I Found A Secret Car Museum With An Incredible Collection Of Entirely Ordinary Cars

Secret Museum Ts3

Museums are wonderful windows into the past. Everyone of every generation can take a trip back to their childhood or eras before they were born. Many museums rack up the most iconic vehicles from their era, but it’s also awesome to see regular cars saved from rust and abuse. I found one of these museums here in Illinois and you won’t find it anywhere on the Internet. The Crazy ’80s Car Museum is an epic time warp to the Malaise Era and beyond.

This car museum came as a tip from Autopian Discord server user Cat. To illustrate how secret the Crazy ’80s Car Museum is, there’s no website for it, no Facebook page, and no Google listing. You won’t easily find its address, any information on it, or when it’s open. This is a museum where the old saying “if you know, you know” is the truth.

Even better is that the Crazy ’80s Car Museum is more than just a collection of cars. It’s a dream made reality and an educational tool for generations.

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Cars And Dreams

The Crazy ’80s Car Museum is the work of two men here in Illinois. They’re private individuals and the cars in the museum are their own cars. One of the owners of the museum told me that he and his friend long had a dream of opening up a car museum after retirement. They’re due to retire this year, but they opened up the museum early, anyway.

The museum’s location is in Dwight, Illinois at the former site of a 1970s furniture store. Your only clue that there’s something special going on is a small Crazy ’80s Car Museum sign out front next to an immaculate first-generation Chevy S-10 with just 60,000 miles. That’s the daily driver of one of the owners and a hint at what you’re about to look at.

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Walk into the door and you feel like you hopped in Doc Brown’s DeLorean and drove straight into the late 1970s and 1980s. The former furniture store has been largely preserved. Look up and you’ll plush carpet ceiling tiles, which hasn’t been a huge thing for decades. The walls are wood panels and mirrors, features the owner told me are straight from when the store was selling furniture 50 years ago.

The building has the calming aroma of an antique shop mixed the the rubber and fluids of cars older than you are.

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One of the owners of the museum tells me that every car in there is from the personal collections of the owners. They’ve never intended this museum to be something like the Lane Motor Museum or even like the Illinois Railway Museum. Instead, the guys figured that they already owned a bunch of cars, so why not show them off to locals and take people back in time while they do it?

Since these cars are personal cars, they aren’t exactly museum pieces. Yes, the guys tried to find cars in good condition, but I’m told most of the cars have some sort of problem that made them cheap to acquire. Maybe the car has a wonky carburetor, a screwdriver jammed into the ignition, or a misfire at idle.

When was the last time you’ve seen a Pontiac Astre?

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Or a first-generation Honda Civic?

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In addition to picking up regular cars that were once daily drivers, the guys left the cars largely as they were, including rust and potentially questionable modifications. There’s a reason for this. All of these cars were once daily drivers who carried their owners to wherever they needed to go. These aren’t just cars, but reflections of their owners and the time. These cars are snapshots of several lives lived.

There’s even a whole section dedicated to how the multiple oil crises of the 1970s changed cars. So much of car history dates back to that time. The 1970s was just the perfect storm to redirect car history. Many cars of the immediate era before were emissions-spewing gas guzzlers and Americans simply couldn’t afford to fuel them anymore. Fuel prices surged, the economy struggled, and inflation increased. People really started caring about the environment, too.

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Datsun B210
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Plymouth Horizon
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Toyota Tercel
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Nissan Pulsar NX

The cars of the 1970s and the 1980s reflect the changing world. Vehicles got smaller, more fuel-efficient, and cleaner. We also switched from advertising horsepower in SAE gross to net, which was part of why the mighty V8s of the late 1960s suddenly became so weak. Early smog equipment dealt another beating. Meanwhile, Americans were buying up a flood of compact and affordable imports while the American brands made their own interpretations of the same.

Something I love about this museum is the fact that you won’t find a Cobra or GTO in here. Instead, all of the vehicles in here, with the exception of the Bricklin SV-1, are cars that you or maybe your parents owned in the past.

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All of the vehicles in the museum are cars that you perhaps thought had all rusted away or had been driven into the ground.

Every Car Has A Story

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Another wholesome part about the Crazy ’80s Car Museum is the fact that every car there has a story. First, let’s just take a look at the museum’s mission statement:

This museum is dedicated to the mid-1970s to late 1980s; a time I remember of coming of age in America. A time in life of freedom and carefree living. This was a special time for me, and I just want others to remember.

You won’t see any muscle cars or hot rods in this museum. I have dedicated this museum to mid-size and compact automobiles of the time. These cars were driven by working men and women of america; factory workers, teachers, and students driving to and from school. These cars were brought to life because of the gas crisis and the new emissions and pollution rules. Inexpensive and gas efficient; or some would call disposable. I am not a car collector; I am a car saver. I have tried to save as many of these examples as possible and the stories behind them. Who, where, and why they were saved. I hope you enjoy my effort of saving this part of Americana. Welcome to the Crazy ’80s Car Museum.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to visit.

The owners of this museum have spent so much of their lives surrounded by the cars that populate the museum today. So, taking a stroll through their own collection takes them back to a different time. They want to share that magic with others.

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Nissan Stanza Wagon

I didn’t count the cars currently on display, but there have to be more than a few dozen. I’m told these are just the cars they were able to fit in the building. There are more, including a DeLorean DMC-12. The building is also only half-finished. There’s an entire wing waiting to be finished so more cars can pile in. That’s why the Nissan Stanza above Wagon is all by itself next to a Saab Sonett under a cover.

To give you an example of every car having a story, here’s a red Yugo.

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A Yugo sits next to a Ford Festiva and a Citicar EV

I was amazed by its condition, and then warmed by its story. A gay couple owned this car for many years, taking it all over. The couple loved the car so much that it was as inseparable from them as they were to each other. When the primary owner of the vehicle passed, the car ended up in some sort of legal limbo with the owner’s family. The family wanted to get rid of it, but Yugos aren’t exactly known for having much value. The Crazy ’80s Car Museum saved the vehicle from a potentially sad fate. Now, the spirit of the couple lives on in the red Yugo that brings smiles to those who walk by.

All of these trucks also have a story.

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A small corner of a Chevy LUV
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Dodge Ram 50
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Plymouth Scamp GT

The green one at the end, which I totally forgot to get a picture of, was owned by some hippies in Oregon. They made a bunch of modifications to the truck, including a screwdriver-based ignition after a key was lost. The Subaru Brat between these trucks was sold new without its iconic rear-facing seats, so it is on display here in Illinois as it was sold decades ago.

Even the mannequins have a story! The museum acquired the mannequins after a store shut down. They were also eventually doomed for the garbage bin, but now they represent the 1980s as well.

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An Isuzu Impulse!
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Sterling 827 SL

Some of the vehicles in the museum reflect the owners’ favorite bits of engineering. You will find a rare diesel car in there and more than one pace car replica. You’ll even find things that aren’t cars like vintage hovering lawnmowers and toys from the 1970s and 1980s. When I say that this place is a time machine, I mean it.

This museum has become an inspiration for me. I’ve frequently talked with my wife about one day just opening up a space displaying my own regular cars. These guys achieved this dream almost exactly as I’ve imagined it, but with cars 20 years older.

If you’re interested in taking a trip back in time, the Crazy ’80s Car Museum is free to visit, but donations are welcome. The owners of the museum are trying to keep it low-key and small, so try not to go overboard with telling every person you know about it. Otherwise, you can find the museum right off of I-55 on W Waupansie St in the town of Dwight, Illinois. The museum is open Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. I’m told the museum is constantly evolving, so what you see today can be different the next time you visit. Have fun!

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Pontiac 6000 – Sheryl Weikal

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Ford Courier/Mazda B1600
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Oldsmobile Calais 500 Pace Car Edition
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Pontiac Fiero Pace Car Edition
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Chrysler Conquest

(Images: Author)

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94 thoughts on “I Found A Secret Car Museum With An Incredible Collection Of Entirely Ordinary Cars

  1. This is such a nice idea. I even saw two examples of my exes in your photos. As a pump jockey from the early 70s to 1980, all of these types passed through my hands. So many memories. I’d like to start my own collection of VW-based beach cars. Want to call it Bugs, Buggies, Buses, and Things. Think anyone would visit?

  2. This is such a nice idea. I even saw two examples of my exes in your photos. As a pump jockey from the early 70s to 1980, all of these types passed through my hands. So many memories. I’d like to start my own collection of VW-based beach cars. Want to call it Bugs, Buggies, Buses, and Things. Think anyone would visit?

  3. I love this! I’ve never owned any of the cars pictured, but so many of them have been in my life.

    I saw a Horizon that exact color every day in autoshop, one of the seniors owned one and had a monster sound system in it. Another kid in my grade in shop class (who was somehow like 20 in 10th grade) had a Conquest.

    A friend’s mom had that model Tercel, and I see a white K-Car nose in one of the pics, he went on to have one of those as his first car.

    My best friend in elementary school’s dad had a Pulsar NX, and I think his mom drove GM J-car, one of which I see next to the Conquest.

    My late uncle had owned both a Dodge D50 4X4 and a Stanza wagon. A kid I worked with circa 1998 had a red Impulse that looked just like the one here, and I had a good friend in HS that drove a Fiero. Two did, actually. One of them had the GT nose and wing that this one has, though it wasn’t a special edition. He added those parts himself circa 1996 when we were Juniors.

    A childhood friend’s mom drove a 2 door Cutlass Calais when we were in elementary school, and a family friend had bought a Yugo for a commuter.

    I also see a white (Buick?) GM fwd wagon, my parent each had a white (Chevy version) Celebrity wagon, one of which was a Europsort!

  4. I love this! I’ve never owned any of the cars pictured, but so many of them have been in my life.

    I saw a Horizon that exact color every day in autoshop, one of the seniors owned one and had a monster sound system in it. Another kid in my grade in shop class (who was somehow like 20 in 10th grade) had a Conquest.

    A friend’s mom had that model Tercel, and I see a white K-Car nose in one of the pics, he went on to have one of those as his first car.

    My best friend in elementary school’s dad had a Pulsar NX, and I think his mom drove GM J-car, one of which I see next to the Conquest.

    My late uncle had owned both a Dodge D50 4X4 and a Stanza wagon. A kid I worked with circa 1998 had a red Impulse that looked just like the one here, and I had a good friend in HS that drove a Fiero. Two did, actually. One of them had the GT nose and wing that this one has, though it wasn’t a special edition. He added those parts himself circa 1996 when we were Juniors.

    A childhood friend’s mom drove a 2 door Cutlass Calais when we were in elementary school, and a family friend had bought a Yugo for a commuter.

    I also see a white (Buick?) GM fwd wagon, my parent each had a white (Chevy version) Celebrity wagon, one of which was a Europsort!

  5. Oh man, this place is full of cars that I would make a beeline past 10 exotics to check out at a cars and coffee. Kinda reminds me of the Festival of the Unexceptional, an annual car show in the UK full of survivor grade versions of “normal” cars like this.

    1. Indeed. Exotics of the era will be preserved forever and were as accessible to the masses as Madonna was. Those memories will be ones of lusting for what we couldn’t have.

      These are the workaday vehicles that we lived out our lives in. The memories are visceral, real, and sometimes a good reminder of how far we’ve come. Like running into an old friend, or reminiscing over old photos of our lives.

      Anyway, a moment in that Plymouth Horizon or if they get a Chevrolet Celebrity (I suppose their current A-bodies will have to suffice) would be a fun trip.

  6. Oh man, this place is full of cars that I would make a beeline past 10 exotics to check out at a cars and coffee. Kinda reminds me of the Festival of the Unexceptional, an annual car show in the UK full of survivor grade versions of “normal” cars like this.

    1. Indeed. Exotics of the era will be preserved forever and were as accessible to the masses as Madonna was. Those memories will be ones of lusting for what we couldn’t have.

      These are the workaday vehicles that we lived out our lives in. The memories are visceral, real, and sometimes a good reminder of how far we’ve come. Like running into an old friend, or reminiscing over old photos of our lives.

      Anyway, a moment in that Plymouth Horizon or if they get a Chevrolet Celebrity (I suppose their current A-bodies will have to suffice) would be a fun trip.

  7. Great article!

    The museum’s founders must be about my age (67). I remember every one of the vehicles pictured.

    I laughed out loud seeing the Florin Road Datsun license plate holder on the Nissan NX! I bought many parts for my first car, a used ’68 Datsun 510 wagon at their parts counter.

  8. Great article!

    The museum’s founders must be about my age (67). I remember every one of the vehicles pictured.

    I laughed out loud seeing the Florin Road Datsun license plate holder on the Nissan NX! I bought many parts for my first car, a used ’68 Datsun 510 wagon at their parts counter.

  9. There seem to be a good number of un-open car museums-like buildings where I live. Probably people that just bought cars and stored them. Case in point,…There is a building that looks like an old former car or boat dealership in Granite Shoals, TX. Looking through the large windows at the front, you can see several malaise era cars. If the owner ever opens up the building for people to see the contents, I’d definitely make the drive to see them.

    1. I found the place you’re talking about on Google Street View. If you go back in time, you’ll see a malaise-era full-size FoMoCo coupe parked outside in most of the older images. There’s also a K-car parked outside in one of them. This makes me wonder if this place was open before, but I didn’t see any signage in the photos.

  10. There seem to be a good number of un-open car museums-like buildings where I live. Probably people that just bought cars and stored them. Case in point,…There is a building that looks like an old former car or boat dealership in Granite Shoals, TX. Looking through the large windows at the front, you can see several malaise era cars. If the owner ever opens up the building for people to see the contents, I’d definitely make the drive to see them.

  11. A fifty year old former furniture store that now houses cars of the late 1970s and 1980s. Can anyone else smell this place based off of that and the pictures, or is that just me?

  12. A fifty year old former furniture store that now houses cars of the late 1970s and 1980s. Can anyone else smell this place based off of that and the pictures, or is that just me?

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