/spring transition I used to get out in Wisconsin.

    1. I too have a reliable Jeep in ND! About 3.5′ dropped on us. When I cleared off the hood of my Jeep, it looked like a white Darth Vader! The last 2 weeks are why everyone thinks we are below freezing in the summer.

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