I Installed A Ridiculous Vanity Plate On My New Jeep And The Internet Is (Maybe Rightfully) Not Thrilled

Jeep Xj Top

I recently bought a second-gen Jeep Cherokee (not that anyone really calls it that; it’s the XJ!), something I’ve wanted since I was in middle school. That’s my new-to-me machine below, and as you can see, it’s a fine example of “the SUV that changed the world.”  I haven’t driven it much, as I’ve been awaiting a new crankshaft position sensor from Mopar. Despite that setback, because I am an insane person, I immediately ordered vanity plates. I couldn’t help myself. My personalized plates finally arrived last Monday, and boy was I thrilled. The Internet? Not so much. Here’s a look at my $5000 Jeep and also at a little fun that I had with my new plates.

[Note: Welcome back Rob Spiteri, our 20 year-old occasional weekend writer, who took a bit of a break due to a health scare. He’s all better now! Or maybe not; you may read this post and decide he’s far from well. -DT]

I’ve been designated the license-plate wizard here at The Autopian (I gave myself the title) due to my obsession with plates, or “tags” as you Southerners call them. My coworker, everyone’s favorite salvage-yard scavenger Stephen Walter Gossin, nicknamed me “Plates” and hasn’t called me anything else since, which is awesome.

Anyway, ready for the big reveal? Here it is:

Yj Plate Gasp

I just know you’re scratching your head right now, “Wait a second…” Perhaps you’re thinking, “But David has a YJ Wrangler, and Rob you just said you have an XJ–did you switch cars?” No, but I like that idea.

[Editor’s Note: I’ve consulted with the Jeep oracle, and can now officially designate these tags as 100% blasphemy. -DT]. 

Why Y?

373009622 1960861504285152 62562944178023518 N

Why does my plate say “YJ” and not “XJ,” like the model it is? Perhaps it was a DMV clerical error. I mean, X and Y are only four inches away from each other on a QWERTY keyboard, right? Alas, no. Did I transfer this plate from a YJ to my new-to-me XJ? Incorrect. “Ah ha!” you say aloud, startling your cat. “Perhaps the Y and J are not even Jeep-related, but are the initials of a beloved someone–maybe an uncle Yves Jolicoeur, of whom you have fond memories from childhood visits to Quebec!” Also a no, but Uncle Yves sounds wonderful. I chose this plate. That’s right, I spent my hard-earned moola on expensive, wrong vanity plates simply to entertain the Jeep community. And not even one day after having my YJ plates did I receive, uh, spirited reactions.

[Editor’s Note: That’s my YJ above. If I were a huge YJ nut (and I’m not not one, but it’s not my true love like the XJ and ZJ) then maybe I’d be a little disappointed that I couldn’t get a YJ plate just so Rob can troll, but it’s all fair. -DT]. 

The XJ Community Reacts

My first devious plan in assessing the reactions of the interweb’s 4×4 aficionados was to enter the wonderful world of Jeep Facebook Groups. The Jeep groups of Zuckerland are full of people posting their 7-bar-grille’d shitboxes for triple what they’re worth because a pristine example of the same model sold for ridiculous dollars on Bring a Trailer. “Find another!” they say. My man, I can find ten.

As soon as I had the plates mounted, I sent a picture of them to my friend Julian, a fellow Jeep nut and admin of the “XJ Preservation Society” Cherokee Facebook group. I’m sure I made him laugh, but when I shared my new plates in the group, the other admins of the group had other opinions.

I attempted to post this:

New Yj Fb

The post was declined almost instantly. Soon after, Julian sent me a screenshot of the admin’s reactions:

Yep Big Time 2

My apologies admins of XJ Preservation Society, I was merely joking–not trolling at all, let alone big-time trolling. Sorry, XJ people. [Ed note: You were 100% trolling. Why are we even publishing this post? – MH]

Meanwhile, In The YJ Community…

Posting in the XJ group was a failure, so naturally I took the action to the YJ group–which is public, to my advantage.

I copy-pasted the same post into the YJ group and received quite a mixed bag of reactions from the members, not only in terms of positive versus negative, but intensity. Keith here was really unhappy with me. I mean, for real:

For Real 2

Connie used her considerable observational skills to point out that my “YJ” was not, in fact, a YJ:

No Yj 2

Man, I bet Connie can absolutely crush a Where’s Waldo book.

Derek gave me a fantastic tip on how to remedy the plate’s offending “Y.”

Sharpie Fix 2

I’m sure the Sharpie correction would be totally convincing, and I definitely wouldn’t get booked for felony license plate obstruction.

Allena–who I’m sure is just a delightful pleasure in real life–was absolutely not having my shenanigans:

Man You Suck 2

I’m always working on myself, but come on, Allena–harsh.

The action wasn’t all negative, of course. Many got a kick out of my plates, as the sea of “Haha” Facebook reactions and many of laughing-crying-face Emoji comments prove:


Y Though

I’m keeping the yj plates. These plates are staying on as long as my Jeep is running, which might be a long, long, long time. No disrespect fellow Jeep owners, they’re just for “if you know, you know” laughs and I hope those who do know will get a kick out of them–though I’m sure wherever I meet other 4X4 fans, a few will enjoy informing me that I’m akshully driving an XJ. Fine by me! If these plates help me meet more Jeep drivers and car people, that’s a win!

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143 thoughts on “I Installed A Ridiculous Vanity Plate On My New Jeep And The Internet Is (Maybe Rightfully) Not Thrilled

  1. I usually don’t like plates with the unimaginative choice of the model name (my neighbor has a Kia Stinger with “STINGER” plates), but I do like a good conversation starter. Maybe for my NB Miata I’ll get “TRIUMPH”

      1. It’s like calling one of your friends a nickname that they hate because you think its funny. It might be an inside joke, and it may have an interesting story behind it but only one of you laughs. It’s your call, but I think getting angry responses shouldn’t be/isn’t a surprise. In the end, it doesn’t affect me so I don’t care, but I do think the reactions are expected.

  2. I bought a YJ in 2020 that had been loved to David Tracy levels of rust. I considered many vanity plates for it: PD CASH, NO NOTE, DUMPSTR, etc. I settled on the name my wife gave it- garbage Jeep… GRBG JP

    Re: article, the most unsettling part is the uncentered lettering. I get and appreciate the troll (call it like I see it), but I can’t get over the off center letters.

  3. Why are you trying to pretend this is anything but trolling?
    Why is this even an article? I wasn’t aware this was a media outlet for weird edgelord “any attention” is good attention nonsense.

  4. Oh, meant to say,
    Glad your back, Rob—and that the health scare was just that it sounds

    Along these lines, any suggestions for a tag for a Z3 M roadster? HUBRIS is taken, as well as POSEUR. I’m an old shitbox guy, so looking for a little irony here as I do feel a bit out of place behind the wheel in it. Tagged in Virginia

      1. It IS available-only I’m trying to break the stereotype.(found myself using my signal when I did my first honest donut in it: purely automatic)
        thought about MY ETYPE as I’ll never afford a Jaaaag, but, like 3 people would maybe get it

          1. Ok, honest lol there
            because I tell my buddies I don’t care what people think of my cars: “If you’re relying on your car to boost your sex life, well, you pretty much get what you play for.”

      2. The more I think on it, the more I like that.
        M HUBRIS is also available….
        should stop obsessing & just order something. But I’m betting the hive mind here can come up with something better than I can

        should note that the ‘My Other Car Is A Shitbox’ Autopian plate surround looks good on it -blue contrasts nicely with the silver car

    1. I got a black on black with black bow tie 2017 Chevy Colorado and sprayed plasti-dip on all other logos. Pulled off the ZR2 stickers. Bought Toyota medallions and installed over Bow Ties… The YOTA fan boys think it is a Hi-Lux. I have TRD stickers for the bed and a red orange yellow stripe for front fender. All in.

  5. Trolling – (verb), as it relates to internet, is the deliberate act, (by a Troll – noun or adjective), of making random unsolicited and/or controversial comments on various internet forums with the intent to provoke an emotional knee jerk reaction from unsuspecting readers to engage in a fight or argument”

    I could not stop laughing. Rob, well done.

  6. Hi Rob!

    I get it. Good one. Troll away and please act shocked and surprised at your raging stupidity every single time someone points it out like you had absolutely no idea. But then totally act like it doesn’t matter and you couldn’t possibly care less. Ear steam may ensue 😀

    (Signed FKA Twigs, I mean Thad)

  7. I applaud this level of car based humor. Maybe not everyone gets the joke, or maybe they don’t find it funny, that’s fine. But people who take genuine offense to this really need should take some time to consider their priorities in life.

  8. Rob, this is a one-paragraph article. The photo is the punch line. It’s got more random filler than a casino buffet. Keep it light on the weekends!

      1. I concur with Mr. Shaft here. As a Shop teacher, I normally don’t grade papers, but I’ll make an exception here. I expect your essay on my desk by class time on Tuesday Mr. Marz.

    1. Which is why it is so funny. “Those” people in any fandom deserve what they get, and if they don’t like it, they should just stop being “those” people. “They” are simply too much fun to screw with.

  9. I think it’s amusing.

    I’m also surprised that a two-letter combination that actually means something car-related was still available. Maybe there aren’t a lot of Jeep folk in the Empire State.

      1. I’m not an expert, but I’m on the Internet, so I’m an “expert”: various JEEP models and generations have internal development codes made of two letters. The car featured here was developed under the code name XJ. The YJ on the plate refers to a completely different car model. Hence the hilarity/anger…

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