Pepsi Is Clearly The Solution To All Of Your Car’s Woes: COTD


Prior to this week, if you asked me if a bottle of Pepsi could serve as coolant, I would have put my hand on your forehead to make sure you’re not suffering from a fever. Yet, thanks to the madlads of Garbage Time, I now know that you can use Pepsi as coolant in a car, at least for a short time. But what else can you use Pepsi for?

Well, Lewin is on a roll, writing articles about seemingly insane things that you could do to your car that somehow work, like pouring water into your engine to remove carbon build-up. Naturally, there’s only one question, from Drew:

But how does Pepsi work for this?

The answer from A. Barth wins one of my favorite COTD nominations in recent memory:

It’s pretty sweet, but you have to use flat Pepsi.

You’re trying to clean the carbon out of the engine, right? But Pepsi is carbonated, so if you just poured it in you would actually be ADDING carbon to the combustion chambers and that’s no bueno. Be sure to shake the soda a lot first so you can get all of that carbonation out of there.

Bravo, bravo. I can’t stop laughing and I thank you for it!

Dead Audi Ts

Today, Thomas wrote about how another coupe has been sent to live on a farm upstate. It’s always sad to lose coupes, convertibles, and sedans, but the crossover is still on a path of world domination. It’s wild to think that a lot of folks out there are celebrating independence, but aren’t doing it by buying small cars, as V10omous notes:

People having fewer kids than ever but also buying fewer coupes and convertibles than ever is one of those trends that I wouldn’t have predicted.

Why do so many DINK couples need to *both* drive compact luxury CUVs?

Look, I’m trying! Most of my vehicles are motorcycles, wagons, and coupes! Though, I suppose the bus does offset things a little. Speaking of dying car classes, Nissan might be killing off three of its sedans, but it can redeem itself, from Abdominal Snoman:

I so hope they make a special edition of the Altima EV with a massive 200KW battery and call it the “Big Altima Energy Edition.” Bonus points if one of the rims is a spare.

Have a great evening, everyone!

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