If You’re A Member I Need You To Tell Me If This Is A Crazy Idea Or Not

Autopian Idea

This upcoming November 16th, a Thursday, will be the latest and greatest LA Auto Show. The Autopian, as we did last year, will have a presence in the Amazing Galpin Hall of Customs. This is a press day, and last year we were able to have our members/readers come in after the reveals were done. This year, it sounds like we’ll be able to have members in during the media days. You know, be there for the big reveals.

If you’re a member of this website and are in the LA area (or could get to Los Angeles). Here are my questions.

Would you:

  • Want to come and hang out during press days and go cover the show with us?
  • See all the reveals and get the cool Swag you get for being a journalist?
  • See us record interviews and maybe be interviewed yourself?

Again, no one has ever done this before and probably for good reason, but let’s see if this maybe something we’d do. Here’s a poll:

Let me know.

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47 thoughts on “If You’re A Member I Need You To Tell Me If This Is A Crazy Idea Or Not

  1. Hell yeah, helLA is only 100ish miles/6ish hours depending on traffic from San Diego. To make it interesting, maybe I buy the weirdest shitbox I can find at a border auction, give myself a week to get it running, and then see how far I make it up the 5 before overheating or catching fire.

  2. Went last year. Had the wheelbarrow shrimp, saw the shrimp-sized cars and met the guys (but not Mercedes-damn). Would love to do any of the above but #1 has my eye.

  3. Would I go if I found myself in LA at the same time as the auto show? Absolutely.
    Do I want to head to LA for an auto show? Absolutely not.

    I’ll be visiting our last local cars and coffee event for 2023 that weekend. Whoever is in LA and can hang with The Autopian crew…have fun and enjoy the shrimp!

  4. This is a legitimately cool idea. I would consider flying to LA for this (I have been looking for an excuse to go to LA to visit the Petersen Auto Museum, and this is enough of an excuse for me), although with my schedule I need more than a few weeks notice. Maybe next year?

  5. Stupid east coast and our lack of worthy autoshows. I guess it’s b/c we have a lot trains here or something but damn.

    I do hope the interviews might be autopian on-the-spot in nature…”identify this rocker panel! Here’s a hint, it’s from the 2000s but it’s not domestic.” or “go ahead, set the torque to 80 ft/lbs.”

  6. Well, SOMEONE needs to climb into the frunk full of shrimp.

    (I’ve never done an auto show. I also live far away from all the big ones. This is probably why I’ve never done an auto show. Beat me to it, fellow readers.)

        1. I’m not above sleeping on top of whatever parsh has a roof tent on it for the show…but I do think this should go to someone who hasn’t done any other shrimp-a-paloozas before.

        1. I was about to say—isn’t Spirit the one that would nickle-and-dime me into buying the ‘Lump a seat? I can’t afford that. I’m a Southwest cheapskate.

          (But seriously, someone who’s never done ANY press stuff should do this instead. Go marvel at the sheer amount of schmoozery and grift on display.)

    1. Fancy Kristen would never eat anything out if a wheelbarrow, she would sophisticated take one and pretend to eat but put in a napkin. I mean really have you ever seen the queen, bless her heart, chowing down at an all you can eat buffet? Some thing are just not done.

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