Sign Up For The Autopian Newsletter And Make Your Inbox 37.3% Weirder

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We’ve got some exciting news for you: Jason has been hard at work on his Chumby and we now have a newsletter you can easily subscribe to and read on your email-reading devices. You’ll get our best stories of the week as well as deep-dive analysis into what’s going on in the industry. What are you waiting for? Sign up now.

If you already signed up for our newsletter via Substack, don’t worry, we’ll still be sending you emails, just via Mailchimp. If you’re a non-member, active commenter you may have also gotten an email, which means you don’t need to do anything.

Here’s what you get when you sign up:

WEDNESDAY – TSB (Technically Superior Blog)

Tsb Header

The TSB will include what we think is the biggest (or most interesting) news of the week with extra analysis courtesy of our own staff. Our dear friend Patrick George will be helming the email to start and it’s always worth hearing what he has to say about the automotive industry.

FRIDAY – RECALL NOTICE (Blogs of the Week)

Recall Header

Presenting the only recall notice you’ll be excited to get! Can’t read every Autopian story the second they come out? Don’t worry, we’ll let you know what’s going on to end every week. It’s like TGIF with slightly less Bronson Pinchot.

Also, if you become a member, you’ll also get a bonus Member’s Only email on Mondays with updates, nonsense, ephemera.

What are you waiting for? Sign up here.

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24 thoughts on “Sign Up For The Autopian Newsletter And Make Your Inbox 37.3% Weirder

  1. Hey, i’m part of the people that hates newsletters, i just don’t see the point of redundant emails since i check the site everyday anyway + unnecessary emails = pollution + twice a week, wtffffff ??
    I’ve clicked unsubscribe since i didn’t want to receive it, and i keep receiving them…

  2. I’m sure a newsletter is great for some people, but if I ever see a pop-up asking me to subscribe to it, I’m going to fill a manual ZJ with air-cooled Volkswagen tail lights and set it on fire

  3. I’m not understanding the value of the newsletter that was sent today. It’s just a listing of previous blog postings. I already see those on the web site. What advantage is the redundant e-mail?

    Also on the merch front. I got the T-shirt but haven’t received the grill badge. Have those shipped?

    1. Can you shoot me an email ( That shouldn’t have happened. The Wednesday newsletter brings extra analysis, the Friday one shows you what you maybe missed.

    1. That’s what I was thinking. This feels like the scene from Crocodile Dundee where the guy tries to mug him with a knife. They think they are bringing the weird, but they don’t realize the level of weird that WE can bring.

  4. I had one of those Chumby devices (actually, I still do even though it’s functionally useless — just because I am too enamored with its design to throw it out)! It was a great little “internet appliance”. Now that I think about it, it’s essentially the Amazon Echo Show’s older cuter cousin.

  5. My inbox is already pretty weird, so the Autopian really only makes it like 12.3% weirder, at least until Jason’s cephalopod at the keyboard experiment gets going.

    1. (I know he only mentioned an octopus, but imagine how fast a Nautilus could type with its 90 appendages. Might need to get a specialized keyboard to take advantage.)

    1. Nah, that’s an original ImageWriter, which was only 9-pin and not nearly as popular as the ImageWriter II. Definitely weird.

      But if you really want weird, it should be an ImageWriter LQ, which had 27 pins. Because 27 is so much higher quality than a mere 24, right?

  6. I replied to the shipping notice for my Velour merch, but haven’t seen a response- my stuff has been “pending acceptance” in Vermont for over two weeks, for some reason…

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