Does This Make You Hungry?: Cold Start

Cs Dodgetruck1

End-of-months are tough for me because I always have to catch up on a ton of member birthday drawings – that’s a perk of being a member, you see, I draw you a car on your birthday (well, birthday month) and sure, maybe it’s a perk we didn’t think through so well, workload- and scale-wise. That’s why it means near the end of the month I end up staying awake until around 3 am, and that also means I don’t get Cold Start written the night before, and here we are, as I hurriedly decide you need to see this amazing old Dodge truck brochure and think if it makes you hungry.

Cs Memberdrawings 3am

Look at those time stamps! Oy, I’m tired!

Anyway, so, those old 1962 illustrations are fantastic, right? The simple clean lines, the use of outlines only inside the main body of the trucks, I just love it. It’s so clean and graphic. There was also a second illustration style used, one a little more sketchy, with lots of satisfying cross-hatching:

Cs Dodgetruck2

It’s quite different from the other style, and I’m a bit surprised they both co-exist in the same brochure. Also interesting is the color scheme: yellow, red, orange – if it feels oddly familiar, it’s because these tend to be colors of fast food places, because many studies suggest they should make you hungry. Think McDonalds, In-N-Out, Wendy’s, Burger King, and so on. Aside from the obvious associations to ketchup and mustard, I wonder if I believe this?

I mean, maybe? Some other studies seem to show this may be a myth, but I’m not really sure. I guess trust your gut here. Literally.

19 thoughts on “Does This Make You Hungry?: Cold Start

  1. Makes me long a bit for a 68 D100 I brought back from the dead a few years back then sold. I’ll vouch for the accuracy of the brochure’s claims of soft riding springs and ease of entry and exit, it drove great for something with live axles and leaf springs all around, much more car-like than my 98 Ram, although that’s a 3/4 ton with oxcart worthy suspension so maybe not the best comparison.

  2. Hungry? Nah, looks too much like the color scheme of a 70s rec room sofa. Just makes me want to get wasted. That might make me hungry, though.

    1. Yeah you need to. Jason is an expert and wonderful car sketcher. Have said this elsewhere but I was thoroughly charmed by my drawing of a 70 LTD. Precisely what the family let me drive to high school.For me, the drawing felt alive. I could hear the vacuum system opening the headlight doors.
      If memberships increase he may need to alter the perk a little. As he notes it’s a lot of work. He has really hit a sweet spot where he can exercise all his gifts: aesthetics, art history, Gestalt psychology, enjoyment of the nauseating and scatological, and, WTF! Taillights!

  3. I can see it. The mayonnaise-colored D100 van and the pickle-and-lettuce-colored trucks. My mouth is salivating at the utility of it all

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