I Need Y’all To Back Me Up Here And Help David Understand How Wrong He Is: Tales From The Slack

Tfts The Wire

We had that fight again. We keep having that fight, and so we had it again, because we can’t not have that fight. Yup, it’s time for another edition of: How can David possibly think that people don’t know this piece of pop culture history?

In previous installments, David tried to insist that people wouldn’t get a freakin’ South Park reference, didn’t recognize Quantum Leap, and somehow didn’t know who Steve Martin is. He also confused Hannah Montana with an adult film actress.

And yet, earlier this week, I wrote about a quote from an analyst on China and deputized The Wire‘s Stringer Bell, played by globally famous man Idris Elba, to carry said quote. Alas, David had the gall to not only insist that people didn’t know who that was, but also to insist that I was in a bubble! Let’s tell him he’s wrong and make him stand in his wrongness and be wrong.

As a little backstory here, I did tell Peter to do the Stringer Bell image from The Wire and include the quote, but when David saw it first it was just the image:

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Did my pulse rise a little when I saw this? Not so much, because I knew it was coming. I could imagine the argument, but I think the argument was worth it.

Just in case you were not aware, that is Stringer Bell, the #2 in Avon Barskdale’s drug operation in David Simon’s gritty crime drama series The Wire, which ran for five seasons on HBO. It is, arguably, the show that kicked off the current run of more novelistic, long-form prestige/Golden Age Of TV-type shows. It’s a series about institutions and what it takes to survive and change in an increasingly complex Late Capitalist society.

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That’s not the hed we went with (Hed = Headline), but I’m fine with that.

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How is it that a man who basically grew up Amish Lite could possibly know what Americans do or do not know? Make it make sense.

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“Looking at the viewership numbers” I think means that David looked at the ratings, which is roughly like looking at the Ferrari 458 and going “Look at how many people bought this car, no one knows what it is.” The show was on HBO in the aughts! Close to 5%? FIVE-FUCKING-PERCENT?

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Fun fact, when we write stories we definitely think about who may or may not read them and where those stories might play. Some stories do better on Google Discover or social or Google News or Flipboard or wherever. A little tweak to a headline or a topshot can make a story reach a bigger audience in one of those places, though sometimes we know a story is just for us and write zany headlines.

Poor Thomas, he’s just trying to do his job.

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I should write a news play! Also, half the cast is British! Idris Elba and his main rival, Detective Jimmy McNulty (Dominic West), are both British. Also, Tommy Carcetti (Aiden Gillen) is like Irish or something. What’s the deal?

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I’m not going to touch The Sopranos take, but I do think The Sopranos is a little overhyped.

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I am not in a bubble! You’re in a bubble!

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So, first it was 5% of people would know who it is and here I get a little upgrade to 20%, but he’s not even sure of that. Here comes Peter with the revised topshot:

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First, c’mon. Second… c’mon. Third, that’s a good topshot.

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Oh David. DAVID!

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It’s true! Idris Elba did build Ford cars. TMYK.

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The idea that people don’t know who someone is because it’s on an old show does not hold up in the age of streaming.

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Fucking got him!

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Ok, I guess I didn’t get him. But my point is made.

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Wait, David watched BET when he was younger? Should I try more 227 jokes?

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Aaaand here comes Peter to ask us to do our jobs because we’ve been doing this for an hour.

This is where I need you, dear commenters, to help David understand how wrong he is (or how wrong I am, but that seems unlikely). More than half of you in the Discord indicated that you, in fact, do know who Stringer Bell is. And even provided this gold:

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Tiziano is a Galpin employee who sometimes shoots videos for us.

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Quantum Leap is famously a show about the past! Grrrr…

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144 thoughts on “I Need Y’all To Back Me Up Here And Help David Understand How Wrong He Is: Tales From The Slack

  1. Just my 2 cents: Idris is famous enough that his image is widely recognized. PS: I graduated high school in 1970 with Clarke Peters (Peter Clarke) aka Lester Freamon. Peter is a good guy and multi-talented. He came back and entertained for our high school’s 75th anniversary. Ernie Isley came back and played guitar in the style of Jimi Hendrix. He is allowed because Jimi played with the Isley Brothers at one time. John Travolta and Sara Jessica Parker were no shows, which was just as well.

    1. I shouldn’t forget Richard Lewis (rip) who sent a video from which I learned that he grew up on my street. I didn’t know him as he was 5 years my senior.

      Auto related: my elementary school friend’s parents had an Avanti.

  2. I was one of the few on Discord who didn’t get the reference. I don’t live under a rock—I live under a nice, soft pile of Puffalumps.

    That being said, I clicked on it for the sweary quote. I didn’t get the reference, but the “what the hell is this?” factor got me.

    (Also, it was about time for MY morning dump, so you know. Yo dawg.)

  3. Sorry David, but you’re wrong on this one. I never had HBO, never saw The Wire (though I have heard of it) and have no idea who Stringer Bell is. But I do know who Idris Elba is. And even I recognized the quote as a pop cultural reference.

  4. Because I’ve been alive in the 2000s, I know what “The Wire” is but I’ve never seen it, mostly because everyone I know who has is INSUFFERABLE about it. And I’m not even sure who Stringer Bell is. But I sure as h*ck know who Idris Elba is … and when I saw the topshot, I filled in the missing context. I imagine most of the non-viewers did the same thing.

    Also, I appreciate David playing devil’s advocate, because it’s possible to be too insular, but I’m also OK with the site having a specific sensibility.

    1. Yeah, The Wire is one major aspect of recentish pop culture that I noped out on, but I at least know who Idris Elba is, maybe the only actor from the series I can recognize?

    2. Well if you are properly down with some cold or something and need really to pass time, I recommend that you give it a chance. It’s really earned it’s praise and some more.

  5. Fuck,…Fuck,…. Motherfucket,… Fuuuck…, David is wrong again,…Fuck…,Fuck,…Motherfucker…

    (This might be a reference too far, but even people who have never seen The Wire know who Idris is)

  6. Okay there is only one way to test this. My auto correct has no idea who this comic book character is. So Dave Tracy for the win over a little Gen z crowd.

  7. Sorry Matt I agree with DT on this. I have no idea who this guy is or how the comment is relevant. And I got all the other references. I think you might be in a certain sub group that mainstream Americans don’t get.
    As for Quantum Leap is it Sam and AL or the new crap? Which I watched every episode. It just isn’t as watched as the old one. Also crappy writing and no concept of the original. It is just another ripoff of a great show that is mediocre with the relaunch.

  8. never had HBO, cut cable back around ‘98. But, just from listening to NPR for like the last 15-20years I knew who Stringer Bell was (at least as a character on a show I never watched). And, ‘global game’ w/ MF’ers has been quoted far & wide on the internet. As I don’t fb or whatever twitter is called now—or frequent popular culture sites, I either saw it on the old site or one of the history/archaeology blogs I frequent.

  9. Regarding David Tracy’s pop cultural awareness: I’d always assumed that David spent part of his youth growing up in Germany, but I didn’t know it was East Germany in the 1970s.

    DT in the slack: “You know, like the old ‘Worker and Parasite’* cartoon. You guys don’t know ‘Worker and Parasite’? I grew up on that”.

    *This is a reference that DT will also not get.

    1. Yo dawg, I heard you like pop culture references, so I’ve put pop culture references in your pop culture references so you could reference it while you pop some culture 🙂

  10. I’ve never had HBO, but have seen every episode of the Wire and have trouble accepting the actors as other characters.
    Why, oh why, does David keep entering the game, marching up Pop Culture hill, and getting absolutely slaughtered?

  11. I’ve never watched the wire, but I’m aware of its existence and can identify many of the characters by sight, if not name just due to it being so ingrained in pop culture. I should watch it at some point.

    I’m actually quite surprised by the number of folks who don’t know who Idris Elba is. Dude has been in a ton of stuff spanning genres, target demographics and ages brackets. He’s been in marvel and DC superhero movies, multiple award winning tv series, done voice work in several popular animated kids movies (Zootopia, finding Dory, sonic the hedgehog), a freaking star trek movie, the creepy movie version of the musical cats, American gangster, etc. You’d almost actively had to try to have avoided him.

    Oh yeah, he was the antagonist in the rock/Statham f&f spin off. That alone guarantees that a large chunk of the world at least recognizes his face.

  12. It’s this kind of dogged, obstinate attitude against admitting one is objectively wrong and out of touch that can also perpetuate attachment to failing projects like rusted out jeeps and such. There is a connection here to the Stringer\Avon tension that arose as Stringer attempted to legitimize and rise out of the street gang life. Maybe.
    As a Marylander of a certain age I’m certainly a skewed demographic, but I know plenty of people from all walks who are fans. Hell, I was in the Navy at the time the Wire was being broadcast, and EVERYONE on the crew of my boat was fully aware, and that was a very diverse gang of people in the 19-40 male American human being demographic.
    Anyways, I’d like to say that David’s head appears in a much higher ratio on article top-shots than any other journo here, and maybe also in comparison to ALL heads, and that is odd to me. Thoughts? When taken as an appearance in auto-played videos I’m guessing his head ratio is near 100%. It’s a bit much. David has a fine head, but it’s a bit much. The cowboy hat version is pretty fun. Use that one always.

  13. I’m familiar with Idris Elba of course, but nothing about the wire, and I didn’t recognize that as Idris Elba in the shot… Gotta side with DT this time

    1. While I have heard of The Wire, and I’ve heard of Idris Elba, I also know that I’m somewhat face-blind and I don’t get out much. While many of these pop-culture references are lost on me, I know and expect that to be the case. I also know that I’m usually firmly in the minority on this.

  14. Having seen some polls on a quite different, but very popular website in it’s niche, the polls often get vastly different results to the comments, as the people commenting are often on the fringes.

    But yeah, Matt and Adrian are right. I’ve not watched the wire, but enough across it that this is fine.

    I think Matt and Adrian take joy in stirring up David and his lack of pop culture knowledge, and push these further than needed purely for fun, and ultimate our entertainment.

  15. I have never heard of The Wire. I have never heard of Idris Elba. Granted, I was not an adult in 2008, but you can say that about quite a few American adults.

    You guys need to put up a poll and see if more or less than 50% of readership knows who that is.

  16. I’ve never watched The Wire, because I’ve never had HBO. But, I’ve heard of Stringer Bell. Didn’t know he was played by Idris Elba, though.

  17. (crime scene investigation)

    BUNK: (under his breath) Mmm, fuck fuck…Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

    BUNK: (under his breath) Fuck. Fuck. Fuckin’ fuck.

    MCNULTY: Fuck.

    MCNULTY: (in pain) Fuck!

    MCNULTY: Fuck.

    BUNK: (exclaims) Mother-Fucker!

    MCNULTY: (astonished) Awe fuck….Awe fuck.

    MCNULTY: Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck…Fucker.

    MCNULTY: Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

    BUNK: Awe fuck.

    BUNK: (stunned) Mother fucker.

    MCNULTY: (shocked) Fuckin-A.

    MCNULTY: (straining, using pliers) Fuuhck

    MCNULTY: (decisively) Motherfucker.

    BUNK: (taken aback) Fuck Me.

    (end scene)

  18. Bunk: “There you go, giving a f*** when it ain’t your turn to give a f***.”

    Just announced that Wendell Pierce will be playing Perry White in the new Superman movie. Perfect casting.

    Count me in as one of the “own The Wire complete series on DVD” guys. Also, I agree with Adrian’s take on The Sopranos. It is good but not as good as everyone says.

  19. I am siding with David on this one. I am only vaguely aware that a show called The Wire exists (or existed? I have no idea if this is a current show or from the past). I have absolutely never heard of the Stringer Bell character and I have no clue what the show is about. The more I think about it, I don’t even recall hearing people talk about it very much. Was this show really that popular? I do know who Idris Elba is, though – wasn’t he on The Office for a season or two?

    Also, I’m sure Adrian was joking when he referred to Matt LeBlanc as the guy from Top Gear, but that is what I mostly know him from. I am aware of Friends, although I have only seen maybe four episodes of it. I don’t watch a lot of TV, aside from sports. I don’t understand most pop culture references on this site; I’m okay with that.

    1. I’m also with David. I’m vaguely aware there was a somewhat popular show called The Wire many years ago but I never saw it and don’t know what it was about. I’ve heard the name Idris Elba but I have no idea what he looks like or what he is famous for. I do know that Matt LeBlanc was in a show called Episodes which was really funny and he refers to having been in Friends, which I have never watched. I was more of a Seinfeld guy in that era and I think I watched Sopranos during the period others watched The Wire.

    2. I also never watched The Wire and, while I’m aware of it and its importance as a show, wouldn’t recognize any references to any of the characters and know who Idris Elba is because he was considered or promoted to succeed Daniel Craig as James Bond, which seemed to bother the kind of people who require extraordinarily strict gender and ethnic verisimilitude and adherence to precedent in whatever fictional media they consume about superspies using impossible gadgets in impossible situations, denizens of other planets that travel through space and time in a police call box, or humans and/or humanoids that somehow acquire unimaginable strength, the ability to fly, or turn green and muscular whenever something pisses them off. From what I’ve learned about Mr Elba, his body of work indicates he’d be a fine choice for the role.

      That said, I’ve lost a lot of ground in popular media knowledge since I left home for college some umpty-ump years ago.

      1. I recall hearing that Idris Elba was considered as the next Bond. I agree he would be a good choice. Of course, I don’t like the direction the movies are going with the Bond character. Daniel Craig’s movies had him play a brooding, complicated action hero. I preferred Bond when he was a ridiculous caricature of government agent; Elba playing that kind of Bond character could be very good.

    3. > I do know who Idris Elba is, though – wasn’t he on The Office for a season or two?

      He’s a huge movie and TV star. He was on The Wire, had his own show named Luther in the UK (great show), he has recurring roles in the Thor/Loki movies, and he’s been voted sexiest man alive by basically every publication in the world.

      1. I have only seen him in The Office, although I am aware he is a fairly big celebrity. I am just not a big TV or movie fan (I have never seen any of the Thor movies and I am not aware of Luther). If The Autopian starts making sports references I’ll be more in the loop; until then I will remain as clueless as David.

      1. Nineties studio exec #1: “let’s make that goofball from friends an action star”
        Nineties studio exec #2: “yeah, yeah whatever. Pass me the cocaine”

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