Jay Leno Seriously Burned After Gasoline Fire In His LA Garage

Jay Leno
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Jay Leno, the former late night host most people know for comedy but we all know for his abundant and generous love of cars, was injured while working on a vehicle in his garage reports TMZ. Details are scarce at this moment, but Leno was reportedly taken to the burn ward at the Grossman Burn Center for a serious injury to his face that occurred when “one of the cars erupted into flames without warning.”

Leno is known for having a great collection of cars in his facility in Los Angeles, which he also uses for his show “Jay Leno’s Garage.” Here’s a clip of him recently driving around with President Joe Biden:


We’ve reached out to friends and colleagues with the show to see if there are any details beyond what TMZ reported, which makes it sound like a serious, though non-life threatening, burn.

Update: “Variety” has a statement from Leno, who confirms that he was burned in a gas fire but is otherwise ok:

 “I got some serious burns from a gasoline fire. I am ok. Just need a week or two to get back on my feet.”

Image: NBC/Leno’s Garage

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