If You Care About Car Culture Don’t Be A Jerk All The Time

Dont Be A Jerk Ts

Cars are still a necessity for many Americans and, therefore, the culture of cars is likely to survive for a while. The long-term health of our culture is at risk for various external reasons and one big one: People acting like jerks.

Cars are awesome. I love cars. I devote most of my day to writing about, driving, or thinking about cars. Some of my best memories are in cars. When people online or in person explain their dissatisfaction with cars I am quick to defend vehicles not only as a form of transportation but also as a focal point for community building amongst often diverse groups.

Car culture is good for democracy. It is good for society. I interface with people I might otherwise not because of cars and, in doing so, have the kind of interactions that are necessary for a functioning polity.

Unfortunately, there’s a group of folks, best represented by the r/fuckcars subreddit, that see cars only as a societal evil. To them, cars are a historical mistake caused by greedy 20th-century capitalism that led to us remaking our cities for cars and, by doing, so clogged our air with noxious fumes and sent everyone out to the suburbs.

It would be easier to laugh off the group if there weren’t constant reminders that our hobby is at risk of being outlawed in different ways. And being a jackass really hurts all of us.



This has come up recently because of this gentleman, Miles Hudson, aka SRT.Miles, aka aka the “Belltown Hellcat.” He has a Hellcat Dodge Charger with a modified exhaust and his joy seems to be in driving as loudly as possible late at night in Seattle.

In watching a lot of these videos it’s not clear if Hudson’s goal is to represent car culture or just be an annoying influencer, but to the average resident nearby it’s a “car thing” and nothing else.

You can really get the sense of how this is about cars from a recent write up in Fox 13 Seattle:

Hudson’s Hellcat — a Dodge Charger modified with racing-grade software and an ensemble of aftermarket parts — wears a price tag close to $100,000. While some automotive mod companies linked to Hudson on his Instagram page relish his patronage, others are slamming the brakes on any association with the reckless driver’s exploits.

The city’s patience wore thin last week as Seattle City Attorney Ann Davison took legal action, demanding a default judgment against the daredevil driver. Hudson could be on the hook for not only his towering fines but also the taxpayer dollars squandered as a result of his failure to answer the city’s pleas.

Residents have lodged numerous complaints and police have issued warnings, tickets and reports to no avail. Hudson’s mother emailed the city in mid-May, insisting that steps were being taken to bring the car into compliance and under new ownership. Yet, a recent video on Hudson’s Instagram page contradicts these claims, showcasing masked antics that only fan the flames of local frustration.

The “racing grade” software bit is kinda hilarious and this is an extreme example, but it’s certainly not the only one. If it’s not Hellcats in Seattle it’s people in trucks “rolling coal” on electric cars:

If you’re not aware, rolling coal is using a (usually modified) diesel truck to spew as much particulate matter into the air. This is typically done by tweaking the engine to dump as much diesel into the cylinders as possible and, without enough air for proper combustion, the exhaust releases a big smokey plume that’s terrible for everyone. A kid in Texas tried to do it to a bunch of cyclists, accidentally collided with them, and sent two of them to the hospital.

Imb Tvnnku

The Hardigree Principle

Not to get too Andy Rooney on your ass, but when someone acts like a dummy in a Nissan Altima that’s easy to write off as a person being a dummy in a Nissan Altima, but when someone acts foolish in a modified car or a sports car it’s suddenly more ammo for those trying to declare all cars evil.

Now, Matt Hardigree is only human, don’t think I haven’t been through the same predicament. I get the appeal of being dumb in a car and I have, of course, been dumb in a car. But I’ve very specifically tried to do dumb shit in a way where, if I really screw up, I’m only annoying/hurting/inconveniencing myself. I’ve also tried to do it stealthily. If I’m in a bright orange Veyron I’m not going to go bombing down Broadway.

Weirdly, this seems to be the exact opposite of how people act. The more conspicuous the car the more conscious the activity.

This is why I’m proposing The Hardigree Principle, which states that the louder and flashier your car the harder you need to try to not be a jackass in public.

If you’ve got a heavily modified Pontiac Aztek with a bright purple zebra wrap and a bangin’ sound system then it’s on you to not blast Creed’s “With Arms Wide Open” outside the Children’s Hospital at 4:00 AM. If you’re a Creed Festival then or a race track or whatever, sure, have at it.

If your daily is a brand new 911 GT3 then, cool, good for you. Great car. Maybe try not to hoon it on city roads in the middle of a weekday, it’ll only end badly.

This isn’t to say that if you have a stock Dodge Neon you’re allowed to drive however you want. Always be safe, but the odd front-wheel-drive tire chirp from a spotlight isn’t going to grab the attention of the national news or doom car culture.

This Is What SLAB Culture Gets Right

Growing up in Houston I sort of grew up with SLAB cars. For those who don’t know, SLAB means Slow, Loud, and Bangin’ and refers to any car (though often older American cars) lowered and covered with bright candy paint, a huge subwoofer (with which to bang), and swangas (wheels with the giant elbows out).

Out of any context, they are about as obnoxious as any car could possibly be. But the “slow” in SLAB is important. While I regularly experienced SLAB cars in the wild and, on occasion, heard a few pop off with some Lil’ Keke in the middle of the HEB parking lot, I rarely had any issues.

Part of the reason is that so much money is put into these cars that it would be risky to drive fast with these wheels. Unfortunately, as pointed out in the film above, clout chasing has resulted in some street racing and other less-ideal behavior for social media.

To get a little more Andy Rooney, I do think social media has made this behavior worse by making it possible to grab a huge audience and make money by being more obnoxious with your car.

Ultimately, I think car culture is a good thing and for every one jackass annoying their neighbors for lols there are dozens of other helpful, well-meaning people who just like cars. It’s on the rest of us to do better personally and also to discourage our friends from being chodes so we don’t wind up with more car shows that think they need to ban whole classes of cars to survive.

To paraphrase Ben Franklin: It’s a nice car culture, if we can keep it.

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121 thoughts on “If You Care About Car Culture Don’t Be A Jerk All The Time

  1. They should take away that Hellcat and religate him to a Chinese made 50cc scooter. You can ride the balls off of that in a neighborhood, and nobody can even tell.

  2. They should take away that Hellcat and religate him to a Chinese made 50cc scooter. You can ride the balls off of that in a neighborhood, and nobody can even tell.

  3. The only invention worse than the car is the car alarm. Literally no auto theft has ever been prevented by one. They only serve to piss off non-car driving city people.

    1. I would always hope the there was a thief and that they were efficient enough to get the car the f out of earshot ASAP. Thankfully, I don’t hear them anymore.

    2. Many years ago some jerk who lived nearby had a car alarm that would go off at all hours. The alarm was the voice of a child screaming “AAAHHH!! HELP ME”!!

  4. The only invention worse than the car is the car alarm. Literally no auto theft has ever been prevented by one. They only serve to piss off non-car driving city people.

    1. I would always hope the there was a thief and that they were efficient enough to get the car the f out of earshot ASAP. Thankfully, I don’t hear them anymore.

    2. Many years ago some jerk who lived nearby had a car alarm that would go off at all hours. The alarm was the voice of a child screaming “AAAHHH!! HELP ME”!!

  5. Yep. As a gearhead I’ve seen more and more shitty behavior by people, usually annoying influencers, giving the rest of us a bad name. I hesitate to call those people gearheads or car people. Instead they’re general hooligans using cars as their tool of choice to act irresponsibly and cause chaos. Half of the time said cars are stolen.

    It would be easy to call me a hypocrite, because back in the day I used to frequent late night street races and may have engaged in some less than legal activities. But the group I was with made efforts to stay out of the way of the general public, compared to the idiots today performing “sideshows” in the middle of busy intersections. Nowadays it seems the goal of those people is to be as disruptive as possible. Fuck those people. 

    1. You nail one of the big differences – old school street racing was often about the racing, the activity, itself. What’s going on now is primarily about the attention; the cars are just the, well, vehicle to get it.

      Just like how the outlaw biker gangs aren’t primarily into the motorcycles. The bikes are really just a way for them to give the middle finger to society, a collective way to create an identifiable opposition group.

      1. This is so much the real point here. These people aren’t in car culture for anything other than making the biggest splash in social media and Internet attention-grabbing. They aren’t cool, they’re just big wankers.

        I really don’t have a problem with a bit of automotive hooliganism where the participants are genuinely into cars, driving skill, and having a bit of fun on the edge but knowing when to tone it down because there are lines that aren’t safe or socially good to cross. These people don’t get it at all.

        Any “cool” factor isn’t earned by excessive showboating. I may or may not have “schooled” some local boy-racers in the 90s with a car that shouldn’t have been capable of dusting them like I could — but that comes down to knowing the car inside and out, and how to get the most out of its potential. That may or may not have earned me a certain “cool” factor with a certain segment at the time. But the point is that none of it was done in any flashy, attention-getting way. Street cred is earned, not made by making an outsized scene.

        How hard is it for people to understand the basic rule, “Don’t Be a D*ck”?

  6. Yep. As a gearhead I’ve seen more and more shitty behavior by people, usually annoying influencers, giving the rest of us a bad name. I hesitate to call those people gearheads or car people. Instead they’re general hooligans using cars as their tool of choice to act irresponsibly and cause chaos. Half of the time said cars are stolen.

    It would be easy to call me a hypocrite, because back in the day I used to frequent late night street races and may have engaged in some less than legal activities. But the group I was with made efforts to stay out of the way of the general public, compared to the idiots today performing “sideshows” in the middle of busy intersections. Nowadays it seems the goal of those people is to be as disruptive as possible. Fuck those people. 

    1. You nail one of the big differences – old school street racing was often about the racing, the activity, itself. What’s going on now is primarily about the attention; the cars are just the, well, vehicle to get it.

      Just like how the outlaw biker gangs aren’t primarily into the motorcycles. The bikes are really just a way for them to give the middle finger to society, a collective way to create an identifiable opposition group.

      1. This is so much the real point here. These people aren’t in car culture for anything other than making the biggest splash in social media and Internet attention-grabbing. They aren’t cool, they’re just big wankers.

        I really don’t have a problem with a bit of automotive hooliganism where the participants are genuinely into cars, driving skill, and having a bit of fun on the edge but knowing when to tone it down because there are lines that aren’t safe or socially good to cross. These people don’t get it at all.

        Any “cool” factor isn’t earned by excessive showboating. I may or may not have “schooled” some local boy-racers in the 90s with a car that shouldn’t have been capable of dusting them like I could — but that comes down to knowing the car inside and out, and how to get the most out of its potential. That may or may not have earned me a certain “cool” factor with a certain segment at the time. But the point is that none of it was done in any flashy, attention-getting way. Street cred is earned, not made by making an outsized scene.

        How hard is it for people to understand the basic rule, “Don’t Be a D*ck”?

  7. So crazy about Hellcat dude, I’ve heard an insanely loud car driving past where I live in Seattle random nights this past year, gotta be him. Hope they knab him and confiscate his car and suspend his license and make him do roadside community service, he’ll be alright Seattle has decent enough transit these days. That kinda dumb shit makes me embarrassed to be a gear head.

    1. He’ll look real good wrapped around a pole, won’t he? If nobody else gets him first, he will eventually get himself, hopefully involving no one else…

  8. So crazy about Hellcat dude, I’ve heard an insanely loud car driving past where I live in Seattle random nights this past year, gotta be him. Hope they knab him and confiscate his car and suspend his license and make him do roadside community service, he’ll be alright Seattle has decent enough transit these days. That kinda dumb shit makes me embarrassed to be a gear head.

    1. He’ll look real good wrapped around a pole, won’t he? If nobody else gets him first, he will eventually get himself, hopefully involving no one else…

  9. Except “Rolling Coal” isn’t part of car culture At All.

    Firstly – Those aren’t cars.
    They’re not really making a statement about how capable, fast or fun their mini-Semis are – because their modifications actually take away from their speed, capability and utility.

    They’re making a political statement that’s Pro-Big Oil/Foreign War/OrangeTubeTan Faux-Billionaire/Authoritarian/Racism – and Anti-Liberal/Environment/Immigrant/LGBT/Democracy/non-White/non-Xtian.

    They’re also making the statement “My small penis does not define who I am because I have a big truck.”

    Rolling Coal is just a facet of MAGA/Douchebag/Toxic Masculinity culture.

    1. I don’t defend rolling coal, but your blanket statements about truck owners, your perception of their politics, and tired genitalia jokes are all part of the problem as well.

      1. Show me just one guy Rolling Coal in a jacked up/Carolina Squat SuperDuty who has a Biden bumpersticker/sign on his lawn.

        I’ll wait.

        1. I’ve owned HD trucks for the last 15 years and while I don’t have a bumper sticker or yard sign, I voted for Biden and plan to again.

          So again, kindly fuck off with your stereotypes.

          1. Not to be shitty here. But most stereotypes began because they had a factual basis to them. Easy to ID the MAGA Shits, Biden folks, not so much.

            Shit happens.

              1. The operative word is most here. And almost every College level Intro to Sociology or Psychology text will make this same statement.

                A lot of this is also based on what are honest assumptions based on cultural norms.

                It’s a historical thing. And real.

                The offense here is the assumption that they are by nature all a negative thing…Seriously.

                I choose my own path. No offense, but don’t need to be admonished by you.

          2. I believe you overlooked the part about rolling coal, carolina squat, etc.

            I’m guessing you use your HD for it’s actual purpose – not as an antisocial political statement.

            I get the stereotype thing – believe me.

        2. If he had a Biden bumper sticker, he’d be a MAJOR supporter of funding and arming multiple foreign wars, right?

    2. As much as I’d love to jump on this bandwagon with you, I have to push back a bit. Over the twenty years that I’ve known my very good friend, he’s had several F150’s, F250’s, a Raptor and a Bronco. Some have had various levels of minor modifications. He lives in rural Wisconsin and it would be very easy to make some assumptions about him. However, he is a very kind, thoughtful and reserved person. He leans center-right and has never voted for Trump. While we don’t agree on everything, he is a genuinely good individual and I’ve never seen him purposely antagonize someone. His brother….that’s another story.

      Now, I am not saying that all people with large and/or modified trucks are lil’ angels that are just misunderstood. What I am saying is that I try not to jump to conclusions. Do I keep an eye on them while driving my Miata, especially with the top down? Absolutely. But as long as they leave me alone, I’ll leave them alone with the silent understanding that if we met in person, we probably wouldn’t have much to talk about. And that’s ok.

  10. Except “Rolling Coal” isn’t part of car culture At All.

    Firstly – Those aren’t cars.
    They’re not really making a statement about how capable, fast or fun their mini-Semis are – because their modifications actually take away from their speed, capability and utility.

    They’re making a political statement that’s Pro-Big Oil/Foreign War/OrangeTubeTan Faux-Billionaire/Authoritarian/Racism – and Anti-Liberal/Environment/Immigrant/LGBT/Democracy/non-White/non-Xtian.

    They’re also making the statement “My small penis does not define who I am because I have a big truck.”

    Rolling Coal is just a facet of MAGA/Douchebag/Toxic Masculinity culture.

    1. I don’t defend rolling coal, but your blanket statements about truck owners, your perception of their politics, and tired genitalia jokes are all part of the problem as well.

      1. Show me just one guy Rolling Coal in a jacked up/Carolina Squat SuperDuty who has a Biden bumpersticker/sign on his lawn.

        I’ll wait.

        1. I’ve owned HD trucks for the last 15 years and while I don’t have a bumper sticker or yard sign, I voted for Biden and plan to again.

          So again, kindly fuck off with your stereotypes.

          1. Not to be shitty here. But most stereotypes began because they had a factual basis to them. Easy to ID the MAGA Shits, Biden folks, not so much.

            Shit happens.

              1. The operative word is most here. And almost every College level Intro to Sociology or Psychology text will make this same statement.

                A lot of this is also based on what are honest assumptions based on cultural norms.

                It’s a historical thing. And real.

                The offense here is the assumption that they are by nature all a negative thing…Seriously.

                I choose my own path. No offense, but don’t need to be admonished by you.

          2. I believe you overlooked the part about rolling coal, carolina squat, etc.

            I’m guessing you use your HD for it’s actual purpose – not as an antisocial political statement.

            I get the stereotype thing – believe me.

        2. If he had a Biden bumper sticker, he’d be a MAJOR supporter of funding and arming multiple foreign wars, right?

    2. As much as I’d love to jump on this bandwagon with you, I have to push back a bit. Over the twenty years that I’ve known my very good friend, he’s had several F150’s, F250’s, a Raptor and a Bronco. Some have had various levels of minor modifications. He lives in rural Wisconsin and it would be very easy to make some assumptions about him. However, he is a very kind, thoughtful and reserved person. He leans center-right and has never voted for Trump. While we don’t agree on everything, he is a genuinely good individual and I’ve never seen him purposely antagonize someone. His brother….that’s another story.

      Now, I am not saying that all people with large and/or modified trucks are lil’ angels that are just misunderstood. What I am saying is that I try not to jump to conclusions. Do I keep an eye on them while driving my Miata, especially with the top down? Absolutely. But as long as they leave me alone, I’ll leave them alone with the silent understanding that if we met in person, we probably wouldn’t have much to talk about. And that’s ok.

  11. This is why I’m proposing The Hardigree Principle, which states that the louder and flashier your car the harder you need to try to not be a jackass in public.

    I like your principle in principle, but when it comes to the extremely loud exhausts around my house, being extra loud on a residential street, it’s hard to think that annoying people isn’t exactly their point.

    I love cars, but there are a couple around here that if I knew where they parked, I’d set them on fire.

      1. I’ve been told both lemons (and limes,) as well as potatoes tend to be very effective items for this. Always use a broomstick or ram of some sort for stealth.

        At least that’s what a friend may have told me once…

          1. Twas doubtless during that wondrous age best described by Jennifer Lee Pryor when she was confirming rumors about her late husband Richard’s relationship with Marlon Brando.

            It was the 70s! Drugs were still good, especially Quaaludes. If you did enough cocaine, you’d fuck a radiator and send it flowers in the morning.

  12. This is why I’m proposing The Hardigree Principle, which states that the louder and flashier your car the harder you need to try to not be a jackass in public.

    I like your principle in principle, but when it comes to the extremely loud exhausts around my house, being extra loud on a residential street, it’s hard to think that annoying people isn’t exactly their point.

    I love cars, but there are a couple around here that if I knew where they parked, I’d set them on fire.

      1. I’ve been told both lemons (and limes,) as well as potatoes tend to be very effective items for this. Always use a broomstick or ram of some sort for stealth.

        At least that’s what a friend may have told me once…

          1. Twas doubtless during that wondrous age best described by Jennifer Lee Pryor when she was confirming rumors about her late husband Richard’s relationship with Marlon Brando.

            It was the 70s! Drugs were still good, especially Quaaludes. If you did enough cocaine, you’d fuck a radiator and send it flowers in the morning.

  13. If the good folks this website community can help the police track down a hit and run vehicle from grainy security footage, certainly we can devise a fitting way to appropriately chastise the douchebag with the hellcat. Sadly though, this is far from an isolated thing, there are plenty of hoonigans with loud exhausts that love driving at top speed though urban canyons everywhere. And usually past midnight.

    1. Oh, you should hear the antics of the Diplomatic Immunity douchebag scions racing their Ferraris/Lambos/etc down Santa Monica Blvd between Beverly Hills and the 405 between Midnight and 4am…

    2. Cops have probably given up arresting the hooligan, the Soros sponsored DA just releases criminals on OR w/in hours, if not minutes of being booked.

  14. If the good folks this website community can help the police track down a hit and run vehicle from grainy security footage, certainly we can devise a fitting way to appropriately chastise the douchebag with the hellcat. Sadly though, this is far from an isolated thing, there are plenty of hoonigans with loud exhausts that love driving at top speed though urban canyons everywhere. And usually past midnight.

    1. Oh, you should hear the antics of the Diplomatic Immunity douchebag scions racing their Ferraris/Lambos/etc down Santa Monica Blvd between Beverly Hills and the 405 between Midnight and 4am…

    2. Cops have probably given up arresting the hooligan, the Soros sponsored DA just releases criminals on OR w/in hours, if not minutes of being booked.

  15. Recording yourself breaking the law is not only obnoxious but it is also hugely stupid. We appear to be in a period when broadcasting the minutiae of your life to your “followers” is some kind of adrenalin rush, and you have to satisfy them with ever more outrageous stunts.

    I have some quick cars and I have periodically been challenged at traffic lights.
    I generally nod, blip the throttle, and as the challenger ( or Challenger often) disappears away in a tire shredding howl of acceleration I drive away at the speed of a Smart ForTwo.

    Anyway, at least you get to be your own witness against yourself at trial, all on video.

  16. Recording yourself breaking the law is not only obnoxious but it is also hugely stupid. We appear to be in a period when broadcasting the minutiae of your life to your “followers” is some kind of adrenalin rush, and you have to satisfy them with ever more outrageous stunts.

    I have some quick cars and I have periodically been challenged at traffic lights.
    I generally nod, blip the throttle, and as the challenger ( or Challenger often) disappears away in a tire shredding howl of acceleration I drive away at the speed of a Smart ForTwo.

    Anyway, at least you get to be your own witness against yourself at trial, all on video.

  17. It’ll likely be okay, if only b/c of the law of large numbers – there’s enough of almost whatever car you can think of that’s NOT being driven anti-socially so that everyone automatically hates them/their drivers. Thankfully, as otherwise, I’d have a really hard time loving my Mustang so much.

    Conversely, if you ride, you’re well aware that’s not something that’s on your side. Motorcycles are such a tiny proportion of traffic that yeah, the jackasses have mostly ruined everyone’s perceptions of them. Think about how you’re often completely surprised to see a rider calmly doing the speed limit, using their signals, etc.

    Bruce Brown specifically created the epic doc On Any Sunday to try to show people that motorcyclists (in the words of one of many great scenes) are good people. And that was in the ’70s.

  18. It’ll likely be okay, if only b/c of the law of large numbers – there’s enough of almost whatever car you can think of that’s NOT being driven anti-socially so that everyone automatically hates them/their drivers. Thankfully, as otherwise, I’d have a really hard time loving my Mustang so much.

    Conversely, if you ride, you’re well aware that’s not something that’s on your side. Motorcycles are such a tiny proportion of traffic that yeah, the jackasses have mostly ruined everyone’s perceptions of them. Think about how you’re often completely surprised to see a rider calmly doing the speed limit, using their signals, etc.

    Bruce Brown specifically created the epic doc On Any Sunday to try to show people that motorcyclists (in the words of one of many great scenes) are good people. And that was in the ’70s.

  19. I’m not CSI, but looking at 1:20 of that offroad vw bug video, I’m a little suspicious that this wilkey character might just be taking the heat for Doug Demuro.

  20. I’m not CSI, but looking at 1:20 of that offroad vw bug video, I’m a little suspicious that this wilkey character might just be taking the heat for Doug Demuro.

  21. How long have you been waiting to use “polity” in a sentence?

    (slow nod and golf clap either way 🙂 )

  22. Miles Hudson, aka SRT.Miles, aka aka the “Belltown Hellcat”

    Dude is an absolute first-class douche, someone who should be shunned by everyone, car enthusiasts first & foremost.

    1. Since Noise Inspectors reply to calls and don’t go on stakeouts, and those disturbances need to be of a significant duration to qualify as a violation, even knowing where (Belltown/near mom’s place) and when (when decent folk are abed) doesn’t help. Maybe we can Capone his ass and get him for taxes.

        1. I’ve heard this clown driving up and down Madison Ave multiple nights in the past year. Dude’s got video showing him driving over 4 times the legal speed limit, how do they have no legal ability to do something.

          And yeah would love to see some parking lot justice this thing has got to wake the whole building when he pulls into the garage.

        2. Seems like the perfect canidate for the “old banana ithe the tailpipe trick” of course you’d need something larger than a banana for this particular application.

            1. I like the way you think, hypothetically. Get a nice long piece of hose to slip over the tube so you can make sure you get several feet filled but not be visible at the tip.

          1. Do bologna slices damage wraps like they used to damage paint jobs? Would pouring juice from a can of tuna down the vents in his cowl be a nuisance? I’m just curious.

  23. Miles Hudson, aka SRT.Miles, aka aka the “Belltown Hellcat”

    Dude is an absolute first-class douche, someone who should be shunned by everyone, car enthusiasts first & foremost.

    1. Since Noise Inspectors reply to calls and don’t go on stakeouts, and those disturbances need to be of a significant duration to qualify as a violation, even knowing where (Belltown/near mom’s place) and when (when decent folk are abed) doesn’t help. Maybe we can Capone his ass and get him for taxes.

        1. I’ve heard this clown driving up and down Madison Ave multiple nights in the past year. Dude’s got video showing him driving over 4 times the legal speed limit, how do they have no legal ability to do something.

          And yeah would love to see some parking lot justice this thing has got to wake the whole building when he pulls into the garage.

        2. Seems like the perfect canidate for the “old banana ithe the tailpipe trick” of course you’d need something larger than a banana for this particular application.

            1. I like the way you think, hypothetically. Get a nice long piece of hose to slip over the tube so you can make sure you get several feet filled but not be visible at the tip.

          1. Do bologna slices damage wraps like they used to damage paint jobs? Would pouring juice from a can of tuna down the vents in his cowl be a nuisance? I’m just curious.

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