Goodwood, Goodnight: Cold Start

Cs Hmporsches

Sometimes, the best way to start the day is to look at the end of the day, or maybe the end of the previous day and reminisce about what you may have done, or at least what you remember of it. If you were one of these three drivers, you would remember driving flat out around the Goodwood circuit in a vintage race car probably owned by someone else but you got to drive it because of your awesomeness. You would remember sliding through the corners on those skinny tires, looking directly at the sun for half the course and then with the sun at your back coming down towards Woodcote and the front straight, two equally awesome drivers on either side of you all fighting for position. 

[Editor’s Note: We have a guest cold start today, from our own Huibert, who took the lovely picture, too!  – JT]

For those of us watching, the sound and sight of these cars going flat out at dusk was something we will not easily forget, so can we just take a moment with our morning coffee to revel in the beauty of vintage race cars, tires begging for mercy and motors screaming at redline, coming out of the sunset? Cold start? No way, that’s hot as hell!

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3 thoughts on “Goodwood, Goodnight: Cold Start

  1. Having made the pilgrimage to Goodwood twice this year, it is such an amazing place. Even the campsite is awesome. Amazing atmosphere and ever better cars.

  2. I once raced my 1956 Lotus in a vintage support race during the Sebring 12 hour weekend. We were the first group up at 8am Saturday morning. People had partied late in the night and the campers were just waking up. The race engines were gloriously sharp in the early Spring Florida air. The two things I remember most were the smell of breakfast cooking over morning campfires and the cheering of 100,000 slightly hungover race fans who were thrilled to see these old machines competing again.

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