I Finally Have Motivation To Fix My 1958 Nash Metropolitan

David Fix Nash

You may recall that my plan was to daily drive my Nash Metropolitan once I finished my move from Detroit to LA, with the idea being that a small and efficient car was necessary in “the big city.” Upon my arrival in LA, I ended up buying a BMW i3 to get better acquainted with EVs, and as a result, the Nash languished. I really had no reason to fix it. But now, thanks to an email by a woman from the Pacific Northwest, that has changed.

I’ve been a bit lost on what to do with the Nash Metropolitan that I received for free just before I moved to LA. It was such a nice gesture from the previous owner, and it seemed like such a great car to drive around LA, but the truth is: LA highways are brutal, and there simply is no more perfect vehicle for LA than the BMW i3. The Nash could be a weekend car, I suppose, but I’d much prefer a stickshift for that job, and I already have plenty of weekend vehicles, including my minty-fresh Jeep Wrangler YJ and 1966 Ford Mustang.

So I didn’t know what to do with the Nash. I knew that selling it in its current non-running condition would be tough, and I couldn’t ensure that anyone would actually get it back on the road instead of use it as a parts vehicle. I’d promised the previous owner that his beloved Metropolitan would live on. So the car has sat in the parking lot, in purgatory:

Screen Shot 2024 03 06 At 4.32.28 Pm

But then, by the graces of the car-gods, I received this email last month from someone named Alice:

I’m probably several days (years) late, but I just read your story about you acquiring an automatic Nash Metropolitan. I’m days away from most likely buying a ‘63 Valiant Signet, it’s a convertible & I’m in the PNW- but it’s beautiful & reminds me of my ‘66 Dodge Dart. I’ve been looking for a Nash switched over to an automatic for *years* with no luck. If you have any leads on one, or know of anyone that doesn’t find this as ‘bastardizing the car!’ -(real comment!) please contact me. P.S. I lived in L.A. for 15 years & would gladly move back for that car, either way- you’re a lucky man, thanks for your story.

Hot damn. Someone who was actively searching for an Nash Metropolitan that had been converted from the incredible three-speed on the column to a slushbox automatic! There have to be, what, maybe three people on earth who would actually want such a vehicle? In any, I’m beyond thrilled, because, no, Alice, you’d only be several years late if I’d actually gotten off my lazy ass and done something to that Nash. But I’ve done exactly zero. The Nash has been a part of various Autopian car shows, and we even towed it to the LA Auto Show (see video below) to put it on display, but it’s never actually driven. In fact, I’ve never seen a single thing on it actually function; all I know is,  it has a bad engine, no battery, and apparently an automatic transmission that’s on its way out. The tires are dry-rotted, the suspension is worn, and I could go on and on. The thing is a carcass in a parking lot. But that’s only because I haven’t had incentive to fix the thing, and now I do.

I’m beyond delighted to have found someone who will appreciate this machine. The odds of that are so slim, it’s just hilarious.

Alice has been texting me quite a bit, offering to pay me fore my first round of repairs. I wont take payment until I actually fix the car and she buys it. But I’ve predicted no more than about $3,500 in repairs to get the car on the road (probably $2,500 plus some money for my time). Alice seems to think that’s reasonable, and is anxiously awaiting my wrenching, though a small part of her does want to drive a Nash Metropolitan before making any commitments. From Alice:

Hey David, I’m still in decision mode. Since I’ve never driven a Nash I reached out to a mechanic’s shop that has one parked outside. I left a message & asked if he could maybe give me a quick ride so he’ll either say yes but most likely think I’m crazy. What city is it in & do you know anyone that could fix it? I’m trying to figure out logistics right now, I’m in Humboldt county but I’m going to be in Southern Cal early this summer. I don’t know if you’re willing to wait that long for me to pick it up. Just let me know- thanks!!

And here’s another text:

I’m glad it’s not going to look perfect- that makes me nervous (like I’m going to mess it up) & I appreciate being able to make the aesthetic changes. But it being mechanically sound is what I’m going for.

I’m so glad I found you & this car!! Also that it’s a ‘personal use auto’ is so funny to me. Had you advertised it yet? Anyway, please assure Nate [the previous owner] that I’m beyond excited to own a 65 year old car & it will be driven, not tucked away in a garage. Thank you again for emailing me back so soon, if you need $ to start the project just let me know a way to get it to you- thank you again!!

And here’s another:

Sure, just let me know when you want to talk & I’ll give you a call. I’m watching & reading everything I can in the meantime but you’re right, Nate would know exactly how it handles & breaks, please thank him for this opportunity. I can tell it was well loved.

This is soooo good!


Someone Gave Me A Free Nash Metropolitan In Los Angeles, So I Guess I Have To Move There Now (Updated)

A Man Spent Decades Becoming A World Expert On Nash Metropolitans. Then He Put All His Parts Inside His Car And Gave It To Me. Here’s A Look Inside

It’s Going To Take So Long To Replace My High-Mileage Electric Car’s Bad Battery That I Bet I Can Resurrect An Old Nash Metropolitan While I Wait


51 thoughts on “I Finally Have Motivation To Fix My 1958 Nash Metropolitan

  1. Two issues with this (besides DT’s general craziness when it involves wrenching):

    The nutjobs per capita rate in Humboldt County is wayyyyy higher than the national average. It’s a giant red flag. I say this as a native who misses it every day.

    Even if the buyer is not a nutter, Humboldt is very much a PNW climate. Much of it is technically a temperate rainforest. Add salt water laden fog to that. It’s the last place I’d want a classic car like that.

  2. After consulting Wikipedia and learning that deceased notables like Steve Jobs, Jimmy Buffet, Elvis, and Paul Newman owned Metropolitans, it’s only right that David continues the line of excellence to the next generation.

  3. Fix it up for her and then sell it. It deserves the home you currently can’t give it. I’m thrilled another enthusiast is more excited about it than you. Godspeed.

  4. Seeing that can of PB blaster in the lead photo prompts me to ask – did you ever compare it to Nulon’s “Shift ya Bastard” multipurpose lube spray?

    Followup for the Australians – why “shift” and not “turn”? “Shift” sounds like an ATF additive.

  5. She’s so enthusiastic she’s practically begging you to take her money. The automotive world needs more of this sort of enthusiasm.

    1. Are you kidding? Most of the inflation we’ve had for the past few years has been because of dealers jacking up prices because of customers doing exactly that!

      1. I know – it’s almost as if the Saab-fanatic David Tracy, always on the hunt for that pre-facelift, Holy Grail Saab 900 Cabriolet, that we all know and love was changed into someone else.

  6. Glad to see the Nash is going to live and be appreciated if not by you DT. Growing up in my little 1400 person town in NW MO there was a red and white one that I’d see occasionally out and about, and always in the 4th of July parade. Had no idea they were rare or anything, just a car an old guy had in town.

  7. I agreed to restore a car for my sister. I installed a new cylinder head and carburetor to make it run. Now I’m dealing with the cascade of discovery that comes once you start actually trying to make a car run and drive. Things like overheating, loose steering, bad linkages, oil leaks, and the latest, oil pressure that goes away after 10 miles. No good deed goes unpunished.

    1. Went through the same exact things with a 66 Mustang my friend found that sat for 30 years. Got ‘er running with a simple ignition tune up but then the front brakes were seizing up. Finished the brake job and then I notice it’s overheating. Replaced T stat, housing and hoses and still overheating. I can run water though the whole system so now I’m thinking the pump impeller has corroded to nothing. I look at the suspension and see every piece of rubber is dry rotted.

      I’m done, handing it back over…

    1. Just keep reminding him what a horrific “piece of shit the AMC 360” engine is. He’ll remember his words eventually and sell.

  8. Late nite drunk Mech says: wtf there’s an industrial size can of PB Blaster? I could have saved literally cents per oz on my cologne de choice

    Slightly sheepishly, I must admit I usually smell like Oatey’s Dark Thread Cutting Oil or, in a pinch, Silicone 3-in-1 lately.

    1. Almost better: there’s now a pocket-sized can of PB. When you walk 7-10,000 steps a day on large roofs already carrying a tool bag, it’s a perfect companion

    1. Remember, David lives in Los Angeles now. None of that “wait for the spring thaw” stuff anymore. A case could be made that it’s always spring in LA, which could really spur DT on to new projects/fresh content. Might have to shed the girlfriend though…

      1. Yes, but this is instinctive behavior by David unmoored from his environment. Each Spring his need to fix junky cars leads him to leave his cave and venture out to the junkyards and auto stores of the world.

  9. Yay!!! I’ve been really curious about the Nash…too bad you’re selling it but it makes sense and at least it will go to a good home. I always enjoyed the history behind it w/ the previous owner. Good luck!

  10. “I just bought a second Jeep because I forgot how to put together my first one but this seems like a great time to start a new backlog project.”

  11. I’m pretty sure David is a time-traveling extra-terrestrial. I think that explains everything.

    His uncanny ability to see into the future so he can predict projects to the minute. (He knew Alice would contact him in 2024 and that’s why he hasn’t touched the Nash yet.)

    His superhuman endurance to spend 25 hours a day wrenching.

    His superhuman ability to turn a parts car into a project itself.

    His predilection for strange flavors like soggy spaghetti.

    It all finally makes sense.

    1. I think you are right. Those time travel folks are super weird. I’d ask around, but the Overlizards don’t like them much.

  12. “I’m glad it’s not going to look perfect- that makes me nervous (like I’m going to mess it up) & I appreciate being able to make the aesthetic changes. But it being mechanically sound is what I’m going for.”

    Is Alice single? Asking for a friend.

      1. No, it’s David’s girlfriend. She’s done what none of us could: Found a way to convince David to finish some of his projects and clear them out.

  13. Does Alice know that she might be on the cusp of becoming a famous Alice?

    Up there with the restaurant Alice, the rabbit hole Alice. the one with the snakes Alice or even the one in chains Alice.
    Alice, be prepared to be written in to the pantheon of Alices, Metropolitan Alice. ( Autopian Alice)

    1. You left out housekeeper Alice. Man, she never got the recognition she deserved. You try cleaning up after a household with six kids and a housewife that doesn’t do shit.

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