I Made Another Foolish Automotive Purchase: Autopian Members Get A First Look RIGHT HERE

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What they say about California is true: The cars are completely rust free! And what’s wild is that, even though everything is expensive in California, old cars aren’t really much pricier than they are in Michigan, in large part because people don’t have a place to store and maintain old vehicles. Needless to say, I have been tempted. Very, very tempted. And now — not two months after buying my beloved BMW i3 — I have fallen into my old ways.


345936142 159212160218975 3616425705919299184 N 346050835 930586554730606 8168817752986983546 N 346005270 207955628670894 249711371760391416 N 346060938 797312368591459 448246820479740794 N 346094773 917624959324022 6763412261351204611 N 345875555 1073101056997553 4792799391007655288 N 345917856 784749559872508 7602967970198997905 N 345982336 642069121097783 5864970622354750546 N

I’ll be doing a full introduction tomorrow.

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63 thoughts on “I Made Another Foolish Automotive Purchase: Autopian Members Get A First Look RIGHT HERE

    1. I keep wanting to buy a cheap RX-7/8, then I scare myself from pulling the trigger. Seems like all of the cheap ones are broken, soon to be broken, or rusty.

      1. Hey Mercedes, sorry I didn’t stop to chat more at David’s moving party (I’m the tall guy who wandered in the front door two hours late after a full day of driving and rally cross, and I just had a splitting headache and wanted to say bye to David and get home. No offense was intended when I walked off in search of David, I was just really exhausted). Anyway, if you’re interested, I can help you check out options, or help demystify the engine. I’ve rebuilt the engines in both my FC and RX-8, and have a (homemade) compression tester. The only caveat, I’m in SE MI, and kids make it difficult to travel.

        Anyhow, avoid the rusty ones, everything else is fixable. I got a great deal on a 2009 RX8 because the dealer flooded it and just couldn’t be bothered to deal with it. $4500, an hour to go through it and properly pull the plugs etc to de-flood, and I had an 85k mile S2 base that held up for a couple years of track days and ice racing before a side seal let go.

      2. I echo what Peter said. Avoid the rust at all costs. If you can’t buy a pristine example that was low mileage, find one where everything seems to be in order except for the engine. They’re incredibly sensitive to maintenance and care, so if you have one rebuilt, *you* can take care of that engine from day one and help it live a long and happy life revving to 9k every day.

  1. David, David, David. You have fallen into the trap. This isn’t REALLY the jeep you want, what with the square headlights and all: it’s just that you are used to Michigan rust buckets, and so you have jumped on the first pretty face (aka rust free Jeep) you’ve encountered. It’s a lot like marrying the first girl who will kiss you.

    It’ll be over in a year as you discover that there are a lot prettier fish in the sea. I don’t begrudge or criticize your choice but I predict a short relationship between you two.

  2. Looks sweet! That really takes me back – when I was in HS in the late 90’s my friend’s dad had one of these in silver with a grey hardtop. Stickshift. It was glorious to look upon! Even though it looked cool, we rarely wanted to ride in it because of the punishing ride quality. If it was that bad when I was a kid, I can’t imagine trying to go any distance greater than a mile in it today.

    Could you take the top off and do a Clueless homage with it?

  3. And the cycle continues! In about 6 months we’ll get another car-hoarding article with DT as the subject. Keep up the good work.

  4. I just realized that having an office in a car dealership would be agonizing, as every day I’d be scouting the fresh trade-ins.

  5. Congratulations on a solid looking shell.
    Any consideration of a wrap with fake rust to make it look authentic?
    It looks like a show jeep as it is.

  6. I don’t know that a clean, unmodified YJ in white could ever be a foolish purchase…

    That right there is one of the most perfect starting points for a solid trail rig there is…

    1. I’m a bit surprised by the lack of rust and generally well-kept appearance of the vehicle.

      Maybe it is radioactive or something? There must have been some hidden jankyness that captured his attention.

  7. It certainly appears to be in good cosmetic condition. Hopefully the mechanics are just as good, but that wouldn’t scare you off anyway.

  8. Aaaaaaand, the Jeep collection starts again! Just with much less rust! Can’t wait to see what shenanigans this gets involved in.

  9. I knew it was a Jeep before scrolling down. DT is still our beloved DT, just slightly more rust free.

    Honestly I don’t think this one is foolish. Well not foolish by your standards at least.

  10. My older cousin had a red one of these – the first vehicle I drove with a stick shift!

    Congrats on this new rust-free life, David!!

    1. Just trying to add a little value to members. The full story will come tomorrow, but we want to give members a sneak peek of what we’re up to.

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