If You’re A Member I Need You To Tell Me If This Is A Crazy Idea Or Not

Autopian Idea

This upcoming November 16th, a Thursday, will be the latest and greatest LA Auto Show. The Autopian, as we did last year, will have a presence in the Amazing Galpin Hall of Customs. This is a press day, and last year we were able to have our members/readers come in after the reveals were done. This year, it sounds like we’ll be able to have members in during the media days. You know, be there for the big reveals.

If you’re a member of this website and are in the LA area (or could get to Los Angeles). Here are my questions.

Would you:

  • Want to come and hang out during press days and go cover the show with us?
  • See all the reveals and get the cool Swag you get for being a journalist?
  • See us record interviews and maybe be interviewed yourself?

Again, no one has ever done this before and probably for good reason, but let’s see if this maybe something we’d do. Here’s a poll:

Let me know.

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47 thoughts on “If You’re A Member I Need You To Tell Me If This Is A Crazy Idea Or Not

  1. I would crawl on my belly in bubble wrap pants with my fly unzipped across a parking lot littered with shattered tail lights, rusted jeep parts, oil crusted motorcycle chains, and used F1 mouthpieces to get a chance to join you haloed automaniacs.

  2. I’d love to go, and my dad even lives out that way, but he won’t be there and my travel plans for November are tough. I would 110% do one for Detroit next year.

  3. How about an “I live in LA and want to do this but have an unmovable previous engagement and sadly I can’t make it” option. Which, unfortunately, has been the case for me for EVERY autopian event in LA

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