It’s Jensen Interceptor Hunting Season, Finally: Cold Start

Cs Jensen1

Shhhh. Just just be quiet for a second, here. Do you see what I see? A majestic Jensen Interceptor just rolled up, probably looking for petroleum deposits in the topsoil to feed on. If we just stay niiiiiiice and quiet here and don’t move, it won’t see us, even though I’m just standing out here in the middle of the lawn. But, you see, the Jensen can’t really see me unless I move. That’s how they work– they’re predators, you see. I just need to stay nice and still, raise this rifle really slowly, and see if I can’t get a shot right into the intake manifold.

Maybe I can get it in the radiator, and then we can chase it down until it overheats, which shouldn’t take too long. This is a beautiful one! The front bumper is going to look so good mounted above the leather sofa in my trophy room!

Hey, if you help me gut it and strip it down after I make the kill, you can take home the back seats! I already have some from last year’s Jensen hunt, but look at these things:

Cs Jensen2

You don’t sit on them, you sit in them! I’ll even let you tell people you made the kill! That’ll be cool, right!

Now shhh, calm down or you’ll scare it off.

39 thoughts on “It’s Jensen Interceptor Hunting Season, Finally: Cold Start

  1. So it looks like the former Prince, (now KING?) is gonna put that thing out of it’s misery. Works for me. I’d buy the seat that Diana sat in though. Sniff, sniff.

  2. “Why are you loitering in front of my estate and taking photographs?”

    “I’m sorry sir, this is just where it stopped. You don’t happen to have a spare Lucas ignition coil do you?”

  3. In college I could have bought a runner for $4100 and I fucking didn’t. But 4 large back then (2010) when I was broke was a lot of quiche.

  4. Wait don’t shoot. It’s just injured. Somebody call Stephen Gossin.
    He can catch it, bring it to his auto rescue and will release it back into the wild after it has been fully rehabilitated.

  5. I always kinda liked these. Big block mopar power, 727 torquflites, probably a mountain of electrical issues but oh well… at least you can get a new water pump at Napa.

    Always thought it was kind of a shame that we never got the AWD version of the Interceptor in the U.S. that was done by FF (also had ABS). But apparently the design only worked for RHD vehicles… which really limited it’s success.

  6. You’d think they’re easy targets, since they play dead so much of the time, but when they’re running, they’re hard to catch. Perhaps they’re the opossums of the automotive world: Falls asleep at home, gets killed on the road?

  7. Just finished up at UCLA and getting ready to leave on Pee Wee’s big adventure. Pulled into the place we named “Cheap Gas” on Santa Monica Blvd. We are filling up, and who pulls into the pump next to us? John DeLorean. He is just finishing up his big fall from grace, cocaine adventures and all. He is pumping gas into a Jensen Interceptor, not a DeLorean, but a Jensen Interceptor. He finishes up before us and takes off in a cloud of blue smoke. I suppose besides being a rust magnet, it burned a lot of oil as well.

  8. FYI – the Interceptor appears to be hiding in a landscaping feature known as a “ha-ha.” Named for the exclamation one utters upon discovering it (or falling into it), the ha-ha is a feature of grand estates where sheep or other grazers were used to keep the lawn manicured. These are essentially sloped ditches with a short retaining wall that helps keep the animals away from the house while giving Lord Fancytrousers the illusion of an unbroken lawn. It is also, apparently, useful at concealing feral Interceptors. And thats… a landscape fact!

    1. The “ha-ha” created evolutionary pressures that led the Jensen Interceptor to evolve into the Jensen FF. While the FF could overcome the “ha-ha”, it appeared too late on the scene to save the breed. Tragically, the petroleum deposits it so desperately needed had already been fed on by lesser beasts.

  9. Yesterday’s Pacer is not well served by being placed in such close temporal proximity to this Interceptor.
    That big bubble of a wraparound fastback window looks soooo much better on the Interceptor than on the Pacer.
    Gorgeous car.

  10. And as Torch steadies his shotgun on the Jensen, a second Jensen emerges through the shrubbery from his side. He looks at it with a mix of terror and respect.

    “Clever girl…”

    1. Jason got run over by a Jensen
      Standing on the fron lawn in NC
      You can say there’s no such thing as Christine,
      But as for me and Autopia, we believe

      He’d inhaled too much lead dust
      And we’d begged him not to go
      But he forgot his trusty chainsaw,
      And he staggered out the door onto the lawn

      When we found him Friday morning,
      At the scene of the attack
      He had oil stains on his forehead
      And incriminating tire marks on his back

  11. Do you really need to call attention to this storied tradition? Last thing we need is attention from People for the Ethical Treatment of Automobiles.

    1. Most of us here are members of PETAuto. Jason’s shotgun and chainsaw shenanigans have gone on long enough. We are coming to the defense of these harmless vehicles. His gun and power tool licenses shall be voided soon.

      1. Come now, other than his clear penchant for supple Interceptor seats he seems to otherwise source responsibly from already deceased specimens. Can you give him a pass just this once?

        Also, you reminded me… my impact gun license expires next month.

  12. Are we sure the tweed-jacketed fellow is hunting it? Maybe he saw frame rot, and is going to put it out of its misery, keeping a stiff upper lip as a single tear rolls down his cheek.

  13. How were you able to draw tags two years in a row? Are you a rich elitist snob with connections? I’ve been trying to get an Interceptor tag for years! I got a CV8 tag one time, but that’s it.

  14. I’m just going to stand here. It’ll rust sufficiently in the few seconds it waits while wondering who’s about that when I kick it in the rockers…the seats will just fall out of the disintegrating carapace. Wash the juices off and install them in your garage. The rest can fertilise the vegetable garden…

  15. It’s early in the day, so perhaps this insanity should be overlooked. Who doesn’t like a nice, clean Jensen Interceptor? Just don’t shoot at it!

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