Update: I Have Just No Days To Sell My BMW

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Like so many automotive journalists, I own multiple cars. Unlike so many of my colleagues, this was never my intention. T’was a BMW that got me into this mess, and now I want out of it. I’m finally ending our unruly relationship, and I’ve only got five short days to do it.

I recently bought my dream car, a beautiful 2000 Audi TT roadster with turbo power and all-wheel-drive grip. I decided after years of average cars with average power, I deserved something a little more exciting. That meant it was time to get rid of my famously frustrating BMW. I made the call back in April, it had to go. But between the demands of real life and a cold used car market, I failed to get it sold.

I’m moving in five days. The clock is ticking, and the BMW has to go. I’ll be updating this article daily until it’s gone. Scroll down for the latest.

Time to go.

Not Going To Plan

It was never supposed to be this way. A year ago, I was driving an old Mercedes E240, and it bored the pants off me. It was comfortable enough, but slow and laggardly. I wanted something with more vibes, so I bought a nice BMW 320D on Facebook Marketplace. With the 2.0-liter turbodiesel under the hood, it pulled well and handled great. It didn’t have working A/C, but I paid $3,700 and felt like I’d scored big. The BMW was supposed to replace the Mercedes, a nice upgrade that was better on fuel to boot.

Then the troubles started. Shortly after my purchase, a small RPM fluctuation led me down a garden path of transmission flushes and related repairs. The car developed hesitation issues in anything but the coolest weather, and then it threw the whole drive pulley as a nice additional surprise.

Busted Pulley
This was stupid and I hated it.


I tackled these problems one by one and got the BMW to a healthy, running state. I even had a mechanic tackle the air conditioning. The problem was that took me a whole year. In the meantime, I felt like I had to keep my Mercedes on hand. I didn’t feel like I could sell the car because I hate being without transport. The luxury of having two cars meant I could get around even when the BMW was out of action. (Except for those rare cases when the Mercedes broke at the same time.)

In any case, in April, I had the BMW healthy and I felt like I could sell the Merc. It took me ages – over a week! – but I finally got it gone. I then followed that by laying down the cash for my dream car, a beautiful Audi TT. By this point, I wasn’t even considering keeping the BMW long term. Now that I had it running well, it was the perfect time to sell it before something else went wrong.

An Audi TT.
At long last, I got a car I actually wanted.

There was a hitch, though. When I bought the BMW, it seemed like a great deal. Most were selling for around $7,000 and up in good condition with functional air con. My car looked good, had decent tires, and I figured I could maybe get something near that. Using Gumtree (Australian Craigslist), I listed the car in April for $6,500, and heard nothing. Relisting the car for $5,500 got me a couple of rude low ballers and then crickets.

Sadly, the market has changed. As I put it so simply last month: used car prices have tanked. New cars are no longer hard to come by, so the inflated demand for used vehicles is gone. Normality is returning, but it’s killing my chances of getting a good pay day for the BMW that I whipped into shape.

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Remember I said I was on a clock? I’m not kidding. I’m moving—and a long way away at that. I’m only going to have room for one car, and I can’t take the BMW with me.

Now, it’s mid-June, and I’ve got about five days to get this thing gone. Past that point, I’ll have just about enough time to drop the car at a wrecking yard for scrap value. That would be ridiculous given that it’s a fully running BMW sedan from 2008 with a perfectly serviceable drivetrain and interior. Trim-wise, it sits somewhere in the middle of the pack. It doesn’t have heated seats, but it does have an infotainment screen, featuring BMW’s rudimentary symbolic GPS navigation system.

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I stand by my statement that the interior of my E90 is pretty okay.

Or, you know what, who knows? Maybe I’ll just park it at a friend’s house and give them the keys. Or I could simply ditch the car on some distant highway. As an aside, I seem to remember the difference between abandoning a car and abandoning the fuck out of a car is whether you even bother to close the door as you walk away.

Ditching the car would be an economically poor decision, but I can’t abide low-ballers. I can’t stand people who message me nothing but numbers or instantly demand my “last price.” In the rare occasions that I’ve entertained the delusions of these jagaloons, they’ve always failed to follow through with a sale anyway.

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It’s probably one of the cheapest 320Ds currently on sale at this point.

Right now, I’ve bitten the bullet and listed the vehicle on Facebook Marketplace. I’m willing to deal with the influx of “Is This Available?” messages in the hope that one real human might contact me with genuine interest. It’s up for $4,500. I’ve washed it, vacuumed it, and taken some new photos to show the car exactly as it sits today. I’m thinking that’s going to help me move this thing faster.

I didn’t just pluck that figure out of thin air. I had a look around at what else is on the market first and chose my price to blow all of them out of the water. Carsales.com.au has a 2010 BMW 320D that’s selling for $11,500 with 212,000 km (130,000 miles) on the clock. There’s a 2011 model with less mileage for similar money. Closer to my own car, there’s a 2009 model with 240,000 km (150,000 miles) on the clock for $6,250.

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Based on mileage and age, I’m pricing my car fairly aggressively.

At $4,500, with just 111,000 miles on the clock, my car should be looking pretty good compared to those other options. However, it’s not really that simple. I’m not just going up against the other 320Ds for sale in the market. It’s worth considering what else is out there for a similar price.

Having a quick scan around, I found a 2009 Honda Jazz for just $5,000. It’s in good condition, and it’s great on fuel without the reliability questions that linger around an older BMW. That would be a great buy, and it’s manual, to boot. Really, though, it’s slim pickings in this price bracket. You could have a 2004 Holden Astra for $4,300, or a 2007 Nissan Tiida for $4,700. Neither has the handling or torque of the E90 platform with a turbodiesel under the hood.

There are great options out there for reliable transportation, though they would lack the drive and handling that the E90 offers.

I’m hoping my aggressive pricing nets a quick, clean sale like I had with the Mercedes. That said, that buyer never transferred the registration into their own name so let’s hope this sale goes a little more straightforward than that one.

I am a car enthusiast, but I tell you what. I hate selling cars. You’re forced into tangling with bureaucracy, but you don’t even get the benefit of working with an experienced state-sanctioned bureaucrat. Instead you’re bickering about prices, registration, and paperwork with random members of the public. And there is nobody so unreliable, so impossible to work with, as a random member of the public.

At this stage, things are still looking bleak. I’ve had a few nibbles, but nothing serious. At the very least, my new photos seem to have generated more interest than my earlier ad from April, which used random images from the last six months.

I’ve sold a lot of cars in my time, some easily, most with some frustration. I’ve never had to do it on a timetable before, though. This week could suck, or I could be blessed with a quick sale and cash in the bank before supper. Wish me luck.

Update, 4 days remaining: Day 1 went terribly. Very little interest at first. One woman seemed keen to come by at 5 PM, but never showed. Had a flood of queries at 10 PM, because apparently that’s peak hour for buying used cars. I don’t even get it. With ten inquiries in an hour, I suspect my pricing strategy is starting to work.

Thus far, day 2 isn’t faring any better. I had someone keen who kept messaging repeatedly, insisting they had cash ready to go. When it came time to meet, it all fell apart as it always does. Five minutes after our meeting time, they told me they were twenty minutes away. Forty minutes later, they asked if they could have a $1,000 discount off the bat to make sure they weren’t wasting their time. On the one hand, I wanted to get the car gone. On the other hand, I can’t abide people that pull these juvenile negotiating tactics.

Old mate seemed super keen and ready to deal. This wasn’t much surprise to me; I’ve often been able to sell cars quickly and easily at my stated price when they’re cheap enough.
20 minutes on Facebook Marketplace can mean anything from 45 minutes to 3 hours in my experience.


Excessive use of “bro” and “brother” is a serious red flag for me when selling cars.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not opposed to haggling. I am opposed to people that keep me waiting and then try and pressure me into dealing on their terms. Honestly, had he checked out the car in good faith and made the offer in person, I might have considered it. In my experience, though, the typical types that do this don’t have the cash to back themselves up and they just try to beat you down further in person. I went through this with the Mercedes, and I’m not putting up with it again. Old mate got blocked. Sorry “brother.”

Update, 3 days remaining: More no shows, more lowballers. Someone that wants a $500 a week payment plan. I’m getting 5-10 messages every night between 10pm and 6am, which seems ridiculous. Message me while I’m awake, I don’t sell cars in the vampire hours!

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You’re a broke university student, but you want to buy a BMW for $5,500? Yeah, that makes sense.

Some suggest I raise the price to a more “normal” figure. I’m not sure that’s the move. Keep in mind I had the car listed for $5500 for weeks with no real bites. That figure was much closer to others listed online and interest was minimal.

In any case, I think I may have to do something drastic to get this thing gone in time. I’ve had ridiculously low offers from one of those “We Buy Cars” services. I guess I could try to roll up to a used car dealer and see what they’d give me but I have no idea how that even works. I suspect I wouldn’t get a great figure but I’m running out of time.

This is going down to the wire and that’s exactly what I didn’t want.

Update, 2 days remaining: Well, this has been about as much fun as getting punched in the face by a determined otter. Queries continue to flood in. People seem shocked and offended that a sub-$5000 doesn’t have a certified gold-plated service history or complimentary chocolates in the glove box. More no-shows, in fact, I’m yet to have a single person actually come and inspect the car. Truly wild, I just don’t even get it at this point.

As a laugh I tried throwing up an ad on a different platform for a higher price, and that made no difference. Zero inquiries except for one reader from Queensland who wanted to say hi. Hi! None of the ads are working so I’m exploring alternative options. Honestly, I’m at the price point where it makes more sense to keep it for 20 years and sell it as a “classic” but I don’t have a barn for it.

I’ve dropped the price a little further, but honestly, I don’t even know what’s going to happen at this point. Someone’s due to come by in a few hours, but I’ve believed that before. I’ve never had this much difficulty selling a car. I suspect my current location isn’t helping, being quite far flung from the inner city. Half these people seem super eager but can’t find their way down here. Get an Uber!? I don’t know. Figure it out.

Honestly, when Peter floated this rolling update idea, I thought it’d be a right laugh. Right now, I’m just sad.

Update, End of the final day: Failed to sell the car. Don’t know where I’m going to put it, if I’m honest. Might end up parked at a friend’s house for an extended period until I can find something to do about it.

Frustrating, but I suppose not surprising. I had similar trouble selling the Mercedes; that took a week.

The story’s not over, I just really wish it was!

Image credits: Lewin Day, Carsales.com.au, Facebook Marketplace

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71 thoughts on “Update: I Have Just No Days To Sell My BMW

  1. Relist for higher and write up an entertaining story plus say you need to sell it within five days.

    Then when someone lowballs you they might be close to $4500.

    1. I think that’s not a terrible idea. The problem I have right now is a ton of interest but nobody actually following through and showing up.

  2. Relist for higher and write up an entertaining story plus say you need to sell it within five days.

    Then when someone lowballs you they might be close to $4500.

    1. I think that’s not a terrible idea. The problem I have right now is a ton of interest but nobody actually following through and showing up.

  3. Does it do a decent skid?

    Maybe a viable tactic would be to position it as a cheap skid pig for those out there bored of AU Falcons.

  4. Does it do a decent skid?

    Maybe a viable tactic would be to position it as a cheap skid pig for those out there bored of AU Falcons.

  5. I don’t know from private car sales in Australia, but if the process is anything like it is here in the US, some of the worst cars to sell are those that are too expensive for most cash buyers, but too old and too finicky for a dealer to want them.

    I think you have it priced correctly. If all else fails, yes, entrust it to a friend to sell on your behalf, if they have the space.

  6. I don’t know from private car sales in Australia, but if the process is anything like it is here in the US, some of the worst cars to sell are those that are too expensive for most cash buyers, but too old and too finicky for a dealer to want them.

    I think you have it priced correctly. If all else fails, yes, entrust it to a friend to sell on your behalf, if they have the space.

  7. > there is nobody so unreliable, so impossible to work with, as a random member of the public

    Spoken like someone who hasn’t experienced an American DMV. :p

    Good luck with the sale.

  8. > there is nobody so unreliable, so impossible to work with, as a random member of the public

    Spoken like someone who hasn’t experienced an American DMV. :p

    Good luck with the sale.

  9. I hate selling cars so much that despite having owned a stupid number of cars, I have only ever sold 2 in my lifetime – and the second one I regret having sold!
    Since most of the cars I have owned have been very cheap beaters, I have generally dealt with not wanting to sell them by simply driving them until they are dead, then scrapping them.

  10. I hate selling cars so much that despite having owned a stupid number of cars, I have only ever sold 2 in my lifetime – and the second one I regret having sold!
    Since most of the cars I have owned have been very cheap beaters, I have generally dealt with not wanting to sell them by simply driving them until they are dead, then scrapping them.

  11. If you need to sell it quickly and the only other option is scrap, why not do a CarMax or Carvana?

    They generally can buy a car in a day and while you won’t get private resale value, you will get an OK amount.

    Only thing I can think about doing that is it doesn’t create a story to write on a blog about. /shrug

  12. If you need to sell it quickly and the only other option is scrap, why not do a CarMax or Carvana?

    They generally can buy a car in a day and while you won’t get private resale value, you will get an OK amount.

    Only thing I can think about doing that is it doesn’t create a story to write on a blog about. /shrug

  13. It’s weird to me that this is a world where “I Have Just Five Days To Sell My BMW” could plausibly have been a David Tracy post.

  14. It’s weird to me that this is a world where “I Have Just Five Days To Sell My BMW” could plausibly have been a David Tracy post.

  15. Best options:

    1. Sell it privately, if that works out.
    2. Sell to a used car dealership on the last day.
    3. Give it to a friend to sell, splitting any profits above your minimum desired price.
    4. Take it to a track and abuse the hell out of it until it dies. Then take it to the scrapyard. What you get from it there won’t be much different and you’ll have an article’s worth of content about what it took to get your BMW to die.
      1. Who knows, if the wrecking yard is far enough out, maybe there’s enough open space on their lot to do some proper hooligan donuts.

        Convince them in advance that nobody in their right mind would want the engine anyway and you’re all set. 😉

  16. Best options:

    1. Sell it privately, if that works out.
    2. Sell to a used car dealership on the last day.
    3. Give it to a friend to sell, splitting any profits above your minimum desired price.
    4. Take it to a track and abuse the hell out of it until it dies. Then take it to the scrapyard. What you get from it there won’t be much different and you’ll have an article’s worth of content about what it took to get your BMW to die.
      1. Who knows, if the wrecking yard is far enough out, maybe there’s enough open space on their lot to do some proper hooligan donuts.

        Convince them in advance that nobody in their right mind would want the engine anyway and you’re all set. 😉

    1. As far as I can tell, they’re pretty much all masochists. Moving is one of the most painful things you can do to yourself (right behind buying an out-of-warranty German car) so it tracks that they’d be into it. 😉

      1. I’m killing myself with coordinating a cross-country (Seattle to New Hampshire) move right now. Scheduled for late July, trying to coordinate everything getting there as close as possible after we get our keys (August 2nd).

        Moving everything in our house (4 bedrooms, including all the crap 2 kids accumulate), 2 motorcycles, and 2 cars: 2022 Hyundai Palisade and a 2017 Ford Focus RS with a blown engine.

        I might just burn everything to save time and frustration!

    1. As far as I can tell, they’re pretty much all masochists. Moving is one of the most painful things you can do to yourself (right behind buying an out-of-warranty German car) so it tracks that they’d be into it. 😉

      1. I’m killing myself with coordinating a cross-country (Seattle to New Hampshire) move right now. Scheduled for late July, trying to coordinate everything getting there as close as possible after we get our keys (August 2nd).

        Moving everything in our house (4 bedrooms, including all the crap 2 kids accumulate), 2 motorcycles, and 2 cars: 2022 Hyundai Palisade and a 2017 Ford Focus RS with a blown engine.

        I might just burn everything to save time and frustration!

  17. Seems like E90s just aren’t in high demand though almost all the 335s here in Colorado have disappeared, and given most were N54 cars it’s not surprising. A quick CL search shows a lot of 328s and N55 equipped 2011s. I’ve flirted w ditching my six speed 335 many times, but it never generated a ton of interest when listed, so it sits in a garage, a lot.

    On an unrelated note I always like the pre-LCI sport package wheels that your car has.

    1. I had a pre-LCI E90 335i and adored that car. The fuel pump was replaced twice under warranty. The second time used a redesigned pump that never missed a beat over the next 70K miles before I sold. There were occasional things that needed attention – water pump and oil filter housing leak, but nothing crazy. Plus the N54 with a JB4 tune pulled really hard. I think the thing I miss most is the wonderful steering feedback that is sorely missing on today’s electric racks – except those from Porsche and maybe Mazda.

  18. Seems like E90s just aren’t in high demand though almost all the 335s here in Colorado have disappeared, and given most were N54 cars it’s not surprising. A quick CL search shows a lot of 328s and N55 equipped 2011s. I’ve flirted w ditching my six speed 335 many times, but it never generated a ton of interest when listed, so it sits in a garage, a lot.

    On an unrelated note I always like the pre-LCI sport package wheels that your car has.

    1. I had a pre-LCI E90 335i and adored that car. The fuel pump was replaced twice under warranty. The second time used a redesigned pump that never missed a beat over the next 70K miles before I sold. There were occasional things that needed attention – water pump and oil filter housing leak, but nothing crazy. Plus the N54 with a JB4 tune pulled really hard. I think the thing I miss most is the wonderful steering feedback that is sorely missing on today’s electric racks – except those from Porsche and maybe Mazda.

  19. I have a strategy that hasn’t failed me in the couple of dozen cars and motorcycles I’ve sold. If I need a vehicle sold yesterday, I get a sampling of what everyone else is listing the same vehicle (and I drill this down to generation, engine, and condition) for and then price my vehicle $500 or $1,000 lower. Sure, I end up taking a bigger hit than I want, but I’ve regularly sold vehicles within 24 hours this way. Of course, living a couple of hours outside of one of America’s largest cities is a big help.

    The only stragglers I can think of were those stupid VW Passat diesels. Nobody seems to want them, even after I price $1,500 lower than other people and screw myself in the end. The darn things just sit for sale without much interest. Never again!

    1. Have you ever successfully priced higher to appease hagglers? I’ve never sold a car properly, they always disappear ignominiously. Selling bits off things on eBay, though, I know that people often value a deal more than they’re concerned with value.

      You would think a below market price would be The Deal in the first place, but people are.. people 🙂

      1. If I don’t need the vehicle gone right away I’ll usually start with some price cushion for the negotiators out there. Some people go way high, but I’ll do something like pricing the vehicle $500 or $1,000 more than what I’m fine with taking.

        I’ll then get an inbox flooded with offers for 50% or lower than my ask. Then come the inevitable insults when I don’t take someone’s 30% offer on a $3,000 car.

    2. Solid advice. I’ve had luck doing similar before.

      I’m easily the cheapest 320D out that I can see. Sadly it’s not cutting through but we’ll see what the following days hold.

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