Member Update: Help Us Choose The Look Of The Autopian Television Network — Also Trivia News And ‘Off-Road 101’ Preview

Member Update

Good afternoon, y’all. I was excited to see our membership this week jump to a very Porsche 944 and then a very Volvo 945 in a matter of minutes. Once we hit 1,000 members (or the end of August) we’ll cool it a bit on the membership push and just go back to your more regularly scheduled programming. Honestly, when I was out, we sort of did cool it, but members kept pouring in, which was awesome. Thank you!

I have a lot of updates coming up and I think we’re going to skip Tales from the Slack this week because most of our conversations have been around David’s Zoo/Jeep and he’s already written about it today.  I hope you can read through all these updates at some point this weekend because they can hopefully answer some of your burning questions.

We’re Going To Launch The Autopian Television Network Soon And We Need Your Help


Here’s an interesting thing about the media world: Everyone wants you to do video, and video is hard and expensive. Because we’re associated with Galpin Media we have access to an amazing video team and we’ve been diligently at work shooting videos and creating series we can soon run, though we share the video team so there are some practical limits to how much we can use them.

But where to run these videos? The most obvious solution is YouTube, which is where our videos currently live. I don’t foresee a future where we’re not putting videos on YouTube. Unfortunately, the YouTube ecosystem has become way more competitive, and the amount of money the company gives to creators has been less reliable according to our friends in the space. There’s also the issue of YouTube deciding what our viewers watch next and not us.

Almost all of our car-blog competitors use so-called “white label” players that work kind of like YouTube and allow us to choose, directly or algorithmically, what to show people. Additionally, a lot of these companies allow us to run our own ads or, even better, will just sell the ads for us. This is an ideal solution, except…

These players do a lot of annoying things:

  • Autoplay sound, which is something we want to never do.
  • Become a “sticky player” that pops up on the sidebar and never leaves.
  • Runs two ads, waits 15 seconds, runs two more ads.

The reasoning behind these annoyances are purely practical: You can show people more ads and guarantee nearly 100% view-ability of those ads. Advertisers love it. Publishers love it. I’m pretty sure no readers love it. I had a phone call with a representative for one of these firms who was shocked when I said it wasn’t worth it to us. I’ve seen a contract that basically required using all of these features.

Thankfully, we found a company that offers a high quality and useful one of these players that will allow us to do none of the above. It’ll mean less money for us, likely, but our theory on all of this has been that it’ll all even out because people will choose to watch our videos as opposed to being forced to watch them. And part of the reason we want to have membership is so that we’re not cornered into clouding our page with ads.

My thought with this is that we create a custom player frame and brand ourselves the “Autopian Television Network (ATN).” We’ll have a couple of different player styles: One for when we premiere a new video (that shows you all the videos in that series) and one that lives on all news pages and shows you the videos that most match the content (e.g. an EV piece may have David’s i3 videos on it).

Jason has created a few looks for how these frames might look above, but I’d love to get your feedback on what you’d prefer. Do you like the big/old VCR look? Something way smaller and trimmer? Something with a bit of a car frame? Let us know. The goal is to start testing this in the coming weeks.

[Editor’s Note: So to be clear, we’re going to have a video player in our posts. It will autoplay, but it won’t play sound, it won’t be a “sticky,” it won’t be a popup. It’ll just be like a regular ad we have now, except there will be some motion involved. We’d obviously going to listen to your feedback; we want to bring in revenue to become sustainable, but we also want this place to be awesome for users. So maybe give it a try for a bit, and hopefully it’s no real detriment and we can all focus on Jason’s taillight-sushi content and not the little ads between paragraphs. -DT]. 

Off-Road 101 Classes Are Coming

Off Road 101
Have you ever wanted to learn how to off road? Are you an experienced off-roader who wants a refresher? It looks like we’ll be teaming up with the people who run Detroit 4 Fest to offer an Off-Road 101 Class.

The classes should occur between September 8th and September 10th at Holly Oaks ORV Park in Holly, Michigan. There’s a chance you’ll get to meet an Autopian writer or two, and our goal is to offer both a significant discount to members as well as a special sticker for participating.

We still have some details to finalize before this is officially official, but if you’re anywhere near Michigan (or up for an adventure) put this in your calendar and save the date.

Trivia Is Coming!

During Peak Pandemic, then-Jalopnik-writers Jason Torchinksy and David Tracy realized that people were sad and bored, so we hosted car-trivia nights for a group of usually around 65 readers. The Trivia Nights quickly became prolific, with ridiculously hard questions that readers — working in teams on Zoom — often somehow managed to squeeze from their vast, car knowledge-filled brains. Now, for Autopian Velour and Rich Corinthian Leather-members only, Torch and will host our second members-only trivia night. Here are the details:
  • Who?: Autopian Velour and Rich Corinthian Leather members
  • What?: Autopian Trivia
  • When?: August 11, 2023. 5:30 P.M. Pacific, 8:30 P.M. ET. Expect it to last a couple of hours. Bring a drink!
  • Where?: Zoom. We’ll send the link!
  • Why?: Because it’s fun!
  • How (will we get the answers right)?: Only the car-gods can help you. It will be tough!

Merch Update

Thank you to everyone who signed up during the summer membership drive and apologies that we haven’t yet shipped shirts/badges to everyone. Our partner, Syd, has helped us make some awesome membership merch but it’s been harder for her to keep up with all the orders. In the interim, we’re going to in-source membership fulfillment so we can make sure we catch up and speed up the process. If you signed up prior to the summer drive and haven’t gotten your gear please let us know by emailing Everyone else please sit tight as we plan to start shipping next week.

Changing Your Display Name On The Autopian Is Now Easier!

If you ever wanted to change your display name in WordPress it was a kind of annoying process wherein you had to email Matt directly. The good news is: If you update your First Name/Last Name in Memberful it’ll now automatically update on the site.

If you have any other tech issues email matt at and he can help.

Don’t Forget About The Discord

Do you use Discord? Join about 300 of your closest Autopian friends to continue the conversation on our very lively Discord server.

That’s all folks, thank you!

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54 thoughts on “Member Update: Help Us Choose The Look Of The Autopian Television Network — Also Trivia News And ‘Off-Road 101’ Preview

  1. So the videos are content, not ads? Will I only see the embedded ads if I watch the video? I was kinda thinking that paying a Netflix level subscription / membership would innoculate members from the crudity of the modern Internet economy but here we are. Obviously 1000 members can’t fund the site but they should probably get a premium experience on the site to which we cared enough to voluntarily contribute.

  2. The themed frame looks really spiffy, but the minimal frame would probably work better for a variety of browsers and devices. Also, I really like the idea of Off-Road Classes.

  3. If the video frames were selectable, I’d probably choose the VCR, just because it’s fun. But for a one-solution for all, the minimal frame is the way to go. Infinitesimally smaller bandwidth draw due to smaller graphic size, too. I’d also like video captions. And I’m spending more time on my mobile, so compatibility testing is important. I don’t have unlimited mobile data, so auto-play is sortofa drag, but I get that’s how the ‘Net is.

  4. Less border so larger content. Fyi an larger text for senior members good idea. Rotate the videos go 1st with least seen as keep getting same video boring. Allow jump button to skip to next video. If possible remove already seen videos.

  5. The VCR themed player is cool and all but might get old after a bit. I think the Themed frame is probably the most professional looking but there weren’t any renders for how they’ll look on mobile. I’d probably lean more towards the Minimal themed option for mobile.

  6. Themed is OK. Minimal is best. BTW, I love, love, love your priorities here and fully respect your choice to go the “less money” route. It may not end up being that way, of course, as I’m sure you know. My wife makes her living with a blog and works with a highly regarded ad management company. She let them make the call on ads initially, but after a few months, she didn’t like the way it cluttered up her website. She deliberately scaled way back on the ads and her traffic went up enough that she ended up making the same amount of money and is sure she has happier readers now.

    1. That’s awesome! And also our theory. Our main ad partner was like: Here are the amount of ads you should put on the page and the amount of money you should expect to make. We cut the ads in half and made twice as much money as predicted.

    2. Gosh, this is good to hear after YEARS of screaming about intrusive ads being a turn-off to everywhere (…and relaying feedback from unhappy readers about ads getting in the way of actually reading whatever site I was working for).

  7. I like minimal, but I’m also pretty unlikely to watch videos if I can avoid it. Please be sure you have subtitles/closed captioning. If I’m watching with sound off, just not correctly processing what I’m hearing, or having trouble making out what’s being said, they’re a massive help, not to mention the obvious utility for any folks with hearing-related difficulties or disabilities.

    1. This is a good note! We’ve been doing captions on our Instagram videos and YT offers auto-captioning. I’m not sure what our best option is here, but there are definitely services (like

      1. It takes some time, but you can have YouTube do auto-captions, which you correct, and then download the caption file, which hopefully your own video player will then be able to take.

        That’s how I got the caption file for my movie on Prime Video, so hopefully it works for you!

  8. I’ve now emailed you twice (once to Matt, once to Tips) to ask how I can access the comments dashboard and got no reply. I missed the announcement for how to access that. And I just now noticed my full name is being displayed instead of my internet handle as you mentioned. I would love to change that but I have no bleeding idea what Memberful is or how to access it. Can you help a dumb-dumb out?

        1. For anyone else interested: We had a fix for comment notifications and then had to launch our GDPR compliance plugin so we could legally be a website in Europe which, hilariously, blocks the comments notification widget on the FP and is making some video issues pop up for people. We’re in the process of figuring out how to tweak it.

          The positive side of using WP with a bunch of plugins is that the website is fast and extremely reliable (our up time is nearly 100%). The downside is that each new plugin ads a little more complexity and requires a lot of testing.

  9. I like the minimal look, but if you need space for static ads outside the frame to help revenue, I get that.

    Thank you for resisting autoplay ads. My browser is muted by default because of those types of ads.

    Sorry to have to miss the trivia this time around. I’ll be on vacation. It was a ton of fun last time.

    1. In newspapers for over 20 years. The smart advertisers paying by the click got smart and realized force feeding ads was paying to piss future customers off. An idea require viewing an ad after a time of content but give a selection of ads so people can pick their needs as they pick their noses?

  10. “I’m pretty sure no readers love it.” You would be correct! Autoplay, sticky frames and ads can all rot in hell. I also hate the videos that just stop playing once you click a different tab or scroll down. If I want the video to shut up, I would click the button. Just do what I tell you in your own stupid frame and nothing else! I have other crap to do and sometimes just want the audio!

    Anyway, my vote is for the minimal frame. The magenta is a little eye-searing and distracting, and I want my eyes to rest and focus on the video.

    1. Hmm… I’m not sure. We have a two-month test period with them where we can tweak settings. I’m not sure if that’s a feature or not.

  11. Not a big fan of auto-play video – it still forces more bits to download, and for some people, say on phones or with data caps, to burn data they might not want to. And what if you have multiple videos on a page like you do today? Will they ALL be playing/downloading?

    Auto-play audio would be a killer, so thanks at least for that.

    1. Good questions:

      • I asked about the multiple video thing. This will allow us to playlist something as opposed to putting multiple video units on a page, which is what we currently do. Ideally, this will lower the page load, and also the company we use has an extremely light player.
      • That being said, if it sucks and slows down the page we’ll just stop doing it.
  12. My heart wants the TV surround with the VCR but my brain says that minimal would look better in an article.

    Things might be different if that TV was more of the console variety and the VCR was a big ol silver early 80s one. Bonus points if the screen on the VCR was animated and constantly flashed 12:00

  13. I appreciate that Torch was going for a Mk1 Golf look in the “themed” frame, but when it comes to elements like this, less is more. But I think you need some kind of framed element, which is real estate that can be turned into ad space. So I’d go with the minimal frame. Appreciate the effort to solicit feedback!

  14. Have you reached out to MavTV that streams on Roku? I know after Stacey David quit and started his own show on YT, he’s now on MavTV.

  15. I’d go for the minimal design since it’s going to be inline. The screen space lost to ads, particularly on mobile, is already plenty.

    And thanks for not doing autoplay audio! That would be a killer non-feature for me.

    1. I would say autoplay in any context would turn readers off. I’d rather not have it at all so people stick around long enough to join, y’know?

      1. I hear you. We’re trying to find the lightest version of it possible. I’d love to show you an example from some of our competitors, but they have a lot of the options we don’t want turned on, unfortunately.

  16. Thank you very much for refusing to auto-play audio!!!!

    Minimal maybe with “autopian” in the top left corner and logo in the bottom right.

  17. If this player is going to be directly in your articles, there’s no need for any themed elements. The minimal frame looks best. Maybe give it some taillights.

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