Pagodas Are Lovely, So What’s This Dude’s Problem?: Cold Start

Cs Pagoda1

I was thinking, as one does, about how achingly lovely the old Mercedes-Benz W113 “Pagodas” were, and thought that I’d like to have one for today’s Cold Start. So I started looking through brochure for these, and that’s where I saw the image above. The car looks lovely, sure, but what the hell is going on there? The driver of that car looks like he’s making some sort of scene, where he just stopped his 280 SL in what appears to be a sidewalk, and got out to scream at everyone about who the hell knows what. Whatever it is, it can’t be good. Look at that dude’s face! He’s pissed about something. People are either stopped to stare at him or are just trying to ignore him as they walk by. This is the picture they picked for the cover of their brochure?

He looks loud, too.

Cs Pagoda2

It’s a shame, because the Pagodas were just strikingly and simply lovely, in an undeniable way. They have a simplicity about them and a set of proportions that just makes me stop what I’m doing and, I don’t know, want to just drink it it, slowly and carefully. The thin pillars, the ratio of wheel size to body, the subtle creases, that tiny front overhang, it’s all just so damn good. Plus, body-colored wheel covers just get me.

Cs Pagoda Lights

I’d think maybe the angry guy was ranting about how the W113 got one of the most severe downgrades when it came to American-spec lights, but that can’t be it, because his car has the fantastic Euro-market single-unit headlights, those amazing crystalline bubbles that incorporated headlamp, sidelamp, and indicator in that one, elegant unit. In America we just got a sealed beam over a big indicator, with the gaps filled in with clear plastic. It wasn’t bad, until you saw what it replaced. Then it was terrible.

Relax, dude, you have the good lights! Jeez.

40 thoughts on “Pagodas Are Lovely, So What’s This Dude’s Problem?: Cold Start

  1. I suggest that this guy is Karl Kling. Mercedes race driver and at that time (1963) sport chef of Mercedes. Because of LeMans 1955 sadly no more formula, only sport and touring car races. S-PM 837 (in reality it was not red) was at the Nürburgring for a long distance test and KK obviously took part at that. Maybe he’s looking so grumpy since there’s no one to take of his coat? And here is a link to a little movie, he’s getting in the car around 01:26

  2. Looks very much like the.proving grounds in Untertuerkheim (Einfahrbahn). Fun facts about Pagodae

    • The indentation was argued gave you better outside views (however the same could have been achieved with a flat and same height roof)
    • Only with the soft top could the magical 200 km/h speed reached
  3. I’ve got a ’67 230SL sitting about 30 feet from me right now. It’s an amazing little car that’s been owned by three generations of our family, and I’ve spent many MANY hours under the hood.

    If you have the budget to get out to the Pacific Northwest, and want to go for a ride…

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