Grading The Substitutes: My Takes On The Week’s Shitbox Showdown Choices

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My high-school Honors English teacher, the late Gail Mitchell, once said that for any given situation there is a quote from a famous poem to fit. She hasn’t been wrong yet. I can only describe the last few days in the words of Robert Burns: “The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men / Gang aft a-gley.” Or, without the eighteenth-century Scottish brogue, “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” And boy howdy, did my not terribly-well-laid-to-begin-with plans go awry this week. I’ll tell you all about it in another article, which I’ll work on over the weekend after I get back to Portland, but for now I just need to express my heartfelt thanks to my fellow writers here for rising to the occasion and covering for me.

Every time I need a sub, which is more often than I’d like, the chatter in Slack is about who “gets to” fill in, not who “has to.” Which is great; it means that I can take care of business when I need to, and you all get to see some different views on cheap cars.

But it’s not as easy as it looks. Finding cars that are worth talking about, in the price range we usually deal with here, with ads that have enough information and photos to be useable, is sometimes a challenge. So for today, I thought it might be fun if I went through each of the week’s matchups and threw in my own two cents on the choices.

The Bishop – 1984 Lincoln Town Car vs 1977 Lincoln Mark V

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The Bishop is a man after my own heart, and a shootout between two designer-label Lincolns is right up my alley. Granted, I am absolutely not a label snob – the most common label on my clothes is probably Kirkland – but I can appreciate the finer things, even if I don’t seek them out. These old designer Lincolns are definitely among the finer things, built to a standard rather than a price (at least, more so than other Ford products at the time) and focused on comfort and presence above all else. They’re styled like bank buildings, and probably handle a lot like them as well (though I can’t say for sure; I’ve never driven a bank building), but they’re the closest thing you’re likely to find to a mobile isolation chamber.

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So which one would I choose? That’s a tough call. I’ve always loved the sheer fuck-you mass of the Mark III-V Continentals, but dusky pink isn’t really my color. And I can’t imagine the daily trials and tribulations associated with trying to find room to open doors that long on a nearly seven-foot-wide car. I’ll take the slightly downsized Town Car. It feels more manageable, and fuel injection is just the icing on the cake.

Thomas – 2001 BMW 740iL vs 2000 Jaguar XKR

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Our young Mr. Hundal came out swinging on Tuesday with a themed matchup – and it was a great theme. I mean, James Bond! He’s everyone’s favorite dapper cold-war throwback, cool even under the direst of circumstances, ready and willing to let us all vicariously live out every twelve-year-old schoolboy fantasy we ever had. He is also in possession of an endless supply of cool gadgets, most of which he doesn’t understand and misuses every time the plot requires him to do so – but by some miracle figures out at the last second. And the greatest of Bond’s gadgets have always had four wheels.

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Thomas included the fantastic BMW sedan from Tomorrow Never Dies, which came as no surprise, but then he threw in a curve ball by also grabbing the ice-racing Jag driven by the baddies in Die Another DayIt’s funny; as kids we all want to be the hero. We want to pretend to be Luke, not Darth Vader. But as we get older, some sympathy for the devil starts to creep in, and we can see the appeal in being the bad guy. Or at least the antihero.

Regardless of who’s driving them, this is a BMW from just before the styling went to shit, and a Jaguar from just after. If I’m going to put up with more British treachery, it’s going to be for something a lot more desirable than this. I’ll take the 7er.

Mercedes – 1999 Land Rover Discovery vs 2005 VW Touareg

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Cheap off-roading is one of our favorite pastimes around here. Between David’s many and varied Jeep exploits, and Matt’s hare-brained scheme to turn a suburban family hauler into a winter rally car, we all do seem to love getting dirty. I don’t get to drive fast on dirt as much as I’d like to, but once upon a time it was a favorite pastime of mine. Back then, it was just me in a VW Golf tearing it up on old logging roads. How I wish the Gambler 500 had existed back in 1992; things might have been very different. My pal and fellow Illinois native Mercedes Streeter is of course a veteran of many Gambler events, comfortable behind the wheel of everything from a Smart to a Ford Econoline (if I remember right) in such conditions. And of course, one of her favorites is the Volkswagen Touareg.

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I’ve heard a lot of good things about VW’s crossover punching above its weight when the pavement ends, and with my experiences in a Golf, you might think I would choose the Touareg. But the past seven years of All-British Field Meets have shown me one irrefutable fact: the Land Rover folks have more fun than anybody. The Land Rover club offers rides around the motocross track in the infield of Portland International Raceway, and last year my wife and I took a very  fun ride in a beat-to-shit early Range Rover and had a blast. I already wanted a Landie anyway, and that ride did nothing to lessen that urge. I’ll take tthe Disco.

The Bishop – 1982 Peugeot 505 vs 1980 Olds Toronado

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I have a certain nostalgia for diesel cars from the early ’80s. For four years, my parents owned a 1980 Volkswagen Dasher with a diesel engine, which displaced all of one and a half liters and made forty-eight horsepower. Nevertheless, it served my mom well as a commuter car while she was finishing up her Master’s degree, and we took at least two family vacations in it that I remember, one to New England and one to the Colorado Rockies. I know the slowness, the clatter, the smell, the odd looks you get at truck stops pulling up to the diesel island with all the semi trucks, and it’s all sort of comforting in a way.


But even I draw the line at Oldsmobile’s trouble-prone and fortunately short-lived 350 cubic inch diesel V8. I worked at a service station for four years in the 1990s, and saw hundreds of malaise-era GM products roll through the doors – and exactly one of them that I can remember was powered by this cast-iron nightmare. Most of them were swapped out or converted to gasoline decades ago. I do like this era of Toronado/Riviera, but only if they have spark plugs.

By contrast, Peugeot diesels older than this one are still used as taxicabs and workhorses in some very rough and impoverished parts of the world. I imagine typical American roads don’t even make this one breathe hard. And I always liked the style of the 505.

So that’s it, I guess. No sense in putting up a poll for these; you’ve already made your choices, and pitting these against each other is like comparing apples and oranges and bananas and starfruit. I’ll be back to business more or less as usual next week. We still have two more cross-country drives to make, but I won’t have to do those alone, so I should be able to keep up my Shitbox Showdown duties more easily then. Massive thank-yous to the Bishop and Thomas and Mercedes for lending a hand. See you all next week!

[Ed note: If you asked me to choose from apples, oranges, bananas, and starfruit, I’d have an opinion. So what the heck, let’s poll!]

(Image credits: sellers)

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36 thoughts on “Grading The Substitutes: My Takes On The Week’s Shitbox Showdown Choices

  1. Last of the Jag designed V8’s but also long enough lived, AJ-8 and Guppyish styling still draw me more than the rest, the Big Beemer is intriguing, especially the Pre-Bangle stuff like this, but I fear the longevity of the E38 V8.

  2. And the Peugot 505 diesel is winning. Only on the Autopian does the slowest car 99% of the population couldn’t identify win. I voted for it too.

  3. I voted for the car I’d most consider keeping around and driving. I still think the Peugeot is a decent car, it’s just not my speed. The BMW is pretty nice, and the Bond link makes it a little more of a conversation piece.

  4. First,with all due respect to Gail Mitchell I believe an apt line in a poem. Not a famous poem, I mean there are like 3 famous poems after all. But the answer is clearly the Jaguar at 15%. More than that you are just a crowd follower, any less your a weirdo.

  5. Definitely the Mark V since I really want one. Yeah, to me pink is only good on a Cadillac or Mopar Panther Pink so I’d paint it blue, fix it up, and ride in true comfort, style and luxury
    Great to hear you made it, Mark!
    (Despite all the vehicle hassles)

  6. Jaguar XKR for me. If I’m gonna have a vehicle with bad fuel economy, then I want some very good on-road performance at the very least.

    And the XKR probably has the best performance in this group of vehicles.

  7. There’s just something about that Towncar. I love the era of BMW shown and have been really wanting a Landy despite already owning a Toyota 4X4 that I never have to work on, but the TC just gives me the fizz.

  8. I’m pleasantly surprised to see that four other masochists voted for the Olds diesel. I thought I might literally be the only one voting for this thing.

    I know these cars are garbage, but I don’t care. Diesel clatter is one of my favorite things. I also love this generation of Toronado/Eldorado/Rivera. The rational part of my brain says a car like this should be avoided (I have no ability to fix it myself and I’m sure it is hard to find someone to work on one of these), but I want it anyway.

    1. It looks like we’ve doubled the total to 10 people voting for the Olds.

      I had to go w/ the Disco. Better parts availability (I imagine) than the Pug (the choice of my heart), and not as old and beaten as the designer land barges.

  9. I went with the Peug. Just because it would probably last through my kids early driving years and I can’t really imagine them driving a 70’s boat like the Conti or Town Car without dragging home a few guardrails after each drive.

    How about Dragon fruit? Ever tried that? It’s pretty weird but surprisingly good.

  10. I believe Robert Burns was borrowing from Robert Smith who penned “I had the best laid plans this side of America”.

    Anyways, I had to vote Peugeot.

  11. Jag is the only one I’d legitimately care to own. A supercharged convertible, yes please. It’d be nothing but a “third car”, so it can go do Jaguar stuff and not have 100% uptime, no big deal.

    Honorable mention to the Town Car because it is so clean and probably a comfy cruiser. Also to the 7 series because that era looked awesome with those wheels.

    1. I thought hard about that one, but not at the price they wanted for it. I went Peugeot, because why not. Didn’t expect that to be winning though

    1. Town Car, it’s the most road-ready and will be dirt cheap to maintain
    2. Peugeot, because it’s in excellent condition and really is a bit of a unicorn in the US
    3. Jag, because it’s Ford-era and might actually be somewhat reliable/repairable.
    4. The rest are poison.
  12. I’ll take the Pug.

    It will be running long after most of the rest have become memories, fond or otherwise. These things were little tanks, and that counts for a great deal among us Poors.

    Plus, I like French cars. And French car seats.

  13. Alliteration is key here. No one (at this moment) wants the Toureg or Toronado, but the Town Car (my vote) is in the lead!

    It’s all about the T’s!!

  14. A lot of great choices here … but in this esteemed octet, we’ll opt for the effortless luxury and stately opulence of the Town Car, which the valet attendant will totally not mistake for a Buick Electra, an Olds 98 or a Sedan de Ville.

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