Live From Parked Changli At The Bus Stop: Cold Start

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This is a bit of an experiment: I’m writing this on my phone from inside the Changli at my kid Otto’s bus stop, because I took him to the stop in the Changli, for fun, but then I got a notice that the bus would be late so we’re camped out here, waiting. In the cold. The little EV has become an ersatz cabin. This is our new life.
Img 9257See that switch? It’s for the heater. It’s 31 degrees outside, so let’s test it!

Huh. It’s excellent at producing white noise, less so at generating heat. Img 9258
I wonder if that label actually says WHITE NOISE GENERATOR from the PEOPLES’ WHITE NOISE GENERATION FACTORY or something like that. Because it sure as hell makes no heat!
Seriously, I think the air coming out is colder than the ambient air! How is that possible? Useless!
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Is it coming? I’m deep in the sunk cost fallacy now, because it’s been like an hour! It’d be crazy to drive him now, right?

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